Covid-19 Notice & Support
We are offering a mixture of online and face to face group events. These will include Essence, Being and Joyful Loving which are so popular as rich and nourishing explorations.
These face to face events are working really well, both practically and because we have such fantastic participants coming along! Our favourite Stroud group venue asks that groups use their own safety measures. These are similar to those for Mayfaire below. For face to face events and very local sessions, we provide details of current protocols to keep everyone as safe as we can, when you book. Our protocols minimise risk as much as is possible. The details below work very smoothly and are unintrusive. They will support you and all to relax fully into our shared being together. All retreats and events offer rich no-touch options. We ask that you are respectful of everyone’s choices, and clearly communicate your own so that we all feel happy and relaxed.
Please do not attend* if you answer yes to any of the following
1. Have you had a fever or felt feverish lately?
2. Have you had a new or different type cough lately?
3. Have you had shortness of breath, difficulty breathing?
4. Any repeated episodes of shaking with chills?
5. Any daytime sweats unrelated to exercise, or night sweats?
6. Any nausea, GI upset, vomiting or diarrhea?
7. Have you had recent loss of taste or smell?
8. Do you have new or different muscle/joint aches?
9. Have you felt severe fatigue lately?
10. Have you had any other flu-like symptoms?
11. Have you had any contact within last 14 days with someone who tested positive for COVID-19?
12. Have you tested positive for COVID-19 within last 14 days?
13. Have you been clinically diagnosed with COVID-19 within last 14 days?
14. Have you been asked to quarantine at this time?
At the start of an event, your temperature will be checked (hands free) and you need to bring your plastic result of a negative covid -19 lateral flow test, taken immediately before you travel to the event.
Any participant that falls unwell with COVID-19 symptoms, however mild, during their stay must let us know immediately. You would need to eliminate all contact with the group and return home to seek medical advice by telephone. All participants are asked to let us know if they fall ill within 10 days of being in a face to face group, so that we can advise others to take a test.
Each participant will be asked to take a lateral flow test on each morning before being in contact with others. Your temperature will be taken each morning, if a course is for several days. Windows will be open in all rooms during the day in venues (bring an extra sweater perhaps). Air circulating freely greaty reduces transmission. Meals will be taken outdoors, if and when the weather allows.
If you desire it, social distancing can continue indoors, where possible. Use of hand sanitiser when using the indoor loos and portaloo is requested. Masks are not to be worn in circle but you can if you wish wear them elsewhere.
We ask that you use disinfectant wipes to wipe down loo seats and bathroom taps, kitchen taps and communal door handles after use. Regular hand washing for 20 seconds is requested, and this is mandatory before touching shared food and utensils and any shared equipment. Sanitiser must be used before dining and afterwards. Disposable hand towels are provided.
All high traffic areas and pinch points and communal areas where air movement may be less, such as corridors and where people will touch the same surfaces, such as in kitchens, eg kettles, shared condiments etc, will be given additional sanitisation regularly. Please bring your own antiseptic handwipes and sanitiser, water bottle, mug crockery and cutlery for personal use, and a lateral flow test to use each morning of the event.
If meeting at Mayfaire or staying overnight with us, please always use only your own towels for bathing and hot tub and keep these and all your own belongings, in your room or tent. All group b and b linen is washed at 60 degrees. Do not use the house cushions and throws – please bring your own cushion and blanket.
If you prefer to camp rather than sleep indoors on a bed, that’s available, and there is an outdoor, hot water, shower for you. Please leave the bedroom window open when you vacate your room at the close of the workshop.
We really want to maintain a safe and pleasant place for everyone to enjoy whilst visiting here and we’d be so happy to receive your thoughts and any suggestions you may have during your stay.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if we can be of service to you with individual and couple coaching, client supervision, embodied practice, resilience and wellbeing support, and assistance with living happily and consciously at this time. If you are drawn to that possibility, please email us or call us on 01452 813241 or 07866 470238.
Couple and one to one sessions are either face-to-face or online, (via skype, zoom and telephone) as desired. Joy is very happy to hear from you.
Take Care, Stay Well, Be Love
Note – By registering for any Secret Garden live and face to face event, you are hereby releasing Secret Garden Opportunities Ltd, Joy Hicklin-Bailey, Tim Langford and all venues used, from any and all liability for illness or personal injury, including but not limited to COVID-19, which may be transmitted to you or received by you while participating in this event on the premises where it is held. *If you test positive twice just before the event, we credit your account so that you can attend a future course, minus a necessary 25% admin fee for accounts and database adjustments. We reserve the right to turn away any registrant from the event venue who arrives with or develops a fever or similar symptoms. You may wish to take out UK event insurance for the dates you are booking. Please also see our terms and conditions. The Covid policy does not affect our other terms and conditions, which all remain in place. If travelling from abroad, please ensure your travel insurance covers against you getting covid-19, needing to self-isolate or being unable to travel due to covid-19 restrictions or for any other reason.
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- Absolutely amazing, you are such a delight and I am in awe of your ability to facilitate all that virtually on your own!
Clearly I can’t stop now. The thought of living my life with that sort of sparkle and pleasure is something I did not imagine was possible at my age!!!! Well I had not actually given up all hope, but was beginning to doubt. And then this. You.Philip Batchelor, Stroud
- I want to mark something that feels really important from our session yesterday. The biggest thing that came was that ‘it’s alright to be me’ & that ‘there is nothing wrong with me and how I do life’. I suppose before there was an underlying feeling that what is right for others should be right for me which left me feeling inadequate. But that’s all gone now. It inspires me to be true to my own needs which makes me feel truly liberated.
Kim Rossi, Notts