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'Unconditional love and integrity, consciously held in authentic community... it is beyond words'

AJ Howard-Dobson

Essence Deep Dive Retreat

Your Initiation into Being Natural

Joy in Turkey best1200


'Unconditional love and integrity, consciously held in authentic community... it is beyond words'

AJ Howard-Dobson

Awakeness Is

Only One

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Move beyond your conditioned limitations and roles

into simple naturalness, ease and joy

Prioritise your profound awakening journey


What are you looking for in life?

Perhaps you long to be in touch with your tender heart?
Or your passionate raw power?
Or your love of life?
Maybe you have questions about who you are?
Or about your next steps?
Would you like to understand and break through all those old patterns that hold you back?
In the way you relate to others?
In the way you relate to yourself?
In the way you relate to Life itself?

Do you want an opportunity to explore the stories that you tell about your life?
Are you willing to be lovingly challenged on these?
Are you thirsty for the freedom that lies beneath and beyond all stories?
Are you hungry for the nourishment and company of a band of committed fellow travellers?

Secret Garden may be just what you’ve been looking for! Joy uses her extensive experience and profound intuition, to help you break through to your shining essence. She gives you tools you can use for your whole life. This is a practical, real and natural approach, combined with world-class facilitation and powerful energetics.

Explore and receive nourishment & connection through circles, ongoing retreat groups & trainings, one-to-one & couple sessions.

This profound awakening work is at the leading edge of our evolving humanity and is for you if you value love, truth and depth – and good company – do get in touch and get involved!

Secret Garden is for you if you wish to invest in living & relating happily, and enhancing your freedom. An initiation into what is natural and simple.


…..being in a circle that serves the highest potential of your humanity. Realise the joy and wonder of being in profound enquiry into archetypal energy, male-female polarity & your naturalness, beyond conditioning. With support from committed fellow travellers, move beyond resistance, stories and concepts of yourself and life, and embody the limitless potency, love & space that you are. Thank you to all who take the risk of attending sessions and events. For stepping into what is as yet unknown and beginning an internal conversation with what is next to emerge in your one, precious, wild life., life thanks you.

Countdown to your early booking

Join us for your profound, natural journey of awakening

Aliveness Moving, Stillness Listening Meditation – Download Now

Awakeness Is Circles – Subscribe Now for Last Places

  • How To Forgive Self & Other Webinar Course-Lifetime Access

Essence Online – Your Joy in Being – Lifetime Access

Secret Garden participants talk about their experience of Secret Garden, and how they’ve benefited

Work with Joy Hicklin-Bailey

Experience depth, authenticity, connection and transformations that Last

Receive world class facilitation in superb company with kindred spirits…

  • I had a knowing of the peace and presence that I am. This knowing gives ‘me’ much more relaxation and acceptance. Everything is arising and it's great! Nothing needs to change! I have so much gratitude for this opening

    Julia West, Cirencester

  • Joy's ability to help individuals & couples understand what real love and happiness is, is beyond expression. Her warmth, love, patience, courage & passion has forever imprinted itself on my relationship with myself & with others. If I could afford to double her fees, I would do that in a second. She is definitely the first person on my wedding list!

    Fiona Cambell, Bristol

  • I am eternally grateful for what you have shared with us; it is incredible to see where I was and where I am now. I will definitely continue on this journey and build on the wonderful learnings

    Tom Lowery, Stroud

  • Absolutely amazing, you are such a delight and I am in awe of your ability to facilitate all that virtually on your own!
    Clearly I can’t stop now. The thought of living my life with that sort of sparkle and pleasure is something I did not imagine was possible at my age!!!! Well I had not actually given up all hope, but was beginning to doubt. And then this. You.

    Philip Batchelor, Stroud

  • The biggest thing that came was that ‘it’s alright to be me’ & that ‘there is nothing wrong with me and how I do life’. I suppose before there was an underlying feeling that what is right for others should be right for me which left me feeling inadequate. But that’s all gone now. It inspires me to be true to my own needs which makes me feel truly liberated.

    Kim Rossi, Notts

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Deepen your connection with your own being, with loved ones & with life – sign up & claim your Free E Book Guide to Awakened Relating. You also receive our newsletter & 3 free training videos – practical keys to create more love.

Beyond separation,
beyond unfulfiled longing,
beyond suffering,
is aliveness and unknowing…

Joy Hicklin-Bailey is expert in facilitating breakthroughs in consciousness & in facilitating relating for singles and couples. With over 30 years’ experience, she brings an unparalleled, agenda-free blend of skill, immense energetic sensitivity,  & an intuitive sense of your innate potential.
Join us in exploring the themes of life, beingness, service, sexuality, intimacy, and relating. Awaken to the freedom of simply being.

You can experience the power – which comes from the energetic, a dedication since childhood to love & truth – of the gatherings, & sessions. Join us – explore the themes of life, beingness, service, sexuality, intimacy & relating & awaken to the freedom of being.

Joy is writing 2 books with the working titles Only One and Joyful Loving – How You Can Live Awakened Intimacy

Those heart friends we meet in this Garden are so important to us. Thanks for being here, and for sharing the joy and wonder of being human. We love our participants & private clients, &, thankfully, they love our work, & love what they discover in their own beings, through it. We hope that if we haven’t yet met, you join us too, & receive the gifts of being.

There is no separation. Embodied realisation of that is the only fulfilment & solution

Being is, it embraces all ‘your’ thoughts, beliefs & stories.

There is nothing to fix or fight.

