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The Money Retreat – Your Energetic Initiation into Ease, Flow, and Abundance
June 3, 2023 @ 11:00 am - June 5, 2023 @ 3:30 pm

The Money Retreat – Your Energetic Initiation into Ease, Flow, and Abundance
Heal and rewrite your stories about money, ease, flow and abundance and grow into your most expansive life yet. It’s time!
This is a rich deep dive into your living your abundance.
Come join us for Prosperity Healing and Conscious Abundance Creation
This retreat will reveal the next steps to your journey of waking up as freedom, and support you to create your best, effortlessly abundant life.
Join for an energetically powerful, healing and expanding retreat. Immerse yourself for deep transformation of all your limits to the prosperity you choose. In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to make the time needed for self-care and soul nourishment.
This retreat gives you a safely held, structured and supportive environment that encourages you to prioritize your journey to your most empowered life in all areas.
Deeply connect with your own capacity to be freely abundant, true to your life values – more powerfully than you have ever before.
Money is an energetic entity. Our relationship with money reflects our relationship with life, energy and unconditionality.
This Money Retreat is radical, it goes direct to the root of any energetic struggle with money and abundance in all areas of your life.
This is not a ‘get rich quick’ retreat! You can find acceptance as never before of your own true value.
Now, more than ever, the world needs more empowered, financially fluid, and abundant men and women to show up fully embodied in their co-creative and freely lived potency.
Before you can make the impact that you desire for yourself, your loved ones, and the causes you care about – you must be willing to face into and alchemically transform your money programming.
You may have been held back in all sorts of areas of life because of energies deep inside and beyond conscious awareness. The might be negative beliefs about you, life and prosperity or subtle issues of self-worth. There may be fears stemming from past situations or your current circumstances.
If you want to have sustainable financial abundance and prosperity, you must align with the energy of abundance and boundless joy. Alchemical transformation in this area involves your mindset, your whole identity and a shift in everyday habits.
Be honest. Do you want more of anything?
In your career….
In your relating….
In your family life….
In your capacity for fun and creativity….
In your planning for something eg. parenthood, a special purchase or retirement
This retreat will start where most discussions and courses about prosperity end!
Abundance is simpler than our culture tells you. It is wholly natural.
It is easy to make errors though, which will cause blocks and subsequent frustrating mixed results. This retreat will offer unique insight into how you may have been blocking abundance an any area. Then you will learn how to create true flow and liberation, naturally.
Does any of this sound like you?
❤ You have had a career break because of child or parent care, or illness
❤ You have forgotten how to make money
❤ You feel money is in some way ‘bad’
❤ You quite regularly experience stress, blame, denial, fear and depression – these block the flow of abundance
❤ You are an employee or executive or business owner experiencing a glass ceiling on your income
❤ You are highly qualified and yet your income remains stagnant
❤ You are stuck in survival mode, struggling to charge the value of your worth
❤ You feel paralyzed or lack creativity when coming up with ways to make energise what you wish for
❤ You make great money or attract great things but they slip through your fingers quickly
❤ You are good at saving money but regularly there is an emergency that wipes out your bank account
❤ You avoid money conversations with your partner, family, colleagues or friends because you feel insecure, fearful, or out of control around money
❤ You feel like an imposter because though you have a thriving business and a spiritually abundant life, you struggle with your personal finances
❤ You’re intimidated by budgeting, traditional financial advisors, pension planning and savings accounts
❤ You feel you should be doing more for your children or other dependents
❤ Your efforts to create abundance feel like pushing a snowball up a mountain
❤ You are the provider in your family and feel taken for granted or find it hard to say NO to them when they need something
❤ You seem to lose money through random circumstance
Wealth in any area can only increase in relation to your self-worth. The way you feel about money is the way you feel about you, and is also the way money will respond to you. But let’s keep it simple – What Is, is enough ~ Joy Hicklin-Bailey, Slad, nr Stroud
Joy has lived through a few challenging events with money and finance, in childhood and adulthood – these have taught her an enormous amount about how to live in friendship with these energies. Joy has run two successful – small – businesses in addition to Secret Garden, which is her passion and has been a sustainable delight for thirty years.
Joy is dedicated to helping men and women become the person they most want to be. She loves to lead, inspire and empower. She lives freedom palpably with her friends and students. It seems the right time to talk about how material prosperity is the same as spiritual freedom.
I have got what I asked for from my series of breakthrough sessions. My income has doubled in 4 months (!) and the steps I took towards my goal seemed effortless. I feel so clear about what I am offering and how valuable it is. I feel I can make this work long-term in a way that suits my overall life. It is hard to take in, really. I know I couldn’t have done this without your reflection and intuitive digging! Thank you ~ Patricia, Bath
This was a frightening commitment to make but the best investment I can imagine. Since our session work together, I have cleared my debts and been honest with my wife. I am receiving so much support from her and together we are moving forward with goals and almost miracle results are happening. I am particularly appreciative of how you kindly showed me my blindspots about money. That has been the leverage for positive change. I would recommend you to anyone ~ John S., Bristol
What happens at this retreat?
