How will you benefit? Is this group right for you?
This group is for you if you are enquiring into the core questions of being human. Your own awakening is the gift of every limit to love, struggle or unmet longing you ever thought you had in life – this group invites you to discover – how you do this. You will experience the vitalising benefits of authentic community – you wish to be with others in total freedom, joy, pleasure & the ease of ‘You are me,’ come join us,
How will you benefit?
- Love who you are every moment
- Realise deeply the freedom & consciousness to say & mean no or yes in any situation & express your vulnerable heart’s truth without blame or reactivity
- Learn fluidity of emotional expression, your body, feelings & being an instrument for life to play
- See your limiting patterns, such as withdrawal, self-
sacrifice, numbness, rescuing, control clearly & find creative ways to return to relating with unconditionality - Learn how to love & accept yourself, heal old sexual & relationship wounds & hurts, as without this you cannot learn to love others unconditionally
- Learn to communicate clearly, successfully, about your inner experiences without making another responsible for your doubts, opinions, fears, commitment phobia, self-
judgements - Value aliveness in all its colours, without resistance, in intimate relationship and all relationships
- Learn to make & keep and renegotiate clear agreements that nourish all involved
- Experience the essence of your nature & deepen your level of trust in it each moment of your life, whatever your chosen lifestyle and relating style
- Gain clarity about who you are & what you need in relation to others & how to stay clearly connected with your own simple beingness as well as staying open & available to other, seeing & befriending all that gets in the way of that
- Open to and celebrate your natural sensitivity & innocence, free yourself into playful, joyful, loving relating, realise full permission to be in total pleasure
- Learn to stay centred when your wounds are triggered—& love others in their own wounds & blind spots
- Awaken vital healing energy through the senses & make sensuality & sex a full body experience
- Learn the intelligence of the subtle energy body & the chakras & experience rejuvenating, healing energetic exchange with a partner
- Mark & celebrate a transition in your life. Create harmonious balance in your life.
- In the men’s & womens’s circles, create a deep friendship with your own sex & be nourished by their support & celebration of the man you are, the woman you are
- Receive life-
transforming initiations into pleasure & profound connection - Grow the connection between your nature, child spirit, heart & soul, learn to live organically
- Learn how to create more intimacy, delight & pleasure in your loving while you are supported by the holding & intimacy of the circles and structures
- Rediscover the depth, the magic, the sacred, the joy, the aliveness of your senses & sexuality & the innocence of your opposite
- Know how to re-
kindle or retain passion in long- term love - Harness the dynamic power of your sexual energy & how to relax in high arousal, the oceanic surrender which comes from loving, relaxed union & the total presence of the other
- Tune in to male & female energy in nature, yourself, others & in lovemaking. Enjoy the beautiful differences & understand the dynamics of sexual energy relationships & intentions
- Transform every day stress into sexual vitality & increase sensitivity, enjoyment of your body, stamina & fulfilment
- Learn the secret arts of tantric touch & being touched & spiraling arousal, & how to relax & surrender in states of high arousal
- Celebrate god & goddess in the other & learn how to freefall into the truth of the oneness beyond these polarities
- Realise on a cellular level that sex & spirit are one. Let go into love, the essence of life
- Discover profoundly opening sexual healing initiation ritual & intimate sensual massages which enhance your sexual life forever
- Know where you’re leaking your sexual energy away.
- Find out how to avoid the big mistakes that most people make with their sexual energy & sex life that can cause unseen, silent harm to your health, your relationships, your career & even your finances
- Attract the right lovers or perfect long-
term soul mate, true for you - See clearly how your sex life can define your relationships –
both are mutually connected, & one can’t exist without the other. - Learn how to harness and transmute your inner sexual energy and to transform it into the things that you most desire.
- Joy is such a world class profoundly effective facilitator that several renowned relationship teachers go to her to solve their love issues.
- Ask yourself honestly –
were you taught the fundamentals of love & male- female energetics as you grew up – have you spent your life so far trying to work out what not to do through your mistakes & maybe heartbreaking losses? Or have you compromised or given up or hardened yourself? - You will learn the vital importance of connecting consciousness, love & sex & how to bring them together, so you can experience a powerful & miraculous transformation that will bring you enhanced charisma, magnetism, peace & happiness. You can change your daily life into beauty & innocence.
- Learn how closely spiritual ecstasy & sexual bliss are connected & how this energy can be harnessed to open your third eye so you always know what is right for you.
- Find out how to avoid the big mistakes that most people make with their sexual energy and sex life that can cause unseen, silent harm to your health, your relationships, your career and even your bank account.
- Attract the right lovers or the perfect long-term soul mate
See clearly how your sex life can define your relationships – both are mutually connected, & one can’t exist without the other. - Learn how to harness & transmute your inner sexual energy and to transform it into the things that you most desire.
- Discover how to experience a FULL body orgasm, the real way to achieve it in a short period of time, & why this transforms your daily life.
- Because this training affects your whole energy field, you will empower your professional & entrepreneurial skills and gain a massive boost in your motivation & success at work.
