Your invitation to Being……
In an ongoing online community that serves the highest potential of your humanity
A profound enquiry into the simplicity and naturalness of What Is
Receive support from one who has traversed the territory, with devotion, from the personal, to awake living, to the freedom beyond …. and from committed fellow travellers
Surrender beyond resistance, stories & concepts … to embody the limitless potency, love & space you are.
See through the illusion of self, & align everything in life with that
The quickest way for you to wake up to wholeness & embody realisation
Life shows you exactly where you are limiting truth. It always, whether you are conscious of it or not, hurts to refuse truth. The challenge is seeing how you hide from it. This enquiry & exploration in authentic community, satsang, is the rocket fuel for freedom. Go deep, then light, with Joy Hicklin-Bailey. Joy’s gatherings are radical, this energetic transmission invites you directly to the root, to essential nature-the core beyond story, thought & feeling, over & over again. All problems & patterns dissolve then.
It’s easy to get lost… in your everyday demands & challenges but a life well lived is one of self-honesty, clear seeing and the heart’s transmutation of suffering into silent stillness. If you know this & yet have found out that your good intentions, solo practice & trying are not enough, then the Online Circles, Awakening to the Extraordinary Ordinary, is for you.
Energetic transmission… the illusory ‘you’ dissolves…welcome everything, reject nothing, give up fight, and surrender to the openness of the heart. Be fully human, fully natural.
Living true is always a risk. It brings the loss, the falling away, of what isn’t truly real, what doesn’t bear intelligent scrutiny. Problems & conditioned patterns take hold in the fear-based, illusory separate self but in openness it is clear that through its challenges, and its joys, life is always initiating us into largeness. Discover how to co-operate with this evolutionary opportunity. You will open where you have been stuck or fearful and, in embracing the one solution, (there is only one), find a joy that doesn’t depend on anything outside of you, yet magnetises what is right for you.
Avoid mistakes and blindspots that can sabotage… your living awake and alive & which most men & women almost inevitably give in to. Listening to life with Joy’s expert guidance & safe holding allows you to move beyond limited separate self into beingness. This is a dying to the ‘you’ you think you are and true re-birth into awakeness. Just one glimpse of awakeness seeds the unravelling that revolutionises everything. Freshness, clarity, love & greater freedom in being grows.
Would you like your life… whatever your lifestyle, to be one of consciousness, tenderness, joy, beauty & freedom?
Are you willing to move towards loving tenderness… with what hurts? Can you bear what seems unbearable? This surrender brings the grace that cannot be spoken of. Silence becomes the heartsong.
Do you choose the healing power of truth… openness, depth & presence, even in fear, brokenness & disappointment? These exclusive Online Circles are for you! Join us and even the deepest issues can dissolve without any need to share your story.
Boundlessness is, always, anyway. This enquiry catalyses the natural evolutionary unfolding into wholeness, the potential for which is built into your physical & energetic body. Its ultimate expression is awakeness – the dissolution of all opposites into beingness, unity consciousness. To whatever degree it is realised, you will more deeply embody the wholeness, the Love that is, at the core of all existence.
The Awakeness Circle is my monthly anchor. Whatever is going on in my ‘world’ the sessions have a rebalancing effect on my whole being. I love the kinship of people in the group which creates a beautiful holding. They also leave me feeling a tremendous gratitude for this gift of life. I find the whole experience quite magical. Thank you so much Joy ~ Kim Rossi, Notts
After 25 years of searching, I had given up thinking this taste of truth was possible. Even though aspects of my story go on, it makes me laugh now! ~ Suzanne Bond, Bristol
The gains of enquiring with you regularly are manifold. Many are in the material circumstances of my life in that despite the upheavals of life over the last year I am now so blessed in every area – my relationship, my work, my health. It is inside where I feel my gains really matter. I am aware of sustained periods of ‘no mind’ these days, and feel in touch with natural joy & peace, which is not dependent on what’s happening out there ~ Caroline, Cambridge
Just watched this month’s Awakeness Video. Oh… It is what I have been longing for. It has cracked me open. Immediately I felt I was sitting in the presence of Love. I found myself sobbing the whole way through. It was such a relief to let go like that, to take in the love, the tenderness, the holding that was there, the truth.
Me has been in such a difficult place recently. I realise it’s almost unbearable for me to allow love in my life. Me seems to be choosing suffering more than ever, and I have been feeling so stuck there. There are moments of silence in the video, and it’s as though Joy is making eye contact directly with this Rachel, as though she’s seeing deeply into this me. And yet, there’s a sense of no separation, of everything being seen all at once. This me dissolving and a glimpse of no time and space as, apparently, Joy looks at Rachel ~ Rachel IF, Minchinhampton
You have been a beacon and anchor in my life for the last 12 years. How I am day to day is informed by my work with you. I just want to say how much I value these circles and also individual work with you~ Carole Clements, Bradford-on-Avon
A sacred space that is rarely, if ever, offered elsewhere. Loved the wholeness a depth, that is rarely possible in the usual course of living ~ Graham V., Bath
amazing how you present the most esoteric simply & in a grounded way ~ John Hitchin, Chichester
Real, simple, natural enquiry. Regular Online gatherings in committed community, bring you world-class, leading edge, intimate online exploration in living truth. This is interactive, not informational.
Enjoy intimate conversation about living awake and your aligning humanity with that. It is safe space to bring your deepest questions.
You can ask Joy & others anything, and work 1:1 with Joy if desired. Your subscription brings other benefits which sustain your focus, too.
Your fusion of authentic, nourishing community, depth, & celebration of Life, as it Is.
You get the energetic transmission, support, high quality reflection, inspiration & deep explorations in committed community, to wake up to What Is.
A dismantling of false veils of trance, apparent separation & old myths that fall away as Direct Seeing arises. Life becomes a natural unfolding & unhelpful ideology about how it should be falls away.
Life’s simple, ordinary, extraordinariness reveals itself.
Presence is realised more deeply and past conditioning is transmuted into simple naturalness.
A consistent capacity to embrace everything in your being & all the stories in your life, & rest as surrendered joy, grows.
If you are called to real transformation of your every day life & you want to go ‘further’ than most can ever lead you, if you’re wondering whether to grab this rare, unique opportunity, see if this resonates….
You wish to deepen presence even amidst challenges.
Your life is already great, yet you sense there is more aliveness and awakeness for you.
You are seeing through the limitations of a mind-based ‘reality’. You have glimpses but then hold back.
You are a seasoned seeker who is ready to find, or new to awakening work and want the real deal
It feels true, whilst I have moments of mind doubt & skepticism, this seems to contain the devastating and liberating ‘truth’ which I like to hear, feel, ponder. For a while I had a huge sense of perspective and a simple joy in life, in everyday ordinary and extraordinary things. Joy has a unique combination of clarity, a lightness of touch, a lightness about life with a tremendous strength about challenging people when it is necessary. As well as imparting what feel like ‘universal truths’ she is ordinary, vulnerable & fun loving. Joy has an extraordinary capacity for love. Hettie P., Stroud
Thank you both so much for that which is priceless, absolutely priceless Gold! ~Ashley Roberts, nr Bristol.
such an unravelling of everything…..Everywhere that I’ve been, everything that I’ve done and lived, everything that I’ve ever been … all dropping away and I really had to wonder what will be left, if anything, of me? Of who I am ? ….I am journeying back to places where I have left pieces of myself, pieces of my heart and welcoming them back to myself… integrating.
I love this paradox. It is musical…..It makes my life more of music and poetry and less of logic and ‘to do lists’.
Joy, you are always with me these days – that particular essence that is Joy making it so natural then to be humble, to know nothing, to listen and learn, to not defend, to let it unravel without understanding, without having to be at the helm all the time. ~ Surahbhi McMellahn
Joy’s words hit that fine sharp chord of truth, yet are full of love – a bit like a thousand butterfly wings beating upon you all at the same time. You think it’s going to hurt, but it doesn’t. I love that about Joy! 🙂 I participate with Joy for my own unravelling, rebuilding & development, & because I want to make a difference outside of me, in the world ~ Dawn Rising, Chichester
I felt as if an old veneer had fallen away from me after our get together….. a sweet surrender right now ~ Kim Rossi , Notts
So, I am very pleased to be in this wonderful group…a fine collection of men and women, and tackling a subject which is really potent! ~ Philip Batchelor, Stroud
Join us for your profound, natural journey of waking up from separation
…What will you experience?
Online ongoing circles of 90 minutes each gives you the holding, accountability & commitment in confidential space, so that deeply realised insights, openings to all aspects of your being, & of life become possible. Profound healing, transformation, & integrated awakenings happen.
Your waking up is dramatically accelerated when beingness is repeatedly activated by being with one who has realised liberation. Expanded consciousness can stabilise so you remain open & free always – even in the midst of unpleasant or challenging circumstances & in a world of increasing heartbreak & polarity.
What if your own awakening is the gift of every struggle you ever thought you had in life? Though it’s undeniable that to the separate, conditioned self, suffering & longing appear very real. Until they don’t.
There will be transformative transmissions in each meeting. These transmissions of the awakeness ‘you’ are already catalyse the priming of mental, emotional & physical awakening. They are gateways to freedom, intimacy & naturalness. And often, empowered action.
The ‘ordinary’ is revealed as exquisitely extraordinary. The ‘extraordinary’ is the most ordinary. Being is exquisite.
There will be being in silence, explorations in awakening practice, time to ask questions, spontaneous happenings, and some 1 to 1 time, if desired.
This is leading edge evolutionary work for awakened man & woman. The ‘approach’ is dynamic & responsive, determined according to the energy of the moment. Compassionate holding & world-class facilitation bring revelation of sabotaging patterns & trances, & deep opening in love to all aspects of your own being, & to others. You can, if committed, discover the limitless potential you are. Creative possibilities, powerful intentionality & actions for ‘your’ life, aligned with life’s intelligence, can emerge naturally. If you miss a meeting, you can watch the recording we send to you via email.
Sharing in authentic community – The Power of Circles
You will be able to share verbally in pairs & as a whole circle, to explore, mark & acknowledge, so that there is a deep acceptance & love for being. The willingness to embrace what is, now, grows.
Every circumstance, every feeling, the natural rhythms of expansion & contraction, in life, invites you deeper, more alive. It is only when your whole being surrenders to sensation-al life, that the intimacy of not knowing – the presence of absence – arises & ‘you’ can fully receive the deep mysteries of waking up to What Is beyond self. Revelation of the boundless intelligence of Life itself, the jewel of being, may occur.
Open sharing in our large circle opens your heart to the vulnerable humanity of self & others, and shows you what is in the way of that heart opening, catalysing a healing into deepening trust, confidence & sensitivity. The mystery of mirrors & the alchemical energetics of Presence bring opportunity for undreamed of breakthrough that simply isn’t possible in any other situation.
Men’s and Women’s Circles
Men and women, you will spend some precious time separately with your own gender circle, sharing, & exploring gender-specific themes best explored in this safe space, which is so affirming of your manhood or your womanhood.
These focused circles are highly recommended for couples if you choose to participate together & are committed to relating in love, from an awakened perspective, rather than fear and defence. Re-kindle trust, intimacy and shared aliveness. Melt into stillness. Beyond ‘you’ and ‘me’.
Definitely more please!!! It’s SO precious to me having a monthly gathering with people who love This. I loved last night. xx
I felt as if an old veneer had fallen away from me after our get together. I feel a sweet surrender right now ~ Kim Rossi
Unconditional love in its highest expression, I never saw anything like it in my entire life…. This is too good to keep it secret. This work takes me completely out of my comfort zone. I embrace the fear & find my courage to continue…..more patience & understanding …I’m not trying to control (my husband) & that’s very impressive for me…I’m proud of myself! Joy has an incredible capacity to communicate, ask the right question or make the right suggestion to unravel what has been hidden. I accept myself more & feel empowered. My relationship with my husband has improved tremendously, as has that with my daughter. I feel happier & more fulfilled. The changes are sustainable. They last ~ Susana Jimenez Montalvo, Leicestershire
truly brilliant, almost too mindbogglingly simple to be believed! the best work I have come across. And Joy is the best communicator ever! …Clearly I can’t stop now…. living my life with that sort of sparkle and pleasure is something I did not imagine was possible… was beginning to doubt. And then this ~ Philip Batchelor, Stroud
a huge thank you again .. beautiful.. so much learning. .. I feel blessed & empowered ~ Sabina Rademacher, Embercombe, now Portugal
Extraordinary facilitation and the innate intelligence of this potent work .. will help you release trauma, receive the gold buried in your shadow and celebrate you, just as you are. . If you are in any way attracted to this, just do it ~ Jemma Brett, Scotland
Dear friend,
I’m honoured you’re considering joining me for the Online Awakeness Is Circles. If that which cannot be spoken of, beyond the confusion of your conceptual mind, if diving deep into being, is something you value highly & wish to give some time and energy to, I invite you to take your place in these very special Online Awakeness Is Circles for a profound & tender shared journey. As the world falls apart, take Life’s invitation to open wider and deeper, and find the freshness.
When I first began my own awakening ‘journey’, I was just 7 years old. I never could have imagined where that & many more magnificent explosions into wonder would take me. In the final waking up phase of this story, I had the extraordinary privilege of receiving from two free beings & being apprenticed for 10 years to one of them until he left his body having asked me to continue his work. Pioneering work in the realm of consciousness & ancient wisdoms, to support the deepening of awakened, everyday life for all the men and women I meet, while transmitting unconditional wholeness, has been a passion ever since. Sharing this Secret Garden, which is radical because it points direct to the root, to essence-ial nature – the core beyond story, thought & feeling, with anyone who is called to receive it – is an endless gift.
Some will not take this opportunity – these online explorations are counter to every assumption of mainstream culture & the status quo of the mind – & will miss the joy, love & freedom beyond the personal that Is…Such is life! Yet it is clear; the evolutionary imperative for waking up out of the self-absorbed shell of the personality has never been so urgent; it is no longer a work for the few who leave the world to live in a monastery in the company of a spiritual master.
Sustainability on this planet must first arise from the individual’s surrender of self-ishness & re-learning of what is natural. For most, the re-activation of awakeness needs to occur repeatedly over several years, likely decades, to achieve stabilisation. Once fear & resistance are put aside, it becomes the ONE thing above all others in Life, yet sustains all other true things in a life. This is the only sure foundation for each life, and then cultural paradigms, to change enough to make a real difference.
Since I began sharing these realisations with fellow lovers of truth & Life, I have been humbled & inspired to encounter generous human beings, so deeply dedicated to their own awakening.
These Online Awakeness Is Circles are offered to you in case you have the courage, the inspiration, the love & care to be able to let go of your personality preferences and open to being, the vast nothing & everything. There can be a subtle & refined embodiment of essence, through which we humans are lived as the extraordinariness of the ordinary, the vulnerability that is our greatness, the mystery where nothing is known or certain, & yet life is infinitely creative and rich. This is the only trustworthy foundation for conscious relating, & lovemaking, which heals & enlightens your body & being.
As dismantling happens, you can receive the uplifting, deeply nourishing company & awesome power of our community of men and women – yoga instructors, business owners, caregivers, artists, healers, lovers, teachers, writers, mums, dads, explorers of life’s truths – & its gifts of authenticity, deep trust, accountability, presence, intimacy, support & transparency.
The Online Awakeness Is Circles are all – new & cutting edge, so this is highly appropriate for anyone who has attended or is attending live ongoing groups – the core of Secret Garden’s offering – (the depth of awakeness just gets better & deeper) & for those drawn to Secret Garden for the first time. It gives you the easy & consistent access of an Online spine of spiritual community to support your spiralling into awake, embodied being. Awakening work is beautiful, full of healing, love, truth, intimacy & celebration of life. Creating these new Online Awakeness Is Circles, which I have intended for several years!!, has been a tremendous labour of love, & will continue to be throughout its unfolding. I’m excited that I’ll soon be sharing this life-changing work with committed people – I hope, for you, that you choose to be part of it.
It is richly rewarding to be with those where the level of shared trust is so deep that the breakthroughs & openings can be far reaching, and a privilege to see what happens for people on a ground way beyond where they can go with most social & professional contacts, when they are willing to trust the intelligence of the depths, without agenda. Being with those who come to prioritise the integral unity of body & spirit, humanity and What Is beyond that, who love the surrender to love, openness, nature, clarity, belly laughter, deep exploration, silence, stillness, is – simply – joy.
If you decide to join me on these regular Online explorations, I so look forward to sharing this deep and regular immersion with you. Become a member of this Awakening Community & experience the repeated re-activation that you need to live a life of spiralling freedom, joy & illumination
With endless Love,
Joy Hicklin-Bailey
If you join these Online Awakening Circles now, you can – just – catch the introductory offer
How will you Benefit?

