The Essence Coaching Training

Your joy in being arises from the most intimate


Live Alive, Awake, Open and Pass On The Gifts

Re-imagine who you are and how you serve!

This Essence Coaching training will enhance your professional success in any area of contribution, and increase your abundance of financial resource, energy and fulfilment.

And, if you choose to be an Essence change professional, you can help your clients to embody the new forms of leadership needed now to lead others out of opinion, polarisation and fear and navigate this era of complexity and paradox.

Discover how to lead men and women into increased ease and creative action, and in doing so accelerate your own transformation.

Essence is a profound approach for increased freedom, ease, happiness and creativity, and for the letting go of perceived and conditioned limitations. 

Is This Training Right For You?

  • You wish to serve your own awakening, and maximize your own personal development and impact, in which case this training will take you deeper. Or maybe you wish to share Essence with your friends, parents and children.
  • You are working as a professional in business, management, finance or law or another arena and wish to go deeper in your understanding of what helps you, and those you come into contact with, be more effective and thrive in leadership roles.
  • Perhaps you are already working with people as a coach, psychotherapist, consultant, psychologist, counsellor, health therapist and you’re feeling that you can reach a deeper level in the way you inspire and support people to grow and evolve. You wish to take the powerful Essence approaches to your clients and groups. This Essence approach is profound – an excellent extra benefit to offer your clients. It will fertilise your practice regardless of approach. Discover how to facilitate others to dissolve limits around issues, practical or process-related, so that they come back to clarity, ease and empowerment. 
  • You are looking for an entirely fresh start in your career and this is an excellent foundation for that, if you wish to serve the freedom of others. It will give you the confidence and skills you need to develop a coaching practice and run small circles and group meditations.
  • Perhaps you wish to grow self-confidence and experience increased respect and acceptance from others. Perhaps you know it’s time to let go of anxiety, self-doubt and over-thinking. If there is anything in the way of you living the life you would choose now, any circumstance, inner pattern, dilemma, fear, relationship issue, anything that has an overall real cost to the quality of your life now, just consider whether it might be of value to let go of these limitations through focused inner work in a trusted, intimate group with an expert awakener and energetic  transmission of awakeness.
  • Perhaps you have seen the limitations of ‘dipping a toe in’ and ‘shopping around’ therapy or spiritual seeking and are choosing to pursue what delivers fully and serves you deeply.

The training’s phases are carefully structured for ease, gentle organic transformation, and safety.

This training is suitable for you if you wish to go deeper with all the Essence approaches, whether for your own transformation and enhanced performance in your chosen field, or with the clear intention to become an Essence Coach.

Consider all you will achieve with your increased power and insight. Unleash your creativity and grow career autonomy and leadership skills.

Why Now?

This is a time of crisis for many and alongside that, of new emergence. You are called to evolve beyond your current ways into the unique leadership that wants to come through you.

We are living in a time charged with evolutionary potential and never has there been more need for trained Essence coaches who embody the Essence principles and approaches and live them, and offer that to the world in their own chosen way.

Life is bringing a massive groundswell of support to transformation work on the planet and it matters a great deal to me to contribute to that by empowering you to take some of the Essence principles and approaches forward into all of life.

This training is a closed group, already gathering, an opportunity and adventure you are invited to undertake in early 2021.

So… this point, please be in touch if you are drawn to step into this world-class Professional Training. The possibilities between us are VERY exciting. 

Please ask your questions straight away if anything is unclear as this small, intimate training is filling now. A choice point allows you to step fully into who you are now and who you intend to become.

Who Will You Train With?

This course attracts mature men and women of all backgrounds, who are committed to their own transformational process, who love depth and truth and wish to offer their unique gifts optimally and with highest integrity.

Find out more at

One of the proudest achievements of my life is qualifying to be an Essence Coach with Joy Hicklin-Bailey of Secret Garden – she is one of the elite in World Class Facilitation. I’ve learned so much about myself during this training which has been transformative, deep, thorough and committed. This compliments and enhances all the work I have been doing in the last 15 years of working with clients and groups and I’m now entering a new stage in my journey and look forward to a bright shining time helping others to grow and evolve. Thank you, Joy 💜 Kim Rossi, Notts

Essence Coaching Training – Book Now  – places very limited as this will be a small group so you can work intensively with Joy and as a team


Join us and be a leader in the paradigm shift

Here is just a taste of some themes you will be exploring.


