Your joy in being arises from the most intimate.
All that you desire in relating & life
blossoms in silent stillness
Essence – a Self-Enquiry course
Essence is a profound approach for increased freedom, ease, happiness and creativity, and for the letting go of perceived and conditioned limitations. You will Let go and Live Light, fully embodied.
This webinar course will allow you to experience deeply and understand some of the most fundamental aspects of the Essence approach so that you can confidently release any thought or feeling at any time – whether in your own quiet space or actively engaged in life. This allows you to enjoy natural beingness, to feel free of old issues and problems and to create a life of ease, happiness and joy.
Reap the benefits of this extraordinary way of dissolving limitation and emotional reactivity. Essence can be used in the moment, in all situations and in all interactions to enhance every area of life.
Traditionally, these profound teachings have been offered day by day. In the West, this intensity of connection with a guide is not so easy for most. Nevertheless, this consistency is vital if misunderstandings about spiritual awakening are to be cleared up, and if blindspots and unhelpful habitual behaviours are to be seen through.
This Online course allows you to receive a consistency of presence and transmission that one-to-one is impossible practically for most people. You will experience openings that can then stabilise in everyday life, and during breaks between other Secret Garden events if you choose to attend them.
Dismantling Your Limits to Living Life Wide Open
The Essence Online course is totally complete and highly life enhancing in its own right. It can also be a springboard to the life-changing further training as a Coach, where, while exponentially deepening your own freedom in every area of your life, you can also facilitate others in dissolving limitation. This profoundly awakening training allows you to experience how to deepen your coaching/people practice, help those in your life more effectively and enrich and energise your own life at the same time! Alternatively, if you wish you can build on this foundation and experience the always new Essence Live Retreat autumn 2021. If you are sure you wish to go deep, then you can simply register your interest for the above, for which prior completion of both Online courses including Let Go, Live Light ho’oponopono Forgiveness, are mandatory.
This Essence Online recorded webinar course is all-new, and even if you have worked with Joy for many years you will experience a very significant and permanent shift in your awakeness.
This Essence approach is radical, it goes direct to the root, to essential nature-this is the core beyond story, thought and feeling – that we return to over and over again. Awaken to your true nature, to Essence. All problems dissolve then. Miracle solutions arise.
Discover the infinite power & creativity that is, when you let go into life, here, now.
Essence – the true source of your joy and blossoming.
Wake up – surrender to the joy of being.
These are the Benefits you will receive
- You will be able to rediscover your own power, energy and fulfilment within a moment, in any situation
- Your full, natural presence will be inherently able to create the perfect creative solutions and next actions for you, and you will know how to facilitate this for others
- You will notice real, measurable benefits in all of the areas described below, and see manifest positive change in every area of your life that you are choosing to work with.
- The Essence approach can unleash a process of accelerated awakening that creates tremendous clarity and guarantees success in areas of your choice.
- You learn approaches which are supremely aligned with any spiritual practice or personal development approach.
- You will learn how to stop suppressing emotions or how to stop expressing them destructively, and let go of them instead. Letting go of negative emotions, thoughts about the past, worries about the future, old patterns and limits allows you to be happy, right now. Then you can experience the freedom, creative power and joy of the present.
- You improve your relationships, create increased financial security, and dissolve the fears that prevent you from achieving your goals.
This course will help you to:
- let go of blocks to self-motivation and effectiveness
- deal with stress, anxiety and challenging situations
- make sound, grounded decisions
- increase the fun and joy in your life
- perform well under pressure
- enhance energy, and resolve health problems. Go along easily and happily with the flow of life.