Online Awakeness Is Circles are about everything – there is literally no aspect of your conscious & unconscious spiritual, intellectual, emotional or physical life that won’t be affected, since Being underpins all. The gains & benefits below are all possible for you.
- Beingness is every-thing and no-thing….from deeper realisation of this, naturalness becomes possible
- Joy is an awakener. Liberation and being cannot be ‘taught’. A powerful, sustained transmission of freedom is received in these Circles & between meetings, no matter what appears to be happening, so ‘you’ can take your embodied realisation of awakeness to a whole new level
- The contraction & separation of the separate self can lose its tight grip, on a cellular level. The essence of life, the oneness, unconditional love, its wonder & beauty, can be simply ever apparent. An opening to the vastness of being, beyond & in all appearance, can be yours. There is guidance for its gentle integration into ‘your’ every day life
- No Me, No You – Relating as Presence
- See your partner or the ‘other’ with new eyes in every interaction. Know their innocence. Freefall into oneness, beyond male – female polarity
- You let go of making another responsible for your fears, commitment phobia or self-judgements. Victimhood dissolves
- See your limiting patterns, such as withdrawal, self-sacrifice, numbness, rescuing, control clearly – & find creative ways to return to relating with unconditionality. You do not have to be run by your wounding
Unconditional Love
- Awaken to limitless, unconditional Heart consciousness. It has no agenda. No demand
- Wake up to beauty – everyday life becomes ecstatic
- You will move back into your ‘ordinary’ life nourished
Dissolving Limits
- Judgements are replaced by gratitude, pride becomes humility; guilt is transformed into inspiration & possibility; fear becomes excitement; impatience becomes kindly allowing; ugliness or disgust becomes grace, wounds become resources; struggle & depression is a wake up call; longing is replaced by presence; cynicism & cruelty become care; narcissism & punishment dissolve into respect; denial becomes honesty; repression transmutes into power; alienation and loneliness become connection; frustration becomes playfulness; projection becomes compassion; control melts into heart opening
- Shadow energy, fully owned & embraced, is transmuted into harm-less life force
- Understand & integrate the recognisable stages of change that are happening in your own being human
The Artistry of Living You
- Strengthen the character qualities of humility, generosity, & patience that make life ‘work’. Crucially, this work does not increase or reinforce the ego’s sense of identity, pride & control which is a major problem with the ‘spiritual marketplace’ & new age healings & teachings
- You will notice real, measurable benefits in all of the areas that matter to you, such as health, family, conscious parenting, creativity
- This work affects your whole energy field, so you will empower your natural gifts & gain a massive boost in motivation & success in work and financially
Healing Past
- Stories you have lived of ‘not good enough’, recent life sorrows, losses & frustrations
- You learn that it is safe & healing – & creates more love – to be willing to feel uncomfortable. Self-love expands
- Discover how to co-operate with the enormous potential for healing built into the intelligence of the subtle energy body & the chakras
Live in your body
- Come to love your body as a beautiful, natural treasure, just as it is
- Transmute daily stress into life force, resilience & vitality
- Reclaim the life force which is your birthright – let it be rocket fuel for finer energies of expanded consciousness. Access bliss, freedom & love usually considered to be available only to eastern mystics
Live beyond separation and time
- In opening to the mystery of full human beingness, the not knowing of presence arises. Profound intuitive wisdom emerges. Beyond your personality limitations is the freedom & love that is & always has been
- Separation dissolves & you can touch the deepest mysteries of existence, beyond life’s normal boundaries
- You learn you are not a problem to solve, you have no problems, that the past is only as real as you demand it to be
Seize the day – give yourself world class facilitation here now Secure your place in these Online Circles here before they’ve gone
This group is right for you if…