  • Paradigms for successful Essence coaching in any situation
  • Cultures and Systems-dysfunction and healthy functioning
  • Advanced shortcut approaches to letting go
  • The Importance of Outcomes
  • Conscious and Unconscious Intentions – in Clients and Coaches
  • Increased Clarity with Boundaries
  • How to handle ‘resistant’ and ‘tricky’ clients (NB there is no such thing as the meaning of any interaction is always the response that you get)
  • Client care
  • Client ‘hygiene’ – before and after Sessions
  • Client agreements
  • Questioning strategy
  • Understanding Jungian principles essential to your work
  • The Spectrum of Interaction and Intervention
  • Session preparation, record keeping
  • How to Invisibly Structure a  Session
  • Integration and making ‘safe and ecological’ of shadow energies
  • How mental health issues can be healed from a transpersonal perspective
  • Question and answer with Joy – Revision of the Essence Online and Essence Forgiveness work to increase dexterity and depths
  • A deeper understanding of awakening
  • Learn and embody the principles for fostering awakening and increased consciousness
  • Ho’oponopono – your energetic protections
  • The Most Intimate explorations
  • What is Essence?
  • What isn’t Essence?
  • Understandings about ‘Inner Child’, crucial context
  • How to Check levels of Congruence
  • How to Increase Congruence over time
  • Impeccability in your Practice
  • Projection
  • Control
  • Inflation
  • Identification
  • Collusion
  • Clash of values
  • Agendas – How to Recognise them
  • Agendas – How to be free of them
  • The Subtle Skills and principles of Essence work
  • Guided enquiries – whole group, pairs and individual
  • How to Talk about Essence to Clients
  • Are your clients coachable?
  • Panel Discussions -the power of cross-disciplinary collaboration
  • Resistance as a tool for growth
  • Qualities a Coach Must Develop
  • Neuroplasticity
  • Agendas and How to be Free of Them
  • Awakening Meditations
  • Introducing and Talking about Essence in a Half Day Group
  • Promotional material
  • How to Prepare For a Talk
  • Talk Tips
  • How to Prepare For the Aliveness Meditation
  • Protocol and Tips for facilitating the Meditation successfully
  • Guidance for Common Client Questions and Struggles with Essence
  • Your Reluctances and How to Work With Them
  • Ways of Listening
  • Goal Work about Success

You will also be able to ask questions about the Essence Online and Essence Forgiveness materials and all the benefits of these courses will be multiplied manifold by attending this training.

The powerful training material is presented in the best way to design and optimise your learning, and recordings are available if you miss a live gathering. You have lifetime access to the downloaded recordings and materials from all modules. You will have access to the password protected private facilitated exclusive Coaching Training members area. Here, you will be able to quickly access video, listen to audio, find extra reading and workbook pages.

These webinars are live interactive and experiential sessions, so you can listen to participants bring material to Joy for guided facilitation and there will also be guided individual explorations, questions to enquire into, Joy’s responses, and guidance in setting outcomes and integrating awakenings.

You can return to the downloaded files anytime at your convenience for the rest of your life, to deepen your experience and understanding and enjoy and benefit more and more deeply from the guided inner enquiries time after time. Group Supervision Sessions are also recorded for your future reference

