Love is all there is. Love is what ‘we’ are. This is the direct experience of awakeness. Once glimpsed, there can be a yes to aligning every aspect of life with that unknowable.
How can you embody the empty, impersonal, unconditional in awake relating and sexuality? Simple, yet not always easy, for one who lives in a separate self.
‘Your’ relating life can be seen & explored as a clear mirror which reflects where you are living the falsehoods of personality, rather than living freedom and the natural joy of being and heart.
Enquiry & exploration in this arena, in a held, safe, intentional space, is the quickest, surest way for you to align with unconditional wholeness.
It’s easy to get lost in your everyday demands & challenges, but research repeatedly shows that loving, true relationships are the absolute key to a life well lived. If you know this & yet have found out that your good intentions & trying are not enough, then Joyful Loving explorations are for you.
Love is always a risk. It brings loss. So it can feel easier to avoid utter opening to ‘another’. Problems & conditioned patterns take hold in the fear-based, illusory separate self. Yet, through its challenges, and its joys, love’s deepest initiates us into largeness. Discover how to co-operate with this evolutionary opportunity built into relating and sexuality. You will open where you have been stuck, un-nourished or fearful & in embracing the one solution, (there is only one), find a joy that doesn’t depend on anything outside of you, yet magnetises what is right for you.
Dismantle false veils of trance, apparent separation & old myths about love which limit intimacy.
Depth, vulnerability, playfulness, transparency, powerful intentionality, clarity, self-love & naturalness grow in you, naturally as intimacy with What Is grows.
Better relationships with others begin with a better relationship with yourself &, crucially, with life, otherwise you are continually unconsciously projecting your own wounds outside & getting a clear reflection of our unsorted problems – in relating that does not fulfil your hearts’ desires!
Avoid serious mistakes that can sabotage your life & which most men & women almost inevitably suffer from. Listening to life, with Joy’s expert guidance & safe holding, allows you to move beyond patterns into beingness, which brings you freshness, clarity & love. Joy’s approach is radical, this energetic transmission invites you directly to the root, to essential nature-the core beyond story, thought & feeling, over & over again. All problems & patterns dissolve then.
What you can discover is that who ‘you’ are is What Is, already, beyond your story. The story of relating, what was or what might be, naturally changes as you let go into Only This.
This is for you if you are single, in a couple, or with a partner and choose to attend alone. It is for men & women who want more emotional & physical intimacy with themselves, with beingness, with future partners or their current partner. Ultimately, this is about the relationship to ‘your’ self, to being.
Do you wish for nourishment, holding and authenticity in this weekend retreat?
Are you ready to do the inner work to deepen your availability to love?
Are you looking for an intimate connection beyond deals, pacts and comfort zones?
Would you like your relating life, whatever your lifestyle, to be one of consciousness, tenderness, passion, pleasure, beauty & freedom?
What if you can discover how your relating life, whatever your lifestyle, can serve the highest potential of your humanity – embodied freedom?
Do you wonder how you can expand your capacity to give & receive more love every day?
Do you wish the healing power of truth, depth & presence to replace ambivalence, compromise & disappointment?
Do you long to learn how you can live awakened intimacy with your own being, with others, with existence?
Heart-opening vulnerable relating is the gateway to the Boundlessness beyond knowing. That is, always, anyway.
This enquiry catalyses the natural evolutionary unfolding into wholeness, the potential for which is built into your physical & energetic body. Its ultimate expression is inner marriage – dissolution of all opposites into beingness, unity consciousness.
To whatever degree it is realised, this deepens friendship & harmony between you & your lovers, partners, spouses, children, parents & friends, & all you meet. You will more deeply embody the love that is, in all existence and beyond it.
Imagine what would happen if you renewed your passion for life, your love of being. What that might lead to……
Do you long to learn how you can live awakened intimacy with your own being, with others, with existence?… then join us!
This Online Retreat will be as close to the live experience as possible. Areas of exploration, via structured explorations, whole circle, small circles, pairs, dialogue, Q and A, and individual practice. The themes are always new. Here is some of the material that may be touched on. If you wish to know more about the material for this particular retreat, please contact Joy
•Attachment patterns and dissolving them
• The Essentials of Intimacy
• How to embrace your partner’s perceived limitations
• Know if it’s time to leave a relationship and be clear about what is ‘right’ for the future
• Prioritising truth while parenting your children
• Exploring unconscious, archetypal energies
• Untangling co-dependency
• Holding safe space for shadow energy
• Wounded masculine and wounded feminine – how to recognise and be free of these in your life & relating
• Recognising & opening beyond defence mechanisms and triggers
• Dissolving judgement and emotion
• Stillness & silence
• Presence in physical touch
• Making love wide open, without holdback
• Opening into What Is, depth, authenticity, freedom, community, celebration
• Men’s* and Women’s Circles (* Facilitated by Tim Langford)
Cutting edge explorations, light-filled transmission of awakeness. & world class facilitation.
Deepen intimacy
Empower aliveness
Soften into the unconditional love of Life
Embody formless being.
Very limited places as you will join a module of a current ongoing group. This truly is a massive advantage for you, as it makes it so easy to relax into the field of deep trust, maturity, openness & authenticity.
Get the Early booking, unless the very limited places have gone. Book your place now – Very strictly limited places!