The video above is one glimpse of circle, a tender conversation about feeling ‘stuck’. I am asked frequently verbally and via email, ‘What happens in circles?
The aliveness of structures, initiations and circle is impossible to convey in words. Anything can arise. Men and women may get stuck when they feel lonely, feel attracted to, feel rejected, feel insecure, feel unloveable. This is about learning deeper and deeper levels of self-love so that there is availability for ‘the other’ and for the gift of being. Every circle is unknown because a circle is unique. It is always of the moment, and it is of the human truth of the unique men and women who sit in it, and how energy is moving between them, too.
Yet there is one constant if you are awake enough to notice. A silence endlessly singing, a song of being. That beyond what is human and personal. That which is free.
This video’s particular themes might resonate for you. If they don’t, there is still so much in this video that is relevant to, and hopefully illuminating for, any man or woman and any relating ‘story’. I hope it touches you. It really is worth watching right through to the end as it touches on so many aspects of relating – how impossible conflict can feel, how its gift is the aliveness that comes when feelings are owned and acknowledged. The alchemy of intimacy dissolves the limiting construct of conditioned self, and old stories. This is how men and women reclaim sexual aliveness. The alchemy of intimacy creates openings beyond limits and past when we dare to be fully alive in all the feelings that can arise. Coming back from shutdown requires skills that must be learned, if we wish to heal and how we make life fresh every moment.
This unique combination of depth work, breathtakingly beautiful and real intimate meetings, and the awakenings that happen to unconditional Life must be experienced over time for its riches to become obvious (and measurable) to the personality.
These explorations encourage you not to shut down, & instead to open in consciousness & celebrate life’s miracle. They invite you to find the courage to be true to yourself & to feel into and receive the ‘other’ – at the same time. You can trust that you are greater than your wounds or judgements; you can grow larger than any presenting concern, & the past doesn’t need to limit or confine you. You are free to be and make love.
The upcoming Joyful Loving retreat weekend invites you to show up for yourself & others more & more. It will be laughter & life-filled, & insight provoking. Details of the early booking offer and book one of the very limited places here https://secretgarden.co.uk/backup/events
Find out what Men and Women Like You have to say about how this Joyful Loving work enriches life
Dissolve your resistance to being loved & to giving love & show you how to break the patterns forever. Joyful Loving circles are profoundly healing and incredibly re-vitalising of all areas of your life and of your relating with Life itself. Don’t wait and waste the miracle of life. Act Now – Circle places strictly limited! https://secretgarden.co.uk/backup/events
Secret Garden work is a never-ending spiralling journey – of growing compassion, of care for yourself & others through life’s ever-changing circumstances, of empowerment & increasing freedom. One aspect of this is opening to all your feelings. If your heart is breaking, let it break open. Secret Garden invites you to make friends with parts of yourself you have confined to the dark corners of your psyche. It supports you in daring to ask life the questions that really matter. Daring to say the simple vulnerable words that are your deepest truth in any given situation or exchange. Join us!
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