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We are very grateful you are in our lives. Thank you for your love of depth, truth and connection.

Your bonus thankyou gift is at the link here for you with pleasure- it’s a talk about How You can go Deeper in your intimate Relating – which many have found very valuable.

We’ll be in touch each month, and occasionally more often, with inspirations and updates. (Of course you can unsubscribe at any time as always).
Please enjoy browsing the site, via the top bar, drop down menus and links within pages.  There is a lot of valuable material here – blog posts, video libraries, and more – to assist you in your ‘journey’, all of it given free of any charge. Your feedback in the video and blog pages’ comments boxes are welcome and will be read – and questions responded to there if you wish for that. And also feel free to call or email with any questions, we love connecting with you, and hope we meet or are together again soon!
Love, Joy