If you value love, silent awareness that embraces all, the joy in being…if you value the rare accountability, vibrancy & tenderness of authentic, committed community – this subscription to the Online Awakeness Is Circles is for you Become a Member Now
If you are living less than the full passion & aliveness that you could be because of the roles you play, the routines, conventions & habits that restrict, if you spend too much time lost in your head and in virtual realities, save your one precious life!
Secret Garden is at the leading edge of our evolving humanity, for you if you are wishing for nourishment, for connection, for your power. Maybe you choose tender space to heal your heart, for support in transition or to enquire about life, relating or spiritual awakening.
How present & vibrant are you in sensation-al life, the body’s truth?
Have you touched the essence of who you are & wish to live that in all ways?
If you long…
To grow your heart big enough, beyond mind, to love all that is in others, yourself & life
For beingness & wish for powerful transmission to dismantle what is in the way of that
To experience the potency of awakened masculine & feminine, its creativity, beauty and passion
For deep enquiry into the core questions of being human
To never stop learning & expanding into what is simple, ordinary & natural
To sustain the glimpses of joy & wonder beyond the veil and embody beingness
For connection with others to be simple, direct & real
If you are struggling at times…
You feel really nervous, resistant & afraid of (yet drawn)
You know intellectually that you are not the body, your feelings or your ‘map of the world’, yet don’t know how to break through the isolation, judgement & fear that is inevitable for the separate self, especially in the face of planetary struggles
You feel disconnected or numb yet long for the deep heart intelligence you know is possible for you
You are quick to judge others & yourself, or play small in fear of others’ judgements
You weigh yourself down resisting life’s inevitable intensity & uncontrollability
It doesn’t matter whether you are an experienced traveller in the territory of awakening or whether you are just getting started in Secret Garden– you’ll learn how to take your embodied realisation of freedom deeper…..
Participants of past online circles have experienced openings, healings, breakthroughs they had no idea were possible & had never touched in other spiritual groups.
If you ask, ‘How do I realise truth rather than seek it?’, then join these ongoing Online Circles now, as places are strictly limited for this life-changing opportunity.
What if you come to embody the realisation that all you long for, all you seek in life & others, is yours already?
If you’re wondering whether or not to grab this rare, world-class, opportunity, and any of this resonates, trust the soul call – book your Membership here