- You can live awakened intimacy outside of you as a natural outpouring of a never- wavering intimacy with your innermost
- What if all you long for, all you seek in another is yours already?
- Awaken to Heart consciousness which is limitless. It has no agenda. No demand. It is endlessly fulfilled. Human beings know they can live this way with each other – here is a rare opportunity to find the edges & resistances, love anyway, melt, surrender.
- Deeply learn to say no when you mean no, and yes when you mean yes, with love
- Transcend separation, alienation & denial.
- Experience the healing potential of the alchemical dance between man and woman outside of you & the marriage of maculine & feminine inside of you.
- Express your boundaries clearly with an open heart, while allowing the full flow of your energies and desires
- You will move back into ordinary life awake, nourished and reconnected with soul.
- Recognise & honour your natural sexual desires & energies, be fully alive in all you feel, stay true to what is
- As you explore deeper, with conscious touch & clear communication, & meditation, celebrating your primal animal aliveness, sexual power, sensual pleasure, clarity, intimacy, presence, your sex energy becomes rocket fuel for finer higher energies of consciousness. The exploration of love, sex & relating is seen as the most powerful gateway to the freedom & love that is & always was.
If you long for……
- Awakeness to & embodiment of the love that you are & a transforming of all your relating as a result
- Increased self-
awareness about how your patterns limit love & how to free yourself - The courage & trust to take risks & show up fully & authentically
- A heightened sense of joy & ecstasy in your everyday life
- Heightened sensitivity to your body’s wisdom and energetics
- A deep let go into surrender
- Depth of presence in your meetings
- Fluidity and flow in communication & freedom from blame & criticism in your relationship
- Deeper connection & intimacy with your partner
- Passion, tenderness, vibrancy & aliveness in your life & relationships ……….then make it happen –
seize the day, only a few places remain book your place now
Click here to read more Click here to book your place
Joy is currently writing a book with the working title
Joyful Loving – How You Can Live Awakened Intimacy & find the Gateway to your true nature
Do I have to be or do anything particular in my participation?
How you participate is totally up to you. You are supported throughout in being in the structures & experiences in the way that feels true to you. A tender, safely held exploration, this is a sacred space & nurturing environment in which your vulnerability, privacy & confidentiality are protected. All chosen boundaries are honoured & respected. This is not explicitly an exploration of sexual themes and energy, though that material can be brought to the circle. No physical contact is completely appropriate if you wish, so you are safe & free to explore & find your freedom to be you, in love.
Being! brings you a series of carefully guided intimate encounters with the archetypal gateways of life, with the beauty of nature and the body, your longings & desires, the free flow of your feelings & sensitivities. It shows you how it is possible to heal what limits connection, let go of any fears & judgements that keep you separate from a deeper loving of yourself, others & life, & open into more satisfying ways of being, relating & creating natural happiness & pleasure.
What will you experience, what will you learn and how will that benefit you and your life?
You will learn more effective communication, the power of vulnerable honesty, more friendship with ‘the other’. This work is for those who seek self -realisation or indeed simple happiness. There will be lots of laughter!
You will learn deeply to enjoy your desire for intimate contact, in all its moods, to know and honour your personal boundaries in any moment by moment situation, and to communicate these clearly.
Our alchemical work will include the most powerful meditations, guided structures, communication skills and secrets, work with the breath, sensitive exploration, wakening and healing of the energy centres of the body, conscious movement of energy in the body. dance, transpersonal and depth psychology, compassionate communication approaches, leading edge evolutionary work for awakened man and woman.
There will be intimate sharing in pairs and small groups, to mark and acknowledge, so that there is a deeper and deeper acceptance and love for the life that flows in you and for the insights and openings. The openings happen the more you learn a willingness to engage with what is, now.
Open sharing in our large circle opens your heart allowing trust, confidence and sensitivity. Men and women will spend some time separately with their own sex, sharing and growing into deep friendship with the man they are, the woman they are, deeply resourced not only for relating but for all of life.
There will be ritual and ceremonies, and life changing initiations in some modules, catalysing and celebrating your man or woman, your being. Deep freedom, consciousness and choice about your experience and expression of sexual energy arises. To love and allow one’s nature is to commit to a life of love and spirit.
In the deeper circle work, your body, your feelings, your energy and your nature as man or woman is gradually freed of the rejecting judgements, wounds, performance anxieties, assumptions and dilemmas you may have accumulated from your culture, parents, peers, partners.
Guilt is transformed into inspiration and possibility; fear becomes excitement; judgements are replaced by gratitude, ugliness or disgust becomes grace, wounds become resources, frustration becomes playfulness, control melts into heart opening.
You will learn and realise in the cells of your body how sex holds enormous potential for healing and spiritual growth as well as being an everyday source of simple pleasure. You will experience and enjoy how alchemy happens when polarities meet with consciousness and the result is beauty, the nectar of soul.
With increased vitality, more sensuality, depth of feeling and open hearted acceptance of how life touches you now, you are more available for those you partner or befriend or offer service to. So you reclaim the life force which is your birthright.