Additional Options for Live Retreat to be decided via mutual interests

  • How to run the Aliveness Moving, Stillness Listening meditation
  • How to run a Ho’oponopono ritual half day intro
  • How to run an Essence half day intro class
    Successful completion of the training qualifies you to run small groups in the 3 elements above
  • Two is One
  • How to hold a simple sharing circle, mixed or one gender
  • Pitfalls of holding a simple sharing circle
  • Ancient lineage work for own use with symbols, with one to one clients, and circles – the how to
  • Finding Your Niche
  • Practice together in pairs, small circles and whole circle – shared spiritual pursuit within an authentic, mature, committed community
  • Experiential exploration of two vital models for working with the energetics of life and people
  • Effortless Manifestation through JOY What is your best life? How to support yourself in your own life and facilitate your clients to create frequencies or vibrations of happiness, success or creativity out of the natural state of expansive consciousness.
  • You will learn about and work on the inner with the secrets to creating a profitable coaching – or any other type of – business that is sustainable long-term
  • You will discover to greater depth what works…and what DOESN’T work to create ease, happiness, success and fulfilment in your own life and how to apply this learning for others’ benefit you are with your clients and groups
  • If you are interested in facilitating any of them in future, you will have an opportunity to assist or contribute in certain aspects of Secret Garden explorations eg. during an Aliveness Moving, Stillness Listening Meditation, a Ho’oponopono Ritual, short letting go pieces and perhaps, if appropriate, a Higher Self Connection Ritual.
  • If you are looking for ultimate spiritual surrender, this approach allows the deepest Self-Inquiry to be a graceful journey into Being, and perhaps beyond, rather than an unsupported and frightening glimpse into abyss, aloneness and meaninglessness.
  • Birthing your Unique Expression: Releasing stuckness about allowing your own unique gifts and offerings to emerge more clearly and how to support a client to recognize and then to bring to the world their unique gifts, in such a way that makes the maximum contribution to other people, as well as creating financial flow.
  • Marketing – How to Offer What You Are Best At
  • Marketing –Promote Your Offering in Ways That Work and are True For You
  • Time Line Therapy 2 day Masterclass (This add-on element would be booked separately if desired)

As you deepen your practice and understanding of Essence work, limits and holdbacks will be seen through as the love that they truly are, and dissolve… so that you can live your nature free of fear, conditioning and contraction. You will create freedom in any area you choose to explore-relating, health, work, abundance and so much more. Oneness will no longer be sought or yearned for, but glimpsed, maybe realised, embodied.

This is perfect for you if you are wishing to deepen your own realisation of freedom. Also, if you wish to pass on the gifts and serve others deeply, this ongoing group will enhance everything you are currently doing and experiencing in your people work, whether you choose to be licensed or not.

You can also choose the option of becoming a licensed Essence professional – to take the Essence materials and approaches forward into life, to work directly with your clients and groups, your friends and parents and children.

Venue for Webinars and Group Supervision You can enjoy and benefit from these from the comfort of your own home. Make sure you have private, quiet space.

No prior preparation or technological know-how is mandatory but of course your own every day focus on what we are exploring will ensure success. You will need a pen, a notebook and good access to the internet.

Venue for Live Coaches Retreat This is intended to be a face to face Circle gathering at Joy’s private home in the beautiful, peaceful Slad Valley.

Benefits of the Essence Coaching Training for all participants, regardless of your reason for participating