I’m feeling really good…. I don’t fight with myself, and I don’t run away from my internal experience and that is a real gain. My relationship with J. is also getting better & better. I feel my body open to love, open to him, and open to myself. In intimacy with him, my mind is, at least, 80% of the time, in the present, I’m in my body. A huge gain!!
I feel that my energy has been unblocked and I’m showing up more in my psychotherapist work. including showing some of my work at a psychotherapy congress in April. I’m experiencing my private work with clients in a respectful way towards me and towards them. I take real care of my energy, not attending more than three clients in a row. My commitment to do this is the gain! I’m so grateful for all of this! ~ Alicia Ortiz, Andorra
being able to honestly express grief and loss, clarifying my values and what makes me feel fully alive, connecting with how to embody those passions in my life, has given me a renewed sense of courage. I have increased self-compassion from being in the Circle, feeling for all our different pains and journeys…astonishing in how someone else would vocalise an issue I knew I had but hadn’t realised its power over me.
Being in a space that enables honest communication and compassionate listening is so rare. Many revelations come from this freedom of expression without fear of judgement. Joy’s gatherings are sublime; she combines a gentle presence with a fierce love which sees through delusions and speaks the truth….deep wisdom without dogma.
Joy asks the right questions, & her fresh perspective is so helpful when I start feeling stagnated or uncertain. Joy’s clarity is a powerful catalyst for change. The most difficult words to hear were the ones I needed the most, the deepest teaching, & brought the most positive change once I let go of resistance ~ Liz Kendall, Suffolk
Love it! Thank you so much, dearest Joy. And I have been meaning to say what an utterly beautiful video you sent us – exquisite! Have listened to it several times already ~ Rachel Irvine-Fortescue, Minchinhampton
I am in a good place in myself after all the Essence through the summer. I have found the Essence relating clean up process incredibly helpful with that. I have let go of all the stress I was feeling earlier in the year. Through the work I have done with you, I feel I have come back to myself in a way that allows me just to rest in Being ~ Flow Fenton, Cardiff
Your profound work…how it allows & brings conscious light to areas of my relating I have struggled with for so many years, has and IS changing my life for the better! ❤️ ❤️ ~ Melanie Howard-Dobson, Painswick
Thank you so much for last night’s webinar event. Both meditation sessions proved very useful and helpful. Some very insightful comments made by you. The Q&A session was also useful ~ Steve D., Isle of Man
Please let me know if you intend to do a webinar series in the future. It was so lovely to participate in it, to connect with you and hear your healing, peaceful voice ~ Mira Kubala, Hebden Bridge
This Online Awakening Community will fill fast so book now. We aim to give you exceptional facilitation & also profound results now, which last for your lifetime. This is a wonderful present for your loved one or yourself! (you receive couple/friend discounts)
Life’s Great Gift
The natural reality
beyond the mind is not of past or future, there is only unconditional freedom, always. Yet, to live embodied natural beingness, there must be a willingness to see the lies, the false identity that has driven ‘your’ life. How do you betray your nature? The accountability & care of circles helps you come to love the one who wants to evade & escape this. You receive love as clear seeing of what is ready to die comes. This is how ‘you’ take full responsibility for your life & learn to celebrate. As you live lighter, the subtle direct experience of life’s empty fullness is enabled.
Open beyond the needy personality which sabotages your life – into boundless heart-and-soul intelligence, presence to all of life happening endlessly now. Join us on this journey of dismantling separate selfhood through heightening consciousness, then of unification, liberation into being.
Heal into Wholeness
This being is the miracle. In the human story, we must all birth into dualism & go through a period of conditioning into apparently limited, less than fully fulfilled humanity, to a greater or lesser degree. In these Online Circles, you may access unconscious material from the past in a safely held way to enable healing. Any unfinished business & apparent obstacle arising out of this can dissolve so you may live free of any limiting effects in present-time. Transmute the lead of your conditioning into the gold of simple naturalness.
The Body and Inner Marriage
Sensitivity to sensation-al life is invited Deep appreciation of the miracle of the body grows, & along with that cleaner instincts & heightened intuition – neither of these can thrive when the mind is in charge.
Human Intimacy
There is no other, there is no me. If you are like most men & women, then you both crave & fear emotional intimacy. In awake intimacy, it is clear that relating simply reflects the intimacy or not that the separate self has with Life itself Grow your transparency in heart truth. Acknowledge & fully embrace both your aloneness and your need to belong, and both your desire to receive love & your freedom in giving -being – love.
Vulnerable, undefended being allows the possibility of direct experience of what is. The simple, easily missed or forgotten secret!
What if every single thought or feeling or experience or story were simply an invitation to love? Beyond judgement, opinion or resistance….what if there can be a choice whether to accept that invitation or not..a conscious no or yes…until there is no choice, & love is all, all is love.
Our Western culture’s emphasis on independent individualism often leads to a forgetting or rejection of the fact that mastery exists, that transmission is the surest way to waking up, & that you have the potential to be forever positively influenced by another human being. Joy’s deep pleasure is to work with those who truly value ‘the ordinary mystic’s work’ of awakening, integration & embodied realisation.
‘There is only wholly unconditional Wholeness….Under what is, every thought, every feeling, every circumstance, however challenging, there is Love. Is – ness is Love – no-thing, everything – unfolding’ Joy Hicklin-Bailey
You won’t find such profound & real exploration into your human nature, & tender pointing to That, which is beyond words, anywhere else.
What You Say

Words can’t express how much your love, light and swords of truth have meant to me over these years. It is quite remarkable that here you are in this little town that I happened to move near! I must be doing something right. ~ Katie B., Stroud

Thank you Joy and all those who have shared tonight ~ Trevor, Glastonbury
I simply have no words to describe the gratitude for the work you do, it’s not pretty, on the other hand, it puts you on the bull’s eye because truth touches people to the core… and still you do this work with such a passion and love. ~Susana Jimenez Montalvo

Keep up the wonderful work you are doing. People need your compassion and empathy, as well as your insight and your love at this time~ Steve D., Isle of Man

You see beyond the usual games, tricks, manipulations, patterns. You recognise the full scope of human challenges…You are my mentor, I trust you. You help me notice what is holding me back…Issues dissolve. There is always value, even if it isn’t the anticipated. You model aliveness, being, authenticity & natural ease. You are the best! ~ Katie B., Stroud
a lot of changes have taken place within, and that in some ways I have become more accepting of what life offers and particularly more loving and sensitive than I was when I first ~Philip Batchelor, Stroud

