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Being Human, Being Man, Being Woman
April 8, 2023 @ 11:00 am - April 10, 2023 @ 3:15 pm

This is an invitation to travel deeper into loving being the man or the woman you are. If you are not fully able to celebrate all your choices and every day living in your body, living your s-ual energy, living free of repression, denial, blame and resentments, opening to the pleasure and pain of your life fully, fully honest to yourself and others, then your natural-ness, the sweet gift and wonder of your life is compromised.
The big circle and the men’s circle or the women’s circle are your beautiful anchors and exploratory ground for this beautiful work of self-realisation. Men and women need to do work in their journey of waking up that is different from that of their opposite gender. That is regardless of sexual preferences. These spaces are fully embracing of LGBTQIA+ humans. The men’s and women’s circles gatherings will be longer than in other retreats, to allow lots of space for deeper same-gender exploration, winessing and healing to happen for you.
There will also be initiation and ritual in these spaces and in the big circle. Add in laughter, conscious boundaried touch, dance and more in great company.You find safe harbour to lovingly embrace any worries, confusion, helplessness or dilemma, any holdbacks to full sensual and sexual aliveness, and inspiration arising from the depth, to find, live, your natural joy and pleasure again.
Being Man, Being Woman, is a fate, whatever we choose to do with that (and Secret Garden welcomes all choices and struggles about this core theme). This is vulnerable space to bring the whole of your being. Do you value freedom, living alive and awake, beingness, depth? Do you value the conscious relating these make possible?
We humans, we men and women, are all things – unlimited, powerful and yet vulnerable, sometimes fragile. You cannot live an awake life of presence and love unless your relationship with all the colours of being human, of being man, of being woman – in self and other – is resolved.
Best few days of 2022 by far! ~ Stephen H., Buxton
Dive into authentic community. In times of uncertainty and conflict on the planet, we need community and connection more than ever. If you have been drawn and wish to discover what Secret Garden is, or wish to meet old friends and replenish what you have received and learned from the circle in the past, join us. All are welcome. This is very beautiful work. You will benefit from deep immersion in that which is beyond you, a dive into stillness and silence. You emerge back into ‘ordinary’ life inspired, nourished and fuller from new insights and ways of being, so that you radiate presence and tenderness to all around.
Fundamental to all Joy’s retreats is the core principle that life is energetic and unconditional. Life has its natural laws and also simply responds to the signals you give out, whether those signals are conscious or unconscious.
Come join us and create your space for
Exploring unconscious archetyal energies
Exploring and accepting the shadows of wounded masculine and wounded feminine – how to recognise and be free of these in your life & relating
Discovering and energising masculine and feminine gifts, beyond gender.
Are you ready to deeply live the truth that all that is real is the love that you are?
Step more fully your own life; and release what is no longer needed.
Join the men and women who choose to sit in circles of healing and awakening because you, like them, value heart over mind.
A gorgeous fusion of deep sharing, touching and sometimes playful structures, silence, profound meditations and an initiation, and Huna healings, bodywork, dance, laughter. Join us because you intuit that every human conditioned response or so-called problem dissolves in the heart’s silence and that any intelligent action, when needed, comes from that freedom and stillness.
Come join us if you are ready for what lies beyond the personal, if you value freedom to be over personality, if you are ready to drop your old stories and ideals for the sake of What Is.
the beginnings of having a closer connection to (my wife) and also being a little bit more present with others including my work colleagues and family…time in the circle (individually) and as part of a wider connected group to experience what is happening…. a chance to be more real. It is inspiring to see how other people have insights and understanding about themselves ~ Chris H., Surrey
Thank you so much for such a rich retreat, it feels extraordinary what you have created. What Joy creates means that transformation can happen in an instant when and if people are willing and step into the potential that is there. The circles are full of love, deep insights and potent learnings, laughter and humanity. ‘Me’ and my life have changed immeasurably since beginning work with Joy. For much of my life, I have doubted love existed, now I feel I want to dedicate my life to growing it ~ Hettie, Stroud
a catalyst for fundamental change in how I look at life; I have found time to love myself more, have placed greater priority towards strengthening relationships within my family & other friendships and am pursuing a pathway which is heartfelt than mind felt. I also saw huge benefit in how circles are successful when well facilitated and held with love. It was also useful to see some individuals further along the awakening journey “fine-tuning” themselves vulnerably, while also modelling “best practice” for others…the importance of being present; dropping judgements; being aware of our own shadow/triggers and their impact on others & embracing the pure beauty of being truly intimate with others ~ Paul Collins, Glocs.
Are you ready to resolve your inner & outer conflicts, face current challenges and create more pleasure as love, doing what love would do?
Are you ready to create real & profound change by working deeply with that which isn’t love within your being and discover the awesome power & joy of your pristine and unfettered soul?
… then this retreat is for you! Suitable for all who wish to live an easeful, chosen life, rather than a conditioned one. We recommend you book early – numbers are strictly limited for this event. Book Your Place Below, Now.
Book Your Place Here | How Others Have benefited
Being around a pretty conscious bunch of good men & women should provide a fertile zone of learning, listening & applying lessons. And so it was ! ….I feel more at home in my life & am taking responsibility for my part in making it work well. My shiatsu practice has gained … & I have more clients now. Warmth..inspiring…richness…real intimacy…an adventure I have valued and gained deeply from. I thank you, Tim & Joy ~ Kalandar Warren, Stroud
Top quality healing & growth for the separate self, whilst all around the whisper that the separate self is not real. This Love-infused combination is pretty special. Joy: profoundly loving, profoundly insightful, funny, earthy. Penetrating insight combined with unconditional love. Tim: wonderfully human, wonderfully encouraging, funny, clean; a beautiful – road-tested – masculine light, full of love. The down-to-earth humour of you both is worth its weight in gold. I feel constantly, quietly, encouraged and celebrated through being part of the Secret Garden community ~ Stephen Hancock, Devon
I’m feeling different, it’s subtle but real. I feel happier with what is, & am noticing so much love & beauty around me every day. My deepest gratitude to you dear Joy for all that I have learned & am learning from you ~ Karen Scott, Narberth
This is cutting-edge ~ Steve, Isle of Man
Ensures time/space allocated for what really matters, and … a deep connection with my being. Joy’s unique offering is her wisdom, intuition & insight. Tim’s unique offering is his heart and human-ness ~ Kim Rossi, Notts
Book Your Place Here | How Others Have benefited
Venue: Near Stroud
Dates: Sat April 8, 11am-Mon April 11, 3 15pm
Times: Arr 10 minutes before start unless assisting set up
Accommodation: this is non-residential. Non-res Catering for some meals & refreshments. Some single accommodation, or double/twin for couples, and camping is available at Mayfaire if desired. Book catering and/or b & b at the booking page at the same time as booking your place.
There will be a few very un-intrusive measures taken for your safety. We ask that you respect others’ boundaries about contact so that all participants feel fully relaxed Our Covid Safe Practices