  • You enjoy natural beingness, feel free of old issues and problems, get less entangled in new ones that arise, and create a life of ease, happiness and joy
  • This Essence approach is radical, it goes direct to the root, to essential nature-this is the core beyond story, thought and feeling. The deeper you go into Essence within, the more you will be showing up for your outer commitments and leisure time with resilience and love. The more you are living your creative expression in the world, the more important it is to stay in touch with your inner roots, your Self. Essence enquiry supports you in the ever-new unfolding of being. Life moves, the spirals in being and in awakening are endless, and ever-more rewarding.
  • Dissolve current presenting ‘problems’ and challenges and unwanted emotional responses
  • Burn through any misunderstandings, attachments and ideologies about spiritual awakening
  • See through and dissolve blindspots and unhelpful habitual behaviours
  • Strengthen the character qualities of humility, selflessness, compassion and patience needed for a people worker. Most importantly essence work does not increase or reinforce the ego sense of identity and control which is the problem with the ‘spiritual marketplace’ and new age healings and teachings. In order to live your true nature as being, a letting go and dismantling is necessary, rather than a building up. It is counter intuitive that it is this that allows the river of ‘your’ life to flow clean, healthy and abundant.
  • During this training, you will be able to work directly with your own questions, challenges and outcomes, so that your inner process of becoming free-er gathers momentum.
  • The rare gift of a group gathering regularly online and also live face to face in retreat, all with the intention of their own and others’ freedom
  • Your full, natural presence will be inherently able to create the perfect creative solutions and next actions for you, and you will know how to facilitate this for others in your personal or professional life
  • Receive training in life-affirming, profoundly rejuvenating work and receive all the benefits you give to others, for your own life, as you work
  • Energise your small and large (even your most ambitious) goals and visions and happily release striving for what is no longer right for you
  • If you work with other people as a coach, trainer, parent, body worker, advisor in any field, careworker, facilitator, counsellor, or are working with teams and would like to help others achieve even more effective breakthroughs – in any realm of life -this will enhance your performance big time.
  • This training will allow you to facilitate the embodiment of Essence, the liberation of natural beingness, in one to one and couple sessions and in group or circle work, with confidence and skill. It will complement and hone your skill at any kind of people work you already do or wish to be successfully established in.
  • Make decisions and life transitions easy
  • Trust your pull to what cannot be spoken of, and stabilise that realisation in embodiment
  • Life’s wholeness, the wonder and radiance becomes apparent more and more.
  • Learn how in exponentially deepening your own freedom in every area of your life, you can also facilitate others in dissolving limitation.
  • Increase profitability in your people or coaching practice while reducing stress and effort – or make this your brand new career!
  • Coaching and transformational work are more and more in the cultural mainstream. Nearly everyone wants to reach their potential and perform better at whatever they do.
  • Your life and your work will be deeply enhanced by becoming the Essence coach your contacts want to work with.
  • Teach the joy and freedom of letting go of limits naturally, to others in circles and groups
  • The training is a combination of online study, in-person retreats at a beautiful location, one-to-one coaching, group supervision and a series of guided meditations that you can practice on your own at home. You can take the training for your personal development, to learn and practice meditations that suit your life and transformational journey, and you can take it to cultivate skills as a teacher and coach of others.
  • Approaching life in a spirit of dynamic enquiry becomes second nature.
  • Energetic transmission will be strong throughout all Training Modules, Group Supervision, one to one sessions and the Live Retreat.
  • You will notice real, measurable benefits in all of the areas that matter to you, such as health, relating, financial abundance, professional achievement, service and contribution, your family, creativity, social skills, spiritual realisation and more
  • Enjoy the uplifting, deeply nourishing company and awesome power of our intimate community of men and women -yoga instructors, business owners, caregivers, artists, healers, teachers, writers, mums, dads, lovers, explorers of life’s truths -where its gifts of authenticity, deep trust, accountability, support and transparency is already firmly established
  • This is an immensely practical, grounded, safe approach to bringing spiritual focus into everyday life for you and, if wished your clients or family, and yet continued application of the principles and approaches will give you access to states of peace, bliss, calm and love which are usually considered to be available only to Eastern mystics.
  • You are building the potential for the ongoing unlimited potentials of our community which can bring you many years of professional and personal support and motivation.
  • This is a beautiful yet rigorous deep dive, which supports a daily ‘coming home’, whatever is happening, in stormy weather or sunshine, in your embodied human-ness & in your journey of unfolding flowering. Even if you have worked with Joy for many years you will experience a very significant and permanent shift in your awakeness.

Essence…the true source of your joy and blossoming…………………….Wake up, surrender to the joy of being

‘Essence facilitates self-realisation because it can dismantle the conditioned limits which make ‘you’ think that ‘there is not not already awakeness to the wordless wonder of being’ ~ Joy Hicklin-Bailey

Live Retreat

There will be a public Essence Live event in 2021, followed by a separate closed group Essence Trainee Coaches Live Retreat. The gathering ensures that you and all trainees are supported and trained to the highest standards of certification and touch the deepest of their own potential in human beingness. This also ensures that all participants of the Essence public weekend receive safe holding, excellent facilitation and effective tuition as they take first steps.

Your Group Supervision Sessions

You will benefit and grow in your professional confidence through shared group Awakening and Coaching / client or colleague Supervision online via Zoom. There will be four sessions overall.

Your Essence Supervision Private One to One Sessions

You will benefit from One to One work via Skype or face to face. One to One work is an excellent drilling down to deep issues that arise from the Secret Garden circles and from life, and your client /group work, in a very focused way. Details of one to one sessions are here

Face to face sessions are always a minimum of 2 hours. Your commitment will be the equivalent of 4 2 hour sessions (Face to Face or Skype), the first of which is to be taken by end of April 2021  and the final one by December 2021. (ideally you will continue with or add personal 1:1 sessions focused on your own life and process).