This course is an opportunity to receive sacred knowledge that will give you specific techniques and heightened awareness to enrich your sexual life and make your ordinary life, every moment,an ecstasy.
Through this alchemical work, intimate relating can become a way in to spirit, an invitation to relax into openness, fully present to sensation-al life. Learn to truly relax into loving, intimate, and authentic ways of being that can be deeply heart-opening, sexually erotic, or both and more…whether in a committed loving relationship or in your wider friendships.
Old survival patterns which can lead to pain and difficulty in relationship, and sabotage intimacy, dissolve when you know how how to enhance energy and dive into presence . Joyful integration of earth and spirit, body and soul, our own male and female energy happens for you. Loving heals.
As we journey deeper, we will share potent esoteric skills, energetic practices and intimate massage approaches to enhance pleasure and promote emotional and physical healing through the body.
You will experience powerful structures that will cleanse energy channels, awaken and harness the power of your sexual circuitry, so that your sexual energy, transmuted by love, can heal and release your body, and enhance its capacity for pleasure. You will also learn how to do this for a partner.
Realising this way of being through your physical body and the feelings, through the sensual and the erotic, the natural rhythms of desire and relaxation, expansion and contraction, with consciousness, is a beautiful doorway into the largeness and essential goodness of life. And always the underlying truth of awareness seeing through the stories, allowing freedom to unveil itself, is the context.
This work is innocent and beautiful, full of healing, love, truth, intimacy and celebration of the one life we have been given to enjoy. The ongoing group can lead us into real friendship with and acceptance of those limiting patterns – in ourselves and others – and into an opening beyond them..
The passion, pleasure, love and healing power that is your birthright is extraordinary. Celebrate the vibrant, sexual being you are! This work is essential discovery for those who seek self -realisation or indeed simple happiness.
A powerful ongoing circle is gathering already, in which deep nourishment and spiritual support can be found. It is a great venue amidst beautiful countryside, with nourishing food, so that we can relax into this work of waking up the body, expressing the longings of the heart and creating deep intimate connection and surrender. This is an invitation to open and celebrate being…..Book now as places are strictly limited
….Then there is the food, the meditations, music, maybe dancing, and time to relax in the hot tub and enjoy the beautiful Glastonbury/Welsh/Gloucestershire countryside. Book your place now, the rewards for your life are immense.
What will an ongoing group give me?
There is nothing as potent for your life as the magic of an ongoing group…the intimacy that builds, along with the trust, insights, the courage and friendship that evolve when you know you are together over time, the incredible adventures, are irreplaceable and priceless. Because we can work deep, and because there is the safety of close bonding and the pleasure of community, you can open and resolve your deepest, core issues. Join us now if you seek self -realisation or simply natural happiness.
There is a constant bridge with your everyday life because the modules are well spread out, allowing integration, but there is ongoing contact, if desired, with the e-
Is your relating empowered and juicy? Do you live all of you or do you live from the waist or neck up? An opening of your heart, enlightenment of all your experiences and freedom of being, an opening to the vastness of Man or Woman, can be yours.
This will be deeply intimate work and needs maturity and sensitivity. Participants need to have some introductory experience of establishing boundaries, and respecting those of others, or of working with sexual energy or tantra, or of working with Joy (unless you are attending with your partner who has experience of any of these) –
Single participants are welcome. This work is also highly suitable for couples who may be together in all structures, or whenever they choose. Participants of past ongoing groups have experienced openings, healings, breakthroughs they had no idea were possible.
How blessed I am to be privileged over and over to be in circles with those who value presence, the intimate life, the flow of feelings. Those who come to trust and deeply value the circle’s profound balance between individual needs and journeys unfolding, and community ever new and alive, the integral connection between body and spirit, those who enjoy and care for the surrender to male and female aliveness, nature, the rhythms of simple pleasure, lots of belly laughter, silence and deep exploration. I so look forward to working with you in this powerful circle. Your time is now! Call us!
It is only when your whole being opens that the not knowing of intimacy and presence arises and you can and fully receive the deep mysteries of being.
If you open through learning relate with awakeness and sensitivity, and engage in love with existence, as you expand consciousness enough, in your sensual and sexual loving, beyond your personality limitations, there is a doorway to energetic freedom, an ecstatic, totally alive beingness where separation dissolves and healing of limited perspectives and hurts happens; you can touch the deepest mysteries of existence, beyond life’s normal boundaries. Then life and relating becomes rich as you experience everything in ordinary life differently.
If you take your place in this Being! ongoing group you will realise a profound affirmation and celebration of your nature as freedom, and enjoy it with playfulness, tenderness, consciousness, compassion, integrity, innocence and joy.
This ongoing group serves your highest potential in human beingness. Its theme is one that involves us all. The passion, pleasure, love and healing power that is your birthright is extraordinary. Discover or rediscover and celebrate the vibrant, sensual, energetic being you are, and the aliveness beyond that which always, simply, is…………. why wait?