- expertly manifest what is right for your life with ease, as learning how to let go of striving using the Essence approach allows your dreams and goals to materialise effortlessly.
- You receive a workbook and access to a facilitated private members forum, and you get lots of time working in pairs. If you wish, with Joy, doing deep drilling down in order to create freedom and ease with regard to your issues and goals.
- When the Essence of life is embodied, the more alive you are; you are also physically stronger, more supple, flexible, and have great mental clarity.
- Though the mind is tranquil, there is a focus and collectedness which doesn’t become distracted. Energy and intelligence is downloaded directly. The right actions arise. The best decisions are apparently made, easily.
More benefits for You
- Clarity : how to recognise projection, limitation and trance. How to understand, and integrate, the changes that are happening in your own journey of awakening
The Power of Presence: how to step out of your own way, and how to show up in your own life and with your clients, free of all internal and external distraction. - Essence of Awakening: how to guide your own being and anyone out of the mind and into awakened presence, in a few minutes ( several approaches are taught). More will be explored if you choose to participate in Essence Live retreats
- Dissolving Limitation:Your inner freedom and recognition of what limits ease, flow and happiness in any situation increases. This is reflected in your outer circumstances. You will learn through experiential exercises a profoundly simple approach to releasing fear, limiting beliefs, judgement, anger, sadness, anxiety and so much more. You will learn how to safely experience and release energetic charges which are the basis of emotional reactivity, and which inhibit your ability to respond to opportunity.
- This course is valid for CPD points and a receipt can be provided for tax purposes if your advisor supports your professional training as tax-deductible.
- Essence Embodiment : Your own unique programme for homeplay in between classes to support you in living awakening consciousness in every aspect of personal and professional life.
- Further your spiritual development, deepening your own freedom in being. If desired, you then have an opportunity to train and work – with your own independent practice and business – as a Secret Garden Essence awakening coach – as part of your professional life.
- This is a highly experiential course. It is therefore relevant to all people workers and all who wish to go deeper into their own freedom but work in other professional arenas. Your inner work is on those areas you wish to work on, specifically relevant to your own life and/or practice.
- You will discover what works…and what DOESN’T work to create ease, happiness, success and fulfilment in your own life, and how to apply this learning for others’ benefit you are with your clients and groups
- Energetic transmission will be strong throughout all the Online Modules. It will be particularly strong for those who have chosen to participate in the Live retreats and trainings.
- A taste of the awesome power of authentic, conscious community. its gifts of accountability, support and nourishment and lots of interaction with other students, opportunity for dialogue, Q & A, with Joy Hicklin-Bailey and other coaches, is available if you also book Essence Awakening Live retreats.
See Module Details section below
What You Say and Who Buys This Course
This is an all-new course. It is suitable for you if you are new to Secret Garden and have been long term explorers of your inner life, and for you if you are drawn through a current life challenge or a curiosity. It is also suitable for those who have explored awakening in Secret Garden for years. You will receive much that is completely new for you. If you know this Secret Garden, this online course will be an excellent support and fresh context for you if you are currently in a live ongoing training or having private sessions with Joy. Life moves, the spirals in being and in awakening are endless, and ever-more rewarding. if you are committed to your explorations, the Online Essence Courses are specifically designed to give regular, direct experience of Secret Garden in the most accessible way possible-in your home – so that the live sessions and circles are sustained during your ordinary life. Some aspects of the Essence work have been offered in other contexts, here is some unsolicited feedback from clients & group participants who have benefited from Essence Online recently and also Essence live circles.
Module Details