Please note that my practice is a very busy one and I tend to book up at least a month to 6 weeks ahead, though occasionally a skype session can be fitted in earlier than that.

The sessions will include your Professional Supervision with Joy, but if you are attending the training purely to work with your own process or to work with Essence friends for private benefit, the emphasis will be less formally towards that and more on your own personal outcomes. Either type of one to one session will of course include working with your own material as constellated by your friends, groups, intimate relationship, body, animals and clients, because this directly serves your professional contribution anyway.

If you wish to be a certified Essence Coach, these sessions will be specifically for your professional supervision and in addition to, i.e separate from, any personal sessions you have. The fees for these are as stated on the Session Booking page.

If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.’  Lao Tsu

Suggested Practice

At least once a week between the online and live components of the Coaching Training, commit to your own quiet inner Essence enquiry practice for 30 minutes, or shorter sessions, more frequently. If Joy has suggested an assignment specifically for you as a result of a question or issue you brought, you might also choose to focus on that as part of your Enquiry

As often as possible, at least once a fortnight, practice the meditation which, if you don’t already have it, can be purchased here –  Aliveness Moving, Stillness Listening Meditation.

Silent time each day

Time in nature each day

Requirements to be fulfilled if you wish to pass and be certified at the end of the Training

As a professional Essence Coach or a professional participating for your own growth, or a conscious parent or friend, your own transformational work and self-honesty is THE MOST CRUCIAL ‘tool’ in your toolkit. It grows your availability to LOVE. This is what your clients or colleagues or friends or partners come to you for when they take that trusting and vulnerable step to ask for your support, holding and reflection. Your commitments to the below will deepen this. That is the sole reason for them.

  1. You agree to completion of the 2 Essence Webinar Courses before we begin in early spring, 2021.  Essence Joy & Freedom in Being webinar course, and Essence Let Go, Live Light Ho’oponopono  Forgiveness webinar course to undertake the qualifying training in Essence coaching. The webinars are profoundly beneficial, lifetime use, resources . They can be experienced as one 90 minute module per week or 2 day retreats at home. How much richer the benefits can become as we build on the extraordinary breakthroughs and openings already achieved in your Essence webinars. It just gets better and better! Get  instant download at Store
  2.  You will be committed to be fully present to and engaged with all the Essence Coaching Training webinars (so you catch up properly if you have to miss a live session). These will vary in length between 60 and 90 minutes. Most likely they will be via Zoom. The space will be entirely confidential. There will also be a confidential forum for those who wish to participate in it.
  3. You commit to attend the Essence Coach Live Retreat in 2021 (fee included in training)
  4. You will be committed to be present to the minimum requirement for One to One work via Skype or face to face. The sessions will include your professional supervision but if you are attending the training to work with your Essence friends the emphasis will be less formally towards that. Either type of one to one session will of course include working with your own material as constellated by your friends, groups, intimate relationship, body, animals and clients, because this directly serves your professional contribution anyway. One to One is an excellent drilling down to deep issues that arise from the Secret Garden circles and from life, and your client /group work, in a very focused way.
  5. You commit to complete and document notes and learnings (using the sheets provided and any additional notes you wish) on two 6 week Essence Coaching series (i.e 6 1 hour sessions) you undertake with clients and/or family. One series to be completed before Online Webinar 3 (summer 2021) and the second series before the Live Retreat (autumn 2021). These sessions can be charged for by you to your client or a business you provide services for, or given free of charge, as you wish. You must tell your coachees that you are in training.
  6. You commit to complete notes documenting learnings and insights for own life and as a coach, from receiving one to one sessions and group supervision, using the 3 insights, feedback and meeting sheets Joy will provide for you in spring 2021, along with any supplementary sheets you wish to use. These may be based on Gains sheets too
  7. You commit to give and document 30 hours of sessions to fellow participants and / or friends who know you are in training. This time should include the following in the total – specific interactions while being an assistant coach on the Essence Public Introductory weekend in 2021, which will be part of your Coach Trainees Live Retreat, specific short but structured interactions at other Secret Garden events during breaks, structured sessions with other coaches during the Live retreat and structured short sessions via skype/phone/live with others you know. No more than 30% of these sessions can be given to the same person.
  8. You commit to receive and document 6 hours of skype/phone/live sessions from other trainee Essence coaches, including short half hour sessions if preferred.  No more than 30% of these sessions can come from the same trainee coach.
  9. You commit to four awakening coaching /group client or colleague supervision sessions online via Zoom), to be booked each time 2 months in advance of your agreed session, first session April 2021.

