Essence - How You Can Forgive Self & Other

Ask Joy Hicklin-Bailey Anything about Forgiveness 

In this Online exploration, you will enhance your clarity about forgiveness work.

Deepen your embodiment of joy and freedom

Plenty of space for your Q & A & 1:1

Guided Group Meditation (your own self-enquiry)


Joy is a renowned facilitator of revelation of Beingness, if you are drawn to wholeness & freedom. She brings you her expertise in human dynamics & transformational evolution.

Secret Garden points towards your ‘journey’ of awakening into embodied realisation of non-duality, of one, not two, into that which is beyond words.
Whatever is – in the appearance – happening, the separate self’s hijacking of pure experience loses its hold.
The natural reality may be revealed.

This Free Gathering is for you if

  • You are currently working with the Forgiveness webinar course
  •  You have graduated from the Forgiveness webinar course 
  •  You wish to ask Joy a question or get 1:1 about something you are working through
  •  You want to receive great benefits from the Forgiveness webinar course for the REST OF YOUR LIFE
  • You long for more depth of connection with others & to resolve patterns of conflict
  • You want to experience a group meditation and healing to raise your energetic vibration
  • You want high quality guidance, free of spiritual ideology, about an often misunderstood area, & crystal agenda-free reflection along with the highest energetic transmission 
  • You are ready to make tangible changes to create turning points of transformation 
  • You are ready to let go of trying & self-judgement & open to the unconditional love at the core of Life
  • You are enquiring into the core questions of being human yet intuit that effort to ‘get there’ pushes away the gifts of being

Join us Thurs April 30
for 7pm-8 30pm

Places are Strictly Limited

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