On the first day you will shine loving light on your own blocks to abundance in your thinking.
You will get to the core of the blocks and silent saboteurs that have unconsciously undermined your dreams and desires – some of which perhaps you hardly dare to admit are there because you already feel they will fail.
Rewrite the script and story of your relationship with money through powerful workshops and activities during these immersive days. Expose and clear the mistaken beliefs and challenging memories that have sabotaged abundance in your life.
Recognise and overcome the ideas that get in the way of material success.
Then, you discover the simple, fundamental rules of money and manifestation
You gain clarity about why you must master money and create true abundance in all areas
Grow confidence, peace of mind and natural simplicity
Realise joy in being – you are enough
You will make and commit to empowered and congruent choices about making and spending money
Know your true worth and charge for your services according to your value to others
Discover your heart’s deepest desire and envision a more fulfilling life
Make your road map, a practical dynamic action plan, for your intentions with wealth or your version of abundance
Explore strong, clear boundaries, as acts of self-care, about financial matters
Create your self-care template and unlock the simple esoteric secrets to cultivating a rich and balanced life.
Learn how to manifest abundance effortlessly, in all chosen areas of your life
Profound gratitude for all that you live and have already will emerge. You will also know exactly how to man manifest more of what is right for you.
There will be initiation and simple ritual. You will experience meditations, breath work, healings and visualisations. Add in laughter, conscious boundaried touch, dance and more in great company.You find safe harbour to lovingly embrace any worries, confusion, helplessness or dilemma, any holdbacks to full creative aliveness, and inspiration arising from the depth, to find, live, your natural prosperity and abundant flow. This is vulnerable space to bring the whole of your being. Do you value freedom, living alive and awake, beingness, depth? Do you value the conscious living and relating these make possible?
We humans, we men and women, are all things – unlimited, powerful and yet vulnerable, sometimes fragile. You cannot live an awake life of presence and love unless your relationship with all the colours of being human, of being man, of being woman – in self and other – is resolved. That includes anything and everything about properity and abundance in all and any areas of life.
Empower your natural-ness, the sweet gift and wonder of your life – then your prosperity is uncompromised.
You deserve to receive and experience unprecedented levels of joy, wealth and abundance in every area of your life.
Best few days of 2022 by far! ~ Stephen H., Buxton
Dive into authentic community. In times of uncertainty and conflict on the planet, we need community and connection more than ever. If you have been drawn and wish to discover what Secret Garden is, or wish to meet old friends and replenish what you have received and learned from the circle in the past, join us. All are welcome. This is very beautiful work. You will benefit from deep immersion in that which is beyond you, a dive into stillness and silence. You emerge back into ‘ordinary’ life inspired, nourished and fuller from new insights and ways of being, so that you radiate presence and tenderness to all around.
Fundamental to all Joy’s retreats is the core principle that life is energetic and unconditional. Life has its natural laws and also simply responds to the signals you give out, whether those signals are conscious or unconscious.
Secret Garden’s intimate retreats always offer you an eclectic experience that combines the best of inner adventure, creative exploration, self-discovery and depth of connection. This is your time for self-care, childlike play, healing , and unlocking the natural abundance you deserve and intend. A dynamic develops in the retreat’s field and the intensity of this dynamic depends on the openness of the group and has the potential to bring everybody even deeper into freedom.
The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your relationships. Cultivate deeply aligned and supportive relationships that will leave you feeling deeply connected and seen for ALL that you are – a community of sisterhood and brotherhood that will continue for years to come. Secret Garden circle qualities of honesty, naturalness, directness and simplicity contribute deeply to the positive life-changing effect of this retreat’s energetics.This retreat, is, like all Secret Garden offerings, suitable for everyone who wishes to live an easeful, chosen life, rather than a conditioned one. It meets you where you are at this point in your life. If you show up with vulnerable self-honesty, you will receive what you need.
Come join us and create your space to
assess and accept, even love, your current financial position
unplug from your current life circumstances, slow down that fast pace,
get back in touch with nature, decompress in this beautiful area of Gloucestershire
direct your intentional, focused energy towards the creation of wealth and prosperity in all facets of life
uncover old beliefs, enabling you to re-programme your thoughts into new habitual patterns
enjoy Q and A and benefit from Joy’s expertise, clarity and precision on this topic
shift your life and your work into one of passion and purpose
finding the harm-less material prosperity embedded in your wholeness
see how abundance in any area – health, love, money, work, family – comes from oneness
bring yourself into alignment with the wealth of your chosen abundance, which is already waiting for you when you step into your own truth and direct your intentions into daily practice.
Share your visions of an abundant future where all are prosperous.
