Questions you might have…& some responses

The people who attend are probably kindred spirits for you. People who are seeking a deeper connection with & understanding of life and the full realisation of the gift of their embodied humanity. Those seeking to enrich their relating with others. Those who ask for intimacy with all life, with existence. Those who want to live a fullness of being, consciousness, body, emotions, sexuality, relating.

The age range of our participants is very varied. From 18 year olds who have an innate sense that there’s more to life all the way to seventy year olds who appreciate that life is still an ever unfolding mystery of spiralling growth. The majority are between 20 & 60 years.

Secret Garden attracts  participants of very varied backgrounds – doctors, musicians, artists, civil servants, business people, gardeners, shopworkers, mothers, fathers, & people with many more lifestyles, which creates a rich, vibrant community. Joy has been called the healer’s healer and the teacher’s teacher, too. The circles and retreats are always new and many return again and again, though there will always be plenty of men and women who are new to Secret Garden. You will enjoy also the good balance of men and women and that every workshop has a mix of singles, couples and those who attend alone who have a partner.

If you are drawn….join us!