I am so grateful for your loving support & radiant truth, it feels just as intimate being with a group online, especially in the current challenges I and my loved ones are living ~ Nick, Cirencester

My heart is jumping up and down…when I read your email and I saw you were offering online circle… I had so much joy in my body that I wanted to scream non stop until my voice is gone… ~ Susana Jimenez Montalvo, Leics

I have spent years now working with Joy, Secret Garden, Circles, (my wife & child), family and friends, knowing that I could perhaps move towards freedom by removing the outer layers I have created. Through this experience, I have finally seen my arrogance in judging that I might know anything about another when I don’t know the first thing about myself. This has felt so freeing, I now observe how I move in & out of well established patterns with an ever thinner disguise on. I used to say that this circle work saved my life but I now see it is my life. If there is more to do then I’m willing to do it. I want to live as true & in flow with life as I can & I feel that joining the circle is where I dread & what I love ~ Scott, Bristol

Given my entry point of the course – sudden homelessness & breakup of long term relationship, I’ve emerged strong, centred, remain open-hearted, with no baggage. Each module had immense value. all the human cycles were explored in safety & with love. With my whole heart I love Secret Garden & value the enormous opportunity it offers for both men & women. Each workshop becomes a bonding session for all who attend – brothers & sisters working together in a held safe place, supporting each other whilst working to reveal our own truths. I love Joy (& Tim). I am completely a student when I sit with Joy. It’s not just the integrity of the space she energetically holds, She is fierce, & fiercely loving. Whilst that may sound intimidating, for me, this is where trust rises, truth rises. No nonsense, no fluff. Crystalline words that bypass the mind & hit the heart. Tim is the perfect partner to Joy, offering his gentle yet strong, wise male counterpart – working in perfect exampling harmony. I know both the men & women in the group greatly appreciate Tim’s contribution that enhances the Secret Garden portal…it’s more than just an experience. It’s a portal in which one enters & pops out the another side, altered; life won’t quite be the same again!
How greatly loved & valued you are. I have been in many groups over many years – spiritual, personal development, shamanic. I have stopped looking for any other groups to feel family, maturity, inspiration, discernment & truth. Whilst there are other outlets I enjoy, Secret Garden is my top of the list, go-to for my personal & intimate enquiry ~ Dawn Rising, Chichester

As so often before you know how to say right kind & loving words. You are so real & human…I love your woman’s warm wisdom. You have a gift to make the other, me, to feel heard, that is a blessing. I ‘feel’ that you know what I try to share & where my words might fail you read with your heart. You have healing, reassuring & calming influence on me. Perfect balance of rigour & gentleness -seriously good but don’t take life seriously! I feel you have much going on & you still gave me time, your soft feminine warm heart that you are ~ Heidi Ovarassi, London

I feel that I have gained so much through you and Secret Garden work. I am eternally grateful for what you have shared with us; it is incredible to see where I was and where I am now. I will definitely continue on this journey and build on the wonderful learnings ~ Tom Lowery, Stroud

Working with Joy has been very useful & rewarding for me, especially to reclaim myself as a sexual woman, to have permission to explore asking for what I would like & how to do that, to gain a much clearer understanding of the biological, energetic& psychological differences between men & women, all in safely held (though sometimes personally challenging) situations. Intimacy is a main focus of the work; it is never about performance but about presence, integrity, truth & honouring (self, especially). ..I have learned a lot of practical information & skills ~ Carole Clements, Bristol-on-Avon

deeply moved by these days. Since, as soon as I feel hurt I say to myself ‘let go of the fight, surrender, stop fighting, love the pain’. I’ve had 15 years of working with my Kundalini & I now realise I’ve been very male about it & forgotten the female. Thank you too, to Tim whose contribution I greatly appreciated, I feel as a man he brought a lot to the group & I’m grateful to him ~ David, Stroud

Secret Garden work is essential in my life as an ongoing thing…such quality I haven’t found anywhere else….You are so, so vigilant about constantly taking away from us our goals & ideals of becoming perfect or good & therefore deserving & loveable person we long to be (& already are!). I realised that I don’t expect perfection from myself anymore & therefore not from others, so now I don’t get disappointed or offended easily so I also don’t feel ‘tangled up in others’ in that exhausting way ~ Surahbhi McMellahn, Ashburton

Unconditional love & integrity, consciously held in authentic community. is beyond words ~ Alaistair Howard-Dobson, Painswick

I’m feeling free and open in my heart in a way that has never happened before. Joy, lightness, and expansion are there when I wake and most of the time through my busy days. My life is forever changed by Secret Garden. Nothing is more important than re-membering and be-ing this sweetness, and my top priority, after caring for my family, is working with you ~ Susan, Bristol

Precious jewels…I was smiling at the magnificence of it all, delivered in such a humble, ordinary way! ~ Rachel Irvine-Fortescue, Minchinhampton

I loved our partner practises last night. I wish we could meet weekly for our Awakening Circle! ~ Surahbhi McMellahn, Germany

Joy reads between the lines to get to the root of what limits me ..I am more confident, embodied, comfortable in my own skin. Joy has great love, truth & integrity. I will keep coming back because there is no one else out there like her…unique….in working with her I design & build a life I could never have believed possible~ Kim Rossi, Notts

Being a part of Joy’s circle, held & fueled by immense love & attention, showed me healthy, open ways of relating with others which I had never experienced in my life. Everyone’s heart- & soul-life was honoured &protected, seen & strengthened, in a very conscious way. For me it was like stepping into a wonderland, somewhere vibrant with colour, life & feeling. It ever changed me. The encouragement & the safety in which I could explore myself in this new land was just what I needed to step out of the narrow thinking-box that was my life, into the sunshine. Secret Garden’s message speaks to my soul, my inner self who longs to be free & loved.
For me, the feminine side of life was sorely lacking, and Joy’s approach, while supported by the boundaried clarity of the masculine, is dripping with feminine tenderness & care which touches me so. I would rate the Ongoing work 10/10. I would 10/10 recommend Secret Garden, to someone who isn’t so fearful that their unconscious fear would judge it as wrong or abnormal ~ Amy

Joy’s tenderness and presence helps you to explore your vulnerability with love & benefit from relief (of) resistance & pain &…dismantling illusions. Joy helps me find & face the truth, be more real. She can see what is behind the ‘problem’, helps me to welcome it, fully accept what is, let go & be freedom. This is huge for me-I used to resist it all ~ Alicia Ortiz, Andorra

Lifechanging….a new trust in myself & in life, thisis making real practical differences in my life on an everyday basis. I can let in & relish more light & pleasure when it comes, & when criticism, difficulty & challenge arise I can respond in a whole hearted way, rather than a fear based ‘as if my life depended on it way’. I am growing the ability to speak with truth from my heart. ..Not taking life so seriously… a new capacity to be vulnerable…huge almost inexpressible gains have been made. A letting go of old stories of victimhood, of having to know & be right. A willingness a& openness to relating closely to others in groups or in community without paralysing fear….I love the circles – the depth of honest, vulnerable relating where there is the possibility of mysterious, powerful movements towards wholeness. The all encompassing experience of love. The forum is an amazing resource to create new learning, continue to practice vulnerable relating, developing new understandings in the body as I witness others growth & development. …huge insights into dynamics between man & woman…..deep healing of long held hurts & being shown a way to live life lightly & enjoy it in all its everything! … encouragement & love to meet it all, at the same time as being reminded our ’selves’ & everything we perceive is made up. The community has depth, maturity & authenticity to hold me & everyone; it engenders true communication, allowing things to move & disappear, or come into being ~ Hettie, Stroud