Enjoy explorations about financial freedom, natural healing, and internal, external universal abundance.
For centuries, there has been a divide between material and spiritual. This retreat invites you to heal that disempowering split, for the good of all.
This retreat is for you if
you intuit that every human conditioned response or so-called problem dissolves in the heart’s silence and that any intelligent action, when needed, comes from that freedom and stillness.
you are wishing to dissolve the cultural paradigms of fear, lack and undeserved-ness.
you wish to heal old stories, events, circumstances and patterns about money and abundance
you wish to live in full aliveness, co-creative, open & at ease.
you wish to deeply live life’s wholeness and natural abundance and flow, so the wonder and radiance becomes apparent.
you wish to break through the cycle of struggle, fear, and scarcity, and embody a life of pure abundance.
you are ready to play a bigger game, reprogramme limiting beliefs, and release the disempowering narratives that keep you in struggle, scarcity, and operating within a status quo you have outgrown.
you’re ready to learn that money is love and how that can work for you
you are ready to break free of disempowering money habits
you are ready to receive support and non-judgemental space so you can find friendship with what has held you back
you wish to feel trust, joy and ease about money
you are ready to start owning your worth and have that reflected by others’ willingness to value what you are and bring
you wish to take control of your finances and get real about what you are choosing
you wish to have practical tools to help you clear the past, create the future and make decisions
you wish to live your own chosen life in freedom, love, joy and authenticity
Come join us if you are ready for what lies beyond the personal, if you value freedom to be over personality, if you are ready to drop your old stories and ideals for the sake of What Is.
Awaken to your true nature and see how that flow, abundance and ease becomes reflected outside of you in all areas of life you choose to work with.
Are you ready to heal what compromises your prosperity and live more joy, wealth, abundance and fulfilment?
Being around a pretty conscious bunch of good men & women should provide a fertile zone of learning, listening & applying lessons. And so it was ! ….I feel more at home in my life & am taking responsibility for my part in making it work well. My shiatsu practice has gained … & I have more clients now. Warmth..inspiring…richness…real intimacy…an adventure I have valued and gained deeply from. I thank you, Tim & Joy ~ Kalandar Warren, Stroud
Top quality healing & growth for the separate self, whilst all around the whisper that the separate self is not real. This Love-infused combination is pretty special. Joy: profoundly loving, profoundly insightful, funny, earthy. Penetrating insight combined with unconditional love. Tim: wonderfully human, wonderfully encouraging, funny, clean; a beautiful – road-tested – masculine light, full of love. The down-to-earth humour of you both is worth its weight in gold. I feel constantly, quietly, encouraged and celebrated through being part of the Secret Garden community ~ Stephen Hancock, Devon and Buxton
I’m feeling different, it’s subtle but real. I feel happier with what is, & am noticing so much love & beauty around me every day. My deepest gratitude to you dear Joy for all that I have learned & am learning from you ~ Karen Scott, Narberth
This is cutting-edge ~ Steve, Isle of Man
a catalyst for fundamental change in how I look at life; I have found time to love myself more, have placed greater priority towards strengthening relationships within my family & other friendships and am pursuing a pathway which is heartfelt than mind felt. I also saw huge benefit in how circles are successful when well facilitated and held with love. It was also useful to see some individuals further along the awakening journey “fine-tuning” themselves vulnerably, while also modelling “best practice” for others…the importance of being present; dropping judgements; being aware of our own shadow/triggers and their impact on others & embracing the pure beauty of being truly intimate with others ~ Paul Collins, Glocs.
Ensures time/space allocated for what really matters, and … a deep connection with my being. Joy’s unique offering is her wisdom, intuition & insight. Tim’s unique offering is his heart and human-ness ~ Kim Rossi, Notts
the beginnings of having a closer connection to (my wife) and also being a little bit more present with others including my work colleagues and family…time in the circle (individually) and as part of a wider connected group to experience what is happening…. a chance to be more real. It is inspiring to see how other people have insights and understanding about themselves ~ Chris H., Surrey
Thank you so much for such a rich retreat, it feels extraordinary what you have created. What Joy creates means that transformation can happen in an instant when and if people are willing and step into the potential that is there. The circles are full of love, deep insights and potent learnings, laughter and humanity. ‘Me’ and my life have changed immeasurably since beginning work with Joy. For much of my life, I have doubted love existed, now I feel I want to dedicate my life to growing it ~ Hettie, Stroud
The awesome power & joy of your pristine and unfettered soul can be lived without compromise, fear or holdback
Are you ready to heal what compromises your prosperity and live more joy, wealth, abundance and fulfilment?
YES! I am ready to prosper easily, naturally and abundantly!
… then this retreat is for you! Join us for a joyous retreat, open to infinite positive possibilities, sudden windfalls and unexpected blessings in any area of your life. We recommend you book early – numbers are strictly limited for this event. Book Your Place Below, Now.
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