Requirements to be fulfilled if you wish to be certified and then practise as an Essence Coach

In a nutshell, this is a commitment to your continued relating with me and the Secret Garden circle and your opening to life and wholeness. This feels so much more desirable, real and beneficial to life (through the life in you) than charging a large yearly fee as many organisations do. It is how we will work together to bring accountability to those who are working with Essence, and how you will grow your own integrity, clarity, lightness and presence.

If we were living together in spiritual community, there would be an everyday connection, accountability and commitment, so this requirement below feels minimal and realistic for your Western lives, and above all supportive of your own unfolding into wholeness.

The standards of consciousness, integrity in all worldly engagement and care for those who come our way are high here. I know you are all well able to meet these – and of course we will be exploring matters related to this in depth anyway. This blend of online and live focused Essence training, supervision and one to one Ongoing group work allows those working in the demanding field of ‘people work’ to receive a consistency of presence, holding, reflection and transmission that is extremely rare. You will experience openings that can then stabilise in everyday life during breaks between other Secret Garden events if you choose to attend them. I only wish to train as Essence coaches those who are fully committed to their own ongoing realisation.

  1. You commit to be part of the ‘Assistant Coach’ team for a minimum of 4 hours, during an Essence Public Introductory weekend which will be held with public participants during your Live Retreat and the next new Ongoing group. There will be a rota so that there will also be times ‘off’ when you will be simply participating during this weekend.
  2. All written records listed above are to be submitted for formal assessment at the beginning of the Live Retreat in a ring binder with names, dates and timings clearly recorded.
  3. You will be committed to be present at the next ongoing group, and the equivalent ongoing group or retreats in the future. There will always be some kind of avenue, ongoing groups or retreats, for you to be in this ongoing connection with Secret Garden. 12 days per year is the minimum needed for this to feel like an alive relationship, ongoing, for all Essence coaches. The only exception to this would be serious illness or sudden extreme change in circumstances, in which case there may be a possibility to negotiate to defer. One of you has asked if one to one can take the place of the ongoing group work. I feel this and the one to one sessions are two complementary ways of working serve different purposes. Please note that this ongoing work is entirely separate from the Essence Coaching training group. There is no ‘pass’ requirement for this group! You will not be under scrutiny or required to perform. It is space for you to simply be.

Best practice and marketing for Licensed Essence Coaches

  1. You will be required to use the Essence Coach logo along with the Secret Garden logo, on your marketing, newsletter, website and other publicity and workbook materials for your Essence practice and for promoting any of your Essence live events such as a circle or a Meditation. You undertake never to use Essence materials and approaches without reference to the Essence Secret Garden logo and names
  2. You will be required to be respectful of and fully uphold Joy’s boundaries about her own existing clients and all Secret Garden group participants, and materials.
  3.  If you are going forward to practice actively as an Essence Coach and/or Facilitator, you undertake to sign the Essence contract for professionals which will include a code of ethics and standards with regard to practice and marketing. The spirit of this will be aligned with what is delineated here.

After you are licensed as an Essence Coach, the Essence Coaching logo can be used in your own marketing and session materials. As an additional support for your practice, if you desire it, there will also be a listing on the Secret Garden website of your name, c.v and photograph, and – for direct referrals only from Secret Garden’s website – a referral fee of 20% of the income you receive for the first session only with any new client – will be payable to Secret Garden, simply to contribute to basic costs. I have decided not to have an arrangement common in many organisations where you have to pay for all clients you practice Essence work with, nor am I asking for an annual licence fee to be paid. I prefer you to invest in your continuing professional and awakening journey via Secret Garden live events and sessions.

Essence Coaching Training – Book Now  – places very limited as this will be a small group so you can work intensively with Joy and as a team


Aliveness Moving, Stillness Listening Meditation – Buy Now for Instant Access


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