The info you share & explorations you facilitate so skilfully is GOLD DUST to a man who desires to be authentic, grounded and present with life, women and men. This is cutting-edge ~ Steve, I of Man
really appreciated the depth of connection & warmth…I have not experienced, not heard of work that covers such a unique combination of territory, so rooted in the body & yet so connected to spirit – wonderful. beautiful, nourishing & enlightening. I have felt calmer, more grounded, more centred, more sensitive & open. More enjoyment of life in all its different, & sometimes difficult, colours ~ Hettie, Stroud

Here’s what you can’t do
The freedom dance of being is beyond ‘you’ and any trying, beyond experiences, beyond what is apparently happening, beyond emotions & judgements, is space, no-thing, vastness, endlessly expressing what is. The unconditional receiver of all the stories, is Love that allows everything to be exactly as it is, & dissolves all problems. ‘You’ are that boundless freedom.
Here’s what you can do…
The separate self cannot truly love. These Online Awakening Circles are nothing to do with self-improvement or fixing anyone. It is about bringing consciousness into being, & relating. Profound opening to all that is, difficult or easy, beautiful or ugly, is key. Then Nature flowers in the human body, free of conditioning.
Realisation that ‘you’ are Life itself, there is no separation, & that Love is the only ‘solution’ must then be stabilised in integrated embodiment of awakeness. To the degree this happens, life has more love in it. Join us – directly experience your true nature. Resolution of all dualities & suffering is possible.
Create a regular short and nourishing retreat, where you root in transmission of natural reality &, in Direct Seeing, wake up from the dream of conditioned mind, cutting through layers of what isn’t true or essential, into what simply is, in the moment.
Separately, you can only ‘make yourself available’ for the Freedom that Is, by grace. As all that was believed in, felt or identified with collapses, a new possibility may – or may not – emerge, of unification, of liberation into being. The mind cannot conceive that waking up & absolute freedom are not connected in any way. Secret Garden makes a clear distinction between these in this -in all – circles. Your questions are welcome.
If you are drawn, trust the call of your soul. Subscribe Here To Secure a Place In These Intimate Circles Now
If you have real questions, get answers Your Questions Answered by Joy here
Who will journey with you?
Those drawn to Secret Garden usually have maturity, sensitivity, self-responsibility, & rich life experience. You will meet men & women from every walk of life, businessmen & women, musicians, health workers, artists, coaches & trainers, doctors, actors, body workers, lawyers, parents, writers, careworkers, facilitators, counsellors, & much more, & often from several countries.
Most, young or older, will have already looked deeply into life & meditative practice. Some who are newer to awakening work will value the osmotic effect of mature, authentic community.

