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Living and Loving Awake & Alive – a Joyful Loving Summer Retreat
May 28, 2022 @ 10:45 am - May 31, 2022 @ 3:15 pm

Being around a pretty conscious bunch of good men & women should provide a fertile zone of learning, listening & applying lessons. And so it was ! For me, that involved seeing how the “rough” part of myself affects my relationships, especially re women – all this has improved, for sure. I feel more at home in my life & am taking responsibility for my part in making it work well. My shiatsu practice has gained from many factors including the confidence that emerged through the SG course & I have more clients now. Warmth..inspiring…richness…real intimacy…an adventure I have valued and gained deeply from. I thank you, Tim & Joy ~ Kalandar Warren, Stroud
I realise that I am capable of intimacy – not in the future, but now, in how I relate to myself and others. I went into the group despondent about my ability to maintain intimacy (specifically in committed sexual relationship). Even just writing that feels miraculous. Although I’m not looking for a relationship right now, I know that I am capable of intimacy, and will make a good partner. This is a massive shift for me. I find myself engaging more deeply with friends. When people brought relationship dynamics to the Circle, it has really helped me see wounded patterning more clearly in myself and others. It was always clear when someone was able to communicate from deeper than just their stories, with as much honesty & vulnerability as they could muster. It’s like a particular musical note, which I feel much more attuned to. Top quality healing & growth for the separate self, whilst all around the whisper that the separate self is not real. This Love-infused combination is pretty special. Joy: profoundly loving, profoundly insightful, funny, earthy. Penetrating insight combined with unconditional love. Tim: wonderfully human, wonderfully encouraging, funny, clean; a beautiful – road-tested – masculine light, full of love. The down-to-earth humour of you both is worth its weight in gold. I feel constantly, quietly, encouraged and celebrated through being part of the Secret Garden community. Joyful Loving was one of the best journeys I’ve ever been on in my life. I love your wisdom, your impeccability, your care, your skill, your funniness and your playfulness. Your commitment to us as a group was jaw-dropping (and I’m sure I don’t know half of the behind the scenes works that went in). Not just jaw-dropping – profoundly touching. Thanks from the bottom of my heart ~ Stephen Hancock, Devon
Do you value conscious relating, sensual aliveness, depth, beingness, freedom?
Are you ready to deeply live the truth that all that is real is the love that you are?
Are you ready to resolve your inner & outer conflicts, face current challenges and create more pleasure as love, doing what love would do?
Are you ready to create real & profound change by working deeply within your being with all that isn’t love and discovering the awesome magic of compassion, tenderness & joy?
Are you ready to get more real, simple & vulnerable in your communications so that you can receive less of what you don’t want & more of what you choose?
Would you love to have an authentic spiritual community, supporting you in learning how you can be authentically, happily you and allow that to support you to live awakened intimacy? … then this retreat is for you!
Join the men and women who choose to sit in the circles of awakening because you, like them, value heart over mind.
Because you intuit that every human problem dissolves in the heart’s silence and that intelligent action, when needed, comes from that freedom and stillness.
Come join us if you are ready for what lies beyond the personal, if you value freedom to be over defensiveness, if you are ready to drop your most precious trances and ideals for the sake of What Is.
Come join us if you wish to enjoy sustained sensual aliveness and learn how to re-connect with it every day. (rich no-shared-touch options always available)
Come join us if you wish to learn to choose heart, consciousness and care in your relating life.