Module 1 – Build crucial foundations for emotional & mental health
- Getting into habits that support my learning and process
- How does the Essence approach really work?
- What do you normally do with your feelings and thoughts?
- How can you fully embrace feelings such as fear, thoughts that bother you and judgements that separate you, instead, and then easily let them go? And why is this important? And when are you likely to resist that?
- What are the stages of awakening? What sabotages waking up?
- Guided group processes
- Interactive session with pair practice & individual Guided facilitation.
- Question & answer

Module 2 – From addictive patterns to presence
- How do you overcome addiction, unwanted habits and procrastination?
- How do you fully embrace resistance, and stuckness & free yourself from them?
- Discover how you can bring yourself back to presence, truth, just being, Essence, even in the midst of action
- Learn how the Essence approach can be applied every day at work and in your personal life to enhance peace and fulfilment.
- eg How you can deal calmly with stress, challenges, difficult confrontations and occasional heavy workloads
- eg How to begin to use this approach with wellness issues
- Guided group processes
- Interactive session with pair practice & individual Guided facilitation.
- Question & answer session

Module 3 – Relating consciously
- Improve and deepen your relating with family, friends and intimate partners
- Learn about the hidden drives which are saboteurs in your relationships
- Learn to embrace these drives and dissolve them easily
- Learn a very powerful approach to dissolve conflict in the moment
- How do you relate with ease and authenticity to others? How do you become more comfortable with others’ emotions and patterns?
- Discover how you can motivate others effectively
- How you can enhance relationships within a team and organisation
- Guided group processes
- Interactive session with pair practice & individual Guided facilitation.
- Question & answer session

Module 4 – Working deep to heal trauma and past safely
- Deeper self-healing
- Letting go of old trauma, grief and rage using the Essence approach
- Clean up old memories and stories running you in the background
- Discover, embrace and let go of the core wanting in your life
- Guided group processes
- Interactive session with pair practice & individual Guided facilitation.
- Question & answer session

Module 5 – Goal setting which creates more freedom
- Clear and confident decision making
- Discover how you can set and energise goals that work for you so that you achieve your objectives
- Know which actions to take to achieve your goals yet stay with the wonder, power and perfection of what is here now always
- You dissolve old identities and perhaps unconscious roles, and moving into what serves you now
- Discover that your full, natural presence is inherently able to create the perfect creative solutions and next actions
- Guided group processes
- Interactive session with pair practice & individual Guided facilitation.
- Question & answer session

Module 6 – Blossoming
- How you Integrate the Essence approach into every aspect of your life
- The subtleties
- A taste of more fluid and even more profound approaches to using Essence so you can let go of let go of all emotional and mental limitations you choose to be free of
- Confidently know how to be more in touch with your own power, energy and fulfilment within a moment
- Find out the truth of being
- Guided group processes
- Interactive session with pair practice & individual Guided facilitation.
- Question & answer session
More Details For Online course
Your OWN Schedule – 90 minute recorded class, 6 webinars to listen to and digest at your own pace.
You have access anyway to the recordings and materials from all modules. You will have access to the password protected private facilitated members area. Here, you will be able to watch video, listen to audio, find extra reading and workbook pages.
These webinars are recordings of interactive and experiential sessions, so ou can listen to participants bring material to Joy for guided facilitation and there will also be guided individual explorations, questions to enquire into and guidnace in setting outcomes and intergating awakenings.
You can return to the downloaded recordings anytime to deepen your experience and understanding and enjoy and benefit more and more deeply from the guided inner enquiries time after time
Dates modules 1-6 To suit you
If you wish to participate in the essence Awakening Training, you must complete the course by October 9th
Venue You can enjoy this course from the comfort of your own home.
Suggested Practice
At least once a week your own quiet inner Essence enquiry practice for 30 minutes. if Joy has suggested an assignment specifically for you as a result of a question or issue you brought, you might choose to focus on that
or shorter sessions more frequently
at least once a week Aliveness Moving, Stillness Listening Meditation
Practical Notes about the Webinars
No prior preparation or technological know-how is needed. You will need a pen, a notebook and access to your computer. Please bring to the calls your full attention and presence. Do your best to be in a quiet and undisturbed environment for the full length of the webinar. Downloading a module is a 3 second process at your convenience and then you have access to the materials and inner processes for a lifetime. The workbooks are downloaded easily (a 2 second process) with one click of a button
If You Want To…
- Get out of your own way
- Enjoy a rich, intimate relationship life
- Ease transition to new phases of life
- Learn a wonderful decision making process
- Achieve goals which are truly appropriate for you and your growth
- Realise your love, presence, openness and peace, the power of just ‘being,’ celebrating this man or woman that you are………………
…this Online course is for you- get instant access here!
Act now, while the Bonus offer applies! (For the 2 course discount, credit given on Forgiveness or Essence Online webinar fee if you already purchased one of them, just email Joy)
Essence – the true source of your joy & blossoming. Online Webinars, Retreats & Trainings.
THIS stand-alone, life-changing webinar course
contains awakening material you will not find anywhere else.