Online Awakening Circles – Your Questions & Joy’s Responses
What do you need to know to decide if these circles are right for you? If you’re on the fence, wondering whether to jump & join us, here’s Joy’s responses to questions she’s been asked most, to help you decide.
I’m keen but I’m really busy. How much time do I need for this?
It’s high value in Secret Garden that awakening work is integrated into your ordinary life. Each meeting is powerful enough to inspire you until the next meeting. It’s recommended you do at least 15 minutes home practice each week – but you can always take a break & start up again when you have the time. The Circle energy holds you in your life whatever is going on. If you can’t attend any of the live gatherings online, you can listen to the recording you will receive.
Does this approach really ‘work’?
YES! – many men & women have experienced this. Even I have been surprised by the total passion & moving transformational stories in the feedback I receive. Awakening work is not suitable for you if you feel or believe, for whatever good reason, you must stay in your present circumstances and mindset. Or if you feel and believe that inner transformation does not work –then it won’t.The impact of this work does, of course, depend on your willingness to follow the programme with totality & commit to taking actions aligned with new insights gathered & the openings you experience during the Circles – in your everyday, ordinary life. I share testimonials only to reassure you that this is REAL, authentic & groundbreaking, cutting edge exploration, that WILL BENEFIT YOU, in your ordinary life
My life is already great, what can this course do for me?
Embodied awakening work & spiritual practice is like yoga: the more you do it, the more frequently and consistently, and in community wehre hiding can’t be sustained, the deeper & lighter you go. Some benefits are better health, awakening fluid energetic flow in the chakra energetics, & creating an abundance of creative life opportunities by aligning life with truth.
I feel really nervous, resistant & afraid of doing this course. Does that mean I shouldn’t do it? I’m not sure I’m ready…
Fear is the most common feeling – along with excitement – around real, ongoing transformational work. We’ve had so many negative messages around living awake & being large, expanded, turning inwards rather than being pulled outwards by mass culture. This energy, plus healing into wholeness, peeling away trance, denial repression, is essential rocket fuel for happiness & for your transformational process. It’s all about baby steps… incremental progress with safe holding & clear reflection adds up to extraordinary, life-changing gain. When I’m facilitating groups around the world about ‘your’ evolutionary awakening, it’s often assumed that there is one glamorous answer or event in life that solves everything. There isn’t. Your belief in that will keep you stuck. You simply need high quality, ongoing reflection, self-honesty, loving, awake community so you get loved just as you are & safe space – which you get in Secret Garden ongoing circles – so you can risk going beyond your comfort zone. Come because you have asked this question and because you feel fear. Learning to befriend your fears is one of the treasures offered by every Secret Garden circle. To be unsure whether you are ready, & that is an understandable feeling, nobody ever really is ready for transformation. The personality clings to what is known even when it is becoming too small. It really is best to trust your wish to come, especially if you tend to talk yourself out of your deep longings.
Am I the ‘right fit’ to do this course?
This is for the seasoned spiritual seeker and for newcomers. No experience is needed at all. Fresh openness is what matters. Participants’ ages range from early twenties to seventies enrolled at the moment – awakeness & aliveness can grow at any age. Whatever your age, nationality, faith, walk of life, your uniqueness is warmly welcome.
What about Couples?
Maybe you are a couple keen to serve each other deeply into spiritual awakening. It’s all welcome, including dynamics between you – the field looks after every outcome you bring. This group is focused on your own awakening & how that reveals ways to enhance the relating dream you create outside of you. Your increased aliveness, self-worth & love will help your relationship so much. And you will dive deep into love for everything you need to let go of & learn in order in order to be able to make love with absolute pristine consciousness. Aaah sweet surrender!
How much of your Most Intimate message is in this course?
This is a profound transmission. It is not directly The Most Intimate, because Online Awakening Circles necessarily address the (only apparent) claimed, separate identity & invites an opening beyond that. Its hidden context, its ground, is always The Most Intimate.
In the story, awakenings to & realisation of essence happen for people. You can prepare the ground for that. Online Awakening Circles facilitate & speed that.
To pretend you are not longing to feel fully loved & able to be fully loving or for your ultimate freedom or can put worldly things first does you a disservice.
Why would I want to listen to others or relate to a whole group?
Being in the circle with totality is a meditation. Everything shared touches you in some way. Everything is your own invitation to wake up, in love with existence, with life as it is. Let the life of the circle grow your heart wide open. The best way to find out what’s in the way of love & awakeness is to look inside with total self-honesty. The apparent others outside of you reliably point to your judgements & feelings which ask for your love & attention.
In turn you receive the power of the holding of a circle of committed fellow travellers. We need to be witnessed in our human beingness in order for pain to dissolve into the joy that always is, always was & ever shall be. The circle is your perfect mirror.
How will this course compare with other trainings?
Most ‘transformational’ work & teachings in the new age & spiritual marketplace are superficial & give people a ‘high’ experience which is then not grounded. Much so-called healing & ‘awakening’ work, including mis-named non duality teaching that is available now, is also very misguided, playing to people’s hope and pride, & building up & reinforcing the identity, a stronger sense of personal selfhood, which reinforces ego traps, rather than assisting in dismantling them. Nor does it assist people in the ruthless integration required for true healing & wholeness. This is not a course that will appeal to ‘new-age seekers’. It is for essence-ial enquiry for those I love to work with – those who are sincerely committed to awakeness & consciousness in their lives & relating.
Awakening Circles are a beautifully comprehensive, synthesised way to give you the awakening practices & depth to free the being of old conditioning & create insights & openings & fluidity in the chakra system that are essential to a vibrant, healthy, happy life. It will make any spiritual practice much deeper & more immediate. This is a profound transmission. Above all it gives you the foundational principles & practices I found were essential to a vibrant, healthy way of being & an awakened, true life, for a man or woman who is seeking genuine change & embodied ease & freedom. I’m an AWAKENER & have offered liberation in the realm of deep transformation, for 20 years. I’m passionate about giving you the wake up calls, the loving holding & the deep openings to create what you intuit is possible, the life you long for. The work is always grounded in ordinariness. It isn’t about a hyped up experience you just have in the workshop. Its context, its ground, is always What Is, The Most Intimate, beyond words.
Shouldn’t I just wait until next time? Or try to meditate more at home?
Secret Garden gives you ongoing conscious community, as well as profound wake up calls. Healing is more powerful when experienced in a group. Wounds more often appear to be ’caused’ by others. So it is through others that we deeply heal mis-trust, separation, conflict. It is much safer to seem ‘sorted’, ‘together’ & to know who one is at a personality level, but that is all made up! Even though the stories of our pain are different, pain itself is collective & requires others’ mirroring, sometimes witnessing if you choose, &, above all, love, to allow you to dissolve past & trance fully. This is easier than you may think but requires great compassion from friends in the vibrant spiritual community you create in the circles, & great authenticity & self-honesty. Then, you have to integrate the learnings & TAKE ACTION, take small risks, be self-honest in ordinary life.
I have participated in other workshops/ Essence before – is this suitable for me?
This work & its energetics is continuously evolving in response to participant readiness and collective need. The format & content will be all-new. It is for you if you are seeking something beyond the norms of our culture. It is appropriate for everyone who comes with an openness to participating – in their own way. People with previous experience of awakening work will find a new depth & unexpected realisations & liberating discoveries in these gatherings.
I don’t know how to live – I always get it wrong
You are a human being. Evolution is natural & inbuilt – stronger than the negative messages you have been told or the limits you’ve taken on. I will guide you, answer your questions, above all you will receive love from me and the circle, every step. The mind will never acknowledge gains & wishes to preserve the status quo, even if it’s your smallness. It will diminish the significance of breakthroughs in order to maintain its conditioned grip, because it feels ‘safer’. Co-operate with nature’s impulses & your suffering will decrease, ease & happiness will increase. The more you let in love from others, the more self-love grows, sweetly & organically. Self-love is the primary way we heal & align with life so that all else just gets so easy. Past patterning always get reflected back in your life precisely, until you find a guide to help you do the work of unpicking your limited map of reality. The mind plays many tricks along the way of the awakening journey. These circles helps you see them, love them & let them go for good. I can’t help you if you refuse the help that is available; reach for the support for your freedom.
Perhaps it will hurt too much or rock my boat to start facing myself & others? Can’t cope with intensity.
It hurts a lot more not to! Others sense your pain even if you think you keep everything ‘together’. Unresolvedness will get mirrored back to you in your life in all sorts of unpredicted ways. Resistance to life & living weighs your being down. Life is intense if you don’t have conscious support & education about what helps you surf the waves.
I want to do this course, but I feel I may or will have to share with you something that I think is too strange or difficult to be heard
Nothing is too strange or difficult. Holding onto something all by yourself is lonely, stressful & unnecessary. You are welcome to share whatever you need to share so you can embrace this journey of integration & love. Your honesty is others’ opportunity – to open their hearts wide! And know that how you participate is up to you, always.
What can I expect will happen in this gathering?
You will be expertly & almost invisibly guided into explorations which allow you to feel life & your being more deeply than ordinary life might allow. Pair work, whole Circle processes; solo inner explorations guided by Joy; one to one if desired; circle work which gives you the opportunity to engage with Joy; Q and A; & you can expect some surprises, as what happens is guided not only by carefully planned structures, but also by the present needs of the participants & the group energetic.
I hope this helps you decide whether the course is right for you! We recognise that you will have your own unique enquiry about this group & how it might relate to your life. We wish for you to make the right decision. We also encourage you to reach out & allow us to support you in finding clarity about whether or not this is right for you now. Please email or call if you aren’t sure about whether to join us. Or Subscribe Here
Words can’t express the learnings I’ve had through you & the awakening that’s happened….the experience of life is so totally different from 18 months ago. I feel reborn, a different person. I’m more grateful than I can express ….. blissful … “I” was a swirling cloud of energy in a peaceful harmonious sea of perfection. (Yes I can’t find words to describe it!) Now I’m very peaceful about everything ~ Neal Thornton, Chiswick
When you book your membership, you receive
* Live monthly 90 minute online Awakeness Is session access. Energetic transmission of liberation practices you can continue at home. Connect with Joy to receive high quality reflection, 1 to 1 facilitation & feedback from Joy if desired. Group size is strictly limited for your benefit. Confidential, safe space. Awakenings & transformative integration are optimised for every participant.
* The structure is intensive enough to generate the regular input & energy you need, subtle enough to convey the depths of awakening, & yet also accommodating the realities of your busy lives.
* A facilitated private online forum you can participate in actively if you wish, when you wish, for between-module integration, interaction & support. The forum brings you ongoing re-membering of what this ongoing circle stands for in your life. It anchors your ordinary life in the light this work brings.
* If you already participated in ongoing work with Joy, be assured all course content will be completely new, an endless spiral of aliveness unfolding, ever more rewarding!
* There will be opportunities in between these circles for support via private in depth one to one or couple work with Joy – psychotherapeutic or Direct Seeing – on the issues & challenges the integration of awakenings into your ordinary life face you with. If you are an Online Circle participant, you are always prioritised for private sessions.
* Receipts for your tax advisor &/or a course completion certificate can be provided for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) credits if you work in a field which includes coaching, healing & transformation.
* You have a constant bridge with your everyday life, because we are meeting regularly. We create a sangha, spiritual community, free of ideology about how life should be. ‘You’ are, simply, Life.
* Priority booking on all Live Gatherings & Online events & special discounts on live Awakeness Is gatherings
This is truly rare, it is always new, and it ROCKS!
Join us now if you seek self-realisation or simply natural happiness – see below