Retreat Details | How will you benefit? | Book Your Place Here
I am less frightened of men, I have more understanding of them and appreciation of their nobility, vulnerability and strength. I have learnt and healed so much from deep sharing with men, in paired structures and on the forum. I am beginning to enjoy my femininity, and finding, expressing and loving my softer, sensual, womanly self. I am also much more aware of my unhealthy if not destructive patterns of relating in all intimate relationships, but particularly with men and on my way to changing them. I thought I had ‘missed the boat’ and would not get another chance at a relationship with a man, but I have much more openness, willingness and trust about that now. Sharing from gender circles – hearing both the men and women talk vulnerably, openly and honestly about themselves and the other. The pair work and reflections on them. Witnessing the courageous people who come with their partners speaking deeply, honestly, vulnerably to heal and sort things out between them. Listening to Joy and Tim talking about their relating with breathtaking truth and love. Every minute in circle and out of circle in this community has potential for deep learning. The informational learning about breath and body and archetypes in relation to relating, sensuality and s**uality was all really helpful. Anyone who takes the chance and dives in to being present, alive and speaking openly cannot fail to be impacted by what is on offer here. Then it is our choice how we take learnings about love, relating, being alive into our lives. The values of truth, love and depth are lived, and demonstrated by Joy & Tim. Exquisite, finely tuned facilitation by Joy on any matter – it is the only place where I feel all of me is truly accepted and where I trust the feedback I am given completely. Joy & Tim speak of and demonstrate simple and profound truths in a completely practical, down to earth way. Secret Garden helps me stay grounded and awake in my life by simultaneously facilitating me to live closer and closer to my nature whilst ensuring I take my self less and less seriously (sometimes anyway). Somehow, in ways I don’t understand I am clearer and stronger in how make more and more conscious choices about every aspect of my life and how I spend my energy and am simply more open to experiencing more of life. More open to joy and peace than before. And when the times come that are dark and ugly, (less often) they are ok too ~ H. Stroud
a catalyst for fundamental change in how I look at life; I have found time to love myself more, have placed greater priority towards strengthening relationships within my family & other friendships and am pursuing a pathway which is heartfelt than mind felt. I benefitted enormously from witnessing other couples “in the cauldron” and watching them grow over the time. I also saw huge benefit in how circles are successful when well facilitated and held with love. (with) other men – now it is less competitive / distrusting and I feel more of a sense of brotherly love. I came away not wanting to be such a loner & appreciate male friendship bonding. I have a great appreciation of how these structures provide building blocks towards improving intimacy. We have adopted several as rituals in our daily/weekly practices together. I see tremendous value for those couples or individuals who are struggling, or have in the past struggled, with intimate relating… deconstructing the triggers/flashpoints and providing valuable insights from which, everyone could learn. It was also useful to see some individuals further along the awakening journey “fine-tuning” themselves vulnerably, while also modelling “best practice” for others…the importance of being present; dropping judgements; being aware of our own shadow/triggers and their impact on others & embracing the pure beauty of being truly intimate with others ~ Paul Collins, Glocs.
Ensures time/space allocated for what really matters, and connecting with man/woman, as well as a deep connection with my being. Joy’s unique offering is her wisdom, intuition & insight. Tim’s unique offering is his heart and human-ness ~ Kim Rossi, Notts
The info you share & explorations you facilitate so skilfully is GOLD DUST to a man who desires to be authentic, grounded & present with life, women & men. This is cutting-edge ~ Steve, Isle of Man
I’m feeling different, it’s subtle but real. I feel happier with what is, & am noticing so much love & beauty around me every day. My deepest gratitude to you dear Joy for all that I have learned & am learning from you ~ Karen Scott, Narberth
continually recognising /Understanding the differences between man & woman and the triggers that affect/hinder me in my relating with woman..untangling myself from mainstream conditioning & accepted customs and practices….valuing my own voice in transformational work/ circles. I particularly enjoyed the expression through movement…connection with emotions & allowing feelings to be expressed fluidly. You do an excellent job ( both of you ) …I enjoy you & Tim sharing some of your own experiences in relating ..it makes you and the work seem more accessible to me. A safe space with others who value truth and can also step outside of conventional ways of being. I especially value the support in my relating life with woman…. so refreshing & replenishing ~ Mike Robinson, Notts.
Retreat Details | How will you benefit? | Book Your Place Here
Venue: Old Town Hall, Central Stroud
Dates: Sat May 28, 10 45am-Tues May 31, 3 15pm
Times: Arr 10 minutes before start unless assisting set up
Accommodation: this is non-residential. Non-res Catering to incl 2 lunches 2 suppers & refreshments. but some single accommodation, or double/twin for couples, and camping is available at Mayfaire if desired. Book catering and/or b & b at the booking page at the same time as booking your place.
We intend this group to be fully face to face, with a few very un-intrusive measures taken for your safety and rich no-touch options always available. We ask that you respect others’ boundaries about contact so that all participants feel fully relaxed Our Covid Safe Practices