The one solution to your problem, dilemma or pain

You too can dance the magnificence … realising there is no separation, no separate ‘me,’ is key, beingness is the only answer

Two women voice the life that moved after a short Joyful Loving structure

liberating, transforming, rejuvenating, beautiful and revelatory for me. …. so relevant and transformative on many levels in your everyday life and in your perception of your experience and existence….Words can’t do it! I hope that you feel the gratitude, amazement and love I feel for you  ~  Susan S., London

I really appreciated the depth of connection & warmth…I have not experienced, not heard of work that covers such a unique combination of territory, so rooted in the body & yet so connected to spirit. And holding & allowing that space for people to see & work through their triggers & patterns – wonderful. beautiful, nourishing & enlightening. Since then, whilst I have been gathering the insights into the map in my psyche, how it impacts on my behaviour & relating, I have felt calmer, more grounded, more centred, more sensitive & open. More enjoyment of life in all its different, & sometimes difficult, colours ~  Hettie, Stroud

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for ….everything you bring and give and share and hold ~  Stephen H., Buxton

truly brilliant, almost too mindbogglingly simple to be believed! the best work I have come across. And Joy is the best communicator ever! …Clearly I can’t stop now…. living my life with that sort of sparkle and pleasure is something I did not imagine was possible… was beginning to doubt. And then this ~ Philip Batchelor, Stroud

This work ensures time & space allocated for what really matters, and connecting with man/woman, as well as a deep connection with my being. Joy’s unique offering is her wisdom, intuition & insight. Tim’s is his heart and human-ness ~ Kim Rossi, Notts

Unconditional love in its highest expression, I never saw anything like it in my entire life…. This is too good to keep it secret.  This work takes me completely out of my comfort zone. I embrace the fear & find my courage to continue…..more patience and understanding …I’m not trying to control (my husband) and that’s very impressive for me…I’m proud of myself! ~ Susana J, England

Awesome…How good it feels to communicate innocently. Becoming aware of my own wounding so it didn’t need to run/ruin my life ….Learning to speak up.  Learning to say no. This work invites your fundamental core beliefs, projections, judgements and woundings into the light. Extraordinary facilitation will help you release trauma, receive the gold buried in your shadow and celebrate you, just as you are.  To be received and loved when you cannot even bear to look at yourself is profoundly healing.  If you are in any way attracted to this, just do it. Joy’s extraordinary facilitation and the innate intelligence of this potent work will carry your gentle being even when you feel you do not have the capacity to put one foot in front of the other  ~  Jemma Brett, Scotland

Thank you both so much for that which is priceless, absolutely priceless Gold! ~ Ashley Roberts, nr Bristol.

Who will journey with you?

Those drawn to this Secret Garden work have maturity and self-responsibility, and rich life experience.

You will meet men and women from every walk of life, businessmen and women, musicians, health workers, artists, coaches and trainers, doctors, actors, body workers, lawyers, parents, writers, careworkers, facilitators, counsellors, and much more, and often from several countries.

Most, young or older, will have already looked deeply into life and meditative practice. You are courageous explorers stepping out beyond what is known.

It is a wonderful gift, taking time out to hang out with people who love depth and authenticity and the freedom of being. The support, nourishment and confidence of being loved in all you are is priceless. Any doubt or uncertainty about valuing what your heart knows dissolves.

How do you participate?

Secret Garden brings you a series of carefully guided encounters with inevitable phases of life, archetypal energies, and the free flow of your feelings, longings and sensitivities.

A safely held exploration, this is a tender & nurturing environment in which your vulnerability, privacy & confidentiality are protected at all times. (Photography and video is only used with those who have consented).

You are supported throughout in being in the structures & experiences in the way that feels true to you. How you participate is totally up to you as long as you are respectful of everyone’s boundaries. Your own chosen boundaries in any presenting situation are honoured & respected. You are safe & free to explore & find your freedom to be you, in love.

Life is boundless and indescribable. Freedom is.


Beyond experiences, beyond what is apparently happening, beyond emotions & judgements, is space, no-thing, in its endless expression of what is, every-thing, vastness.


There is no meeting point

There is no meeting point between ‘healing the story’ – accepting, forgiving, being more conscious – and the message of Joy’s Only One talks, which point to the extraordinary, ordinary wonder of What Is.

Yet, Love is the unconditional source and receiver of all the stories, that which allows everything to be exactly as it is. ‘You’ are boundless freedom. Beyond separation, beyond unfulfilled longing, beyond suffering, is aliveness and unknowing. Wholeness is mystery.

There can be great confusion in the ‘spiritual marketplace’ about this. In Secret Garden these delusions dissolve. In the Only One and Awakeness Is events, Joy exposes that which is harmlessly misleading at the heart of most non-dual offering. Me’s dilemma is illuminated. Any sense of a separate self being able to do anything, or of prescriptive approaches, or of ‘approaching wholeness’, is cleanly absent. Freedom is.

In Secret Garden there are two utterly separate aspects. One is dialogue pointing to What Is and the other is profound explorations based on 30 years of psychotherapeutic practice.

In these live and online events – which include Joyful Loving, Essence, and Online Awakeness Is Circles – it is acknowledged that the separate, conditioned self appears in the dream, and that suffering and longing appear real. Deep exploration is facilitated, and liberated being is offered in a grounded way, so that the apparent story of a separate self is easier – and more fulfilling – to live. There is exploration of the fulfilment of human beingness, within the story.

The ‘approach’ is a sensing, feeling, seeing and listening to all that is apparently happening in the moment. The intelligence of life plays immaculately and sometimes surprisingly. Non-doing – rather than controlling what is happening with an agenda – allows apparent healing, and the revelation of the wholeness beyond the appearance of form, identity and role. The wondrous gift of life itself! The constricted and confined ‘me’ seems to find healing, ease and increased consciousness. Apparent problems and limiting patterns, beliefs and roles dissolve.

For More about What men and Women Like You Say Go To How I Benefited