Joyful Loving Ongoing Course – Who books this event? Is this group right for me?
If you’re wondering whether or not to grab this rare, world-class opportunity, see if these possibilities resonate.
You feel disconnected and missing the inspiration you used to have or that you long to have
Your relationship with your own body is less than kind or you feel unattractive
You feel really nervous, resistant & afraid of (yet drawn to) doing this course.
Your past relationships have left you feeling burned or disappointed. you feela need to protect your heart & are slow to trust
You feel emotionally blocked or stuck, or sexually insecure or inadequate
You feel your sexual or sensual pleasure is held in more than you wish
You & your partner are not sure whether to break up
You are single & never seem to attract the right man or woman
You and your partner know you could communicate more effectively & be closer
You have sexual shame or regret past choices
You’ve never felt really fulfilled in love before
You know you resist life’s inevitable intensity & weigh yourself down trying not to rock the boat
You wish to grow your heart big enough to love all that is in others, yourself & life
You are single
You are with a committed partner & plan to attend together
You are in a committed partnership and wish to be in your own space for a while
You long for more pleasure and joy in life
You love truth, authenticity, depth & beauty
You enjoy sharing your humanity with others who are sensitive & awake
You are interested in subtle energetics & how to work with your sexual energy to empower your self-realisation
You wish to live life fully embodied
You intend to live co-empowerment rather than co-dependency
You sense the potency of awakened masculine & feminine, its creative, dynamic aliveness, beauty, purpose, passion & joy
You love life-& your love life!- is already great, yet sense there is more if you are given the right high quality refelction & inspiration
You wish to grow your heart big enough to love all that is in others, yourself & life
Beingness is what really matters to you & you wish for a transmission to dismantle what is in the way
This group will fill fast so book now
This is a wonderful present for your loved one or yourself! Re-
If you’re feeling a YES, trust that soul call – you can join the course here
If you have real questions, get answers here Your Questions Answered by Joy
If you like the whole story go to this Introduction or these Benefits of participation
See practicals at Joyful Loving & Most Intimate group
Aloha. All love (Whichever side of the fence you end up on..;)),
Joy Hicklin-Bailey
P.S Time to step up but have to act now. Now is time to act – enrol & bring world class support into your life. This is your time. Join me now – I would love to be your awakening guide, would love to serve you to be the love you are, & a life of beauty, joy & love.
You can do this live the love you are, love. See you soon-I know I will love to work with you! Book your place here
Call 01452 813241 or 01452 813241 or email if you have other questions.
Just imagine what this might lead you to…..
- I know now what it means to 'make love'
Elspeth Hurst, Lincoln
- You are so so vigilant about constantly taking away from us our goals & ideals of becoming perfect or good & therefore deserving & loveable person we long to be (but already are!). I realised that I don't expect perfection from myself anymore & therefore not from others & so I don't get disappointed or offended easily which means I also don't feel 'tangled up in others' in that exhausting way
Surahbhi McMellahn Ashburton
- The ability to facilitate and hold a sacred space for areas of relating and personal development that is rarely, if ever, offered elsewhere. The feeling of safety and being held by the circle; the sense of wholeness felt by relating in a way, and with a depth, that is rarely possible in the usual course of living. The deep feeling of mutual trust, and the formation of close bonds within the group. Offering the encouragement to step outside normal boundaries, thus facilitating change that might not otherwise have happened.
Graham V. Bath
- Working with Joy has been very useful & rewarding for me, especially to reclaim myself as a sexual woman, to have permission to explore asking for what I would like and how to do that, to gain a much clearer understanding of the biological, energetic& psychological differences between men & women, all in safely held (though sometimes personally challenging) situations.
Intimacy is a main focus of the work; it is never about performance but about presence, integrity, truth and honouring (self, especially). Having said that I have learned a lot of practical information & skills.
Carole Clements, Bathford