Subscribe Here
Subscribe by early booking date
Subscribe by
early booking date
If you bring a friend, join as a couple at the same time or participate in any current core ongoing group
Introductory annual fee – per year per person you save very significantly
Subscribe Here
So join us now…..surrender to Being
Will You Join Us?
This is your only chance to book at the very special introductory subscription fee! Take advantage of this great window of opportunity before the fees must rise.
Comparable memberships of this quality are offered at three times the price. So your time & financial investment for this life changing course is small & excellent value relative to the massive lifetime benefits you can reap.
Seize this rare opportunity. It will never come again, this way, or at this unique point in your life!
How much is exquisite expertise worth to you, coming right to your home for a private satsang?
How much is a loving, trustworthy guide – who has dedicated their whole life from childhood, to truth & love – worth to you?
How much is a clear mirror & mastery worth?
How much is authentic, ongoing community, dedicated to intentional enquiry & consciousness, worth to you?
Please be aware that places are strictly limited. A powerful, mature circle is gathering so don’t miss your chance to catch the introductory price.
This is a beautiful present for your loved one or yourself!
If you’re feeling a YES, trust that soul call – you can.
Aloha. All love,
Joy Hicklin-Bailey ❤️ ❤️
P.S Time to step up but you have to act now. This is your time. Join me now – I would love to be your awakening guide, to serve you to be the love you are so you can live an expanded life of beauty & joy.
You can do this – live the love you are. This group will fill fast so book now. Subscribe now as places are strictly limited & bring world-class facilitation & support into your life.

I have spent 15 years at events and reading about spiritual awakening. Yet in these few days with you, the truth of it unfolded for the first time. And life is so much better now! Thank you is inadequate ~ Sally Meadows, Guildford
Trust your pull to what cannot be spoken of
Celebrate the vibrant, energetic beingness ‘you’ are, realise awakeness…..act now!
About Joy
Take the Road Less Travelled with Someone who Knows the Territory
Joy is currently writing books with the working titles
”Making Love and Stillness”, “Awakening to Being” and ”Only One”
Joy Hicklin-Bailey is such a world – class, profoundly effective, spiritual facilitator that several internationally renowned teachers & coaches go to her confidentially, to solve their life & love issues, & for supervision work. She is a mystic, ‘the teachers’ teacher and the healers’ healer’. Joy transmits the emergence and integration of Self or beingness, for those who are drawn to wholeness & freedom. Joy is a spiritual counsellor & an outstanding coach in the areas of awakening, natural happiness, intimate emotional & sexual relating, & professional development. Joy has been working with awakened embodiment coaching with individuals, couples & groups for over 20 years. Her work is and has been pioneering and Joy brings you her expertise in human dynamics & transformational evolution. Joy’s clients come from all walks of life & include professionals, mothers, fathers, celebrities, farmers, artists, healers, & more. She works with immediacy, tenderness & utter clarity.
‘It’s beautiful, this witnessing of those I sit with finding aliveness, the natural flow of feelings, and what is beyond, the power & peace of a clear seeing of what is, in their ordinary lives & in what arises in the circles & sessions I have the privilege of facilitating.
Secret Garden points towards your ‘journey’ of awakening into embodied realisation of non-duality, of one, not two, into that which is beyond words. Whatever is – in the appearance – happening, the separate self’s hijacking of pure experience loses its hold & natural reality may be revealed.
Community, connection, presence, being, peace, intimacy, vulnerability, love, are beautiful gifts in the human story…. these are the qualities ‘I’ value & enjoy in the playshop of ‘my own’ life. My passion in Awakening Circles, Joyful Loving, Essence & Most Intimate events is an empowering of presence, awakeness, essence, from which comes natural power, joy, love & abundance. I love to see people shed the masks, armour & uniforms adopted in worldly activity or challenging relating, & come more & more to trust their nature, their deepest truth. That heals everything & then everything in the apparent story changes! Most of all, I love to share (directly in Most Intimate events & as transmission in other work) with those who are interested in exploring the natural reality of what is, unconditional love without cause, what cannot be sought, radiant being.
Since early childhood ‘I’ have experienced a series of spontaneous awakenings, in which the conditioned self dissolved, that have – in the apparent story that never was – lasted for longer & longer periods & radically transformed the experience of living on this beautiful planet into one of liberation, being.
The integration into ordinary life of this total surrender took many years. I only discuss this if asked – ‘spiritual’ experiences are simply that, experiences. What is, here, now, is ever changing & new – the stories are not the essence. There is a depth of understanding of the human journey, born out of intense immersion in the process of dying into rebirth, and a lifetime of service to others. In that ‘story’ that never was, I have been drawn to mystical & spiritual teachings since early childhood & I am very grateful to have worked with extraordinary teachers, indigenous & western. During this period, the energetic sense of a separate self completely & absolutely dissolved, leaving simply the wonder of What Is. Seeking ended, the impulse to serve those still bound by the suffering or unclarity of the separate self, grows ever stronger.
Many years apprenticeship & training in healing & psychotherapeutic disciplines* grounded what was ‘experienced’ & gave ways in which liberated being could be offered in a safely held way in this garden dedicated to the blossoming of human beingness. The ‘approach’ is free of ideology or any ‘path’. It is a sensing, feeling, seeing & listening to all that is – only apparently – happening in the moment, it is the mystery which brings intuitive guidance. The intelligence of life plays immaculately & sometimes surprisingly. Ordinary human experience is liberation. This is a radical antidote to the quest for perfection, to patriarchal, hierarchical spirituality. Silence & non-doing, rather than controlling what is happening with an agenda, allows apparent healing, magical unfolding & revelation of the wholeness beyond the appearance of form, identity & role – the wondrous gift of Life itself.
For over 20 years, there has been profound pleasure in & great gratitude for Secret Garden’s transformational weekend, day, week-long retreats, ongoing trainings & evening groups in Gloucestershire, Bristol, Bath, Somerset, Andalucia, Italy, the Greek islands & the Hawaiian islands, & one to one & couple sessions.‘
*Joy is a qualified, practising Jungian psychotherapist, & the founding facilitator of Essence work & Joyful Loving work. She is a hypnotherapist, a Huna healer, an expert in ancient lineage work with ancestors & family (the source of constellations work), Time Line therapist, NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer, & astrological counsellor. She is a highly regarded business/executive coach & trainer at management & director level in organisations such as Centrica & Aviva, several well-known charities, & more.
Practical details you need to know
Venue for all meetings: Your Home
Dates: Monthly meeting, giving you authentic, committed, intentional community
You receive 12 90 minute meetings per year. If the next monthly Online gathering is due to happen close to the date of a Secret Garden Retreat, we will email well ahead to tell you of the new Online date. It will be brought forward or pushed back by a week or two.
You also receive an exclusive Awakeness Is video once a month in between meetings in your inbox if the attendees number 12 or more
Please diary the dates windows given each month, & keep them clear.
Times: Typically – Start at 6 45pm UK time Close 8 15pm UK time
If for any reason the time or date needs to change (unlikely) you will be informed well ahead.
International Time and Date Converter
This group will fill quickly, there are limited places & the circle is already gathering.
You need good internet access and a laptop or PC with a built-in speaker, camera and microphone. We use Zoom’s video conferencing software, which is free to download and very easy to use. A zoom link (password protected) will be sent to you via email, with full instructions, after registration, for easy access to the meeting space. We take great care to ensure the meeting is secure and safe to use.
Please arrange quiet, private uninterrupted space so you receive the maximum from the confidential meeting.