Meet the Essence Coaches
Supporting your happiness and ease
What Is Essence Coaching?
EssenceTM is a profound approach for increased freedom, ease, happiness and creativity, and for the letting go of perceived and conditioned limitations associated with any situation. Essence sessions bring you a robust frame to contain and support your transformation. If you choose Essence sessions you will receive the benefit of becoming more authentically yourself. Stuckness and disempowerment dissolve and relaxation and empowerment become the norm for you.
Reap the benefits of this extraordinary way of dissolving limitation and emotional reactivity by working with these licensed small group facilitators and one to one coaches.
Some aspects of the Essence approach you will learn with your coach can be used in the moment, in all ordinary life situations and in all interactions to enhance every area of life. Your sessions with your coach will take this much deeper.
The Essence coaches below are all fully trained, and have also chosen to hold a practising Essence Coach licence. This means you can be assured of their commitment to their own growth, 1:1 supervision, regular professional training, and to maintaining the highest professional standards in their coaching practice.
My passion is to lead, to inspire, to create and to motivate. My joy is in teaching and helping others to create happy, healthy, fulfilled lives by aligning with their inner truth and wisdom.
I originally enjoyed working in the media, but I found I was often stressed, and my immune system was low to the point where I experienced chronic fatigue.
I began a quest to get to the root of my ailments and unhappiness and trained in many disciplines of Holistic Health which has helped me to gain a deeper understanding of who I am.
One of my biggest turning points is attending a Secret Garden Retreat eight years ago. I felt an instant turnaround inside of me. From that moment on, I knew Secret Garden is where I would be able to heal and transform and develop professionally. I have continued to attend as many events and trainings as I can along with monthly one to one sessions and bi-monthly Supervision sessions with Joy.
I am so very honoured to become an Essence Coach and am looking forward to bringing this work out into the world, and to you if you are new to Secret Garden.
About my facilitation on the Coaches part of the Ancestral Lineage retreat – I trusted and acted on my instincts. I felt into where the energy was and prompted the participants at various intervals to see what they were seeing, feeling, sensing and what needed to happen. I kept out of my head as much as I could and stayed with the process and the group. I had a sense of what felt right. I learned that its best to work with the most presenting issue as a family pattern can have many strands/ fragments which the client can always come back to at a later date. Kim, Nottingham
I have been seeing Kim for 5 months and I can honestly say she has helped me sort and resolve some difficult issues I have recently encountered. She is honest, kind and listens to everything you have to say. I would have no hesitation in recommending Kim’s excellent therapy sessions. Thank you so much. Oh. And she makes a decent cup of tea
Adam Pearce, Nottingham
I love facilitating and supporting people to learn and grow into more freedom, vitality and trust. I have worked with groups of people around their development or recovery for many years in different contexts with all sorts of people and groups.
I began my own inner healing journey some years ago, after a period of ongoing illness of different kinds. Coming into connection with my body and its wisdom through nature was an important first step.
In the last five years, Secret Garden has been the place where I have discovered much more about myself and the nature of life. It has been a place where I have healed more of my history, gaining more aliveness and appreciation of life in all its colours.
The Essence approach has been a big part of this, a simple and very effective way to enquire, explore and get freedom from inner and unconscious blocks to what we would wish for our lives.
It is a delight and an honour to be at the beginning of my journey of offering Essence Coaching to people. I love to hold the space and witness women and men freeing themselves from what holds them back from the lives that they choose.
Hettie’s open manner made me feel I could approach the coaching as lightly or as deeply as I was comfortable with. She managed the sessions so that I could take the direction I wanted, or she guided me if I needed it.
I continue to appreciate the resulting shift and greater sense of self and life G., Stroud
Transformation. This is what I love about Essence Coaching ™ work, facilitating and witnessing the transformation in my clients. It’s also what I have found personally from doing this work. Although as I explained to one of my clients the other day, it’s true to say that since doing this work I haven’t changed – the fundamental ‘Clareness’ that is who I am, that is still very recognizably here, and yet it is also true to say that I have fundamentally changed. So in a way nothing changes and everything changes – it’s a paradox. And not the only one you will meet if you work with me and Essence Coaching ™!
I have been working with Joy Hicklin-Bailey and Secret Garden since 2017 attending live and online events, and training as an Essence coach. Prior to that I was drawn to other inner work and had been curious about the nature of ‘life, the universe and everything’ from a very young age. I have also been a Naturopath and Osteopath for 26 years and in practice all of that time. Gathering experience of talking with people, coaching people, and being with people as they transform their health and bodies. Essence Coaching ™ offers deep transformation from the inside out.
I enjoy working with ordinary (and yet courageous) men and women who are ready to explore this deeper paradigm, are ready to do things a different way; to quieten the questioning mind and feel into what is really there beneath that. If you are at a stuck place or a crossroads, or feel like you have been here many, many times before, then Essence coaching™ may be a new and different way to move forward with your life and I would be very happy to be your coach and guide on this journey.
What are the benefits of Essence Coaching ™?
- More at ease with yourself in everyday life
- Being your authentic self
- Being able to express yourself more clearly
- Easier connection with others
- Fulfilling intimate relationships
- Freedom from ‘Writers block’ and other types of blocks to creativity
- Feeling at peace and comfortable in your own skin
- Freedom to express yourself fully and naturally
- Personal fulfilment and happiness
- Having more pleasure and quality time to yourself
- Thriving health and vitality from the inside out
- Being able to be with yourself and feel love for yourself
- Greater enjoyment and success in your work
- Greater confidence and self-belief.
I look forward to meeting you soon and being your guide to greater freedom in life, loving, health and relationships!
Learning Essence has given me freedom. For the first time in forty years I have learned how to get free from the thoughts and the feelings that have overwhelmed and consumed me for as long as I can remember. I have never known how to manage and address, or even recognise the individual sensations or worries. They just hung over me like a dark cloud, a muddy homogenous clump I called depression. Working with Clare has taught me how to recognise the individual strands that made up this tangle, be they anxieties, fears, frustrations or anger and I have been able to tease them apart, see them for the individual concerns that they are and finally, have a way of managing them. Before the Essence Process I did not believe freedom from depression or fatigue was possible, but now I know for certain that it is. Helen – recent coaching client.
Firstly and foremost, I would like to say that I now understand that feelings and thoughts, are only feelings and thoughts and not there to finish one off!!!! Secondly, the Essence practices were extremely beneficial. Finally, I am surprised at the progress I have made in the short space of time. A lot more to learn, but looking forward to continuing and evolving on my journey. Thank you Clare for your compassion and continued guidance SC – recent coaching client.
When I initially enquired and took my first session I didn’t fully comprehend what the Essence Coaching™ process would entail……when we met you listened and made me feel very relaxed, safe and comfortable, which has existed over the entire process………at the conclusion of every session I have felt an improvement in my wellbeing and am much more aware tuned to my surroundings…….Whilst the journey continues it is definitely something I have greatly benefited from Tony, Surrey
What Does An Essence Coaches Licence Mean for You as a Potential Client?
If you are new to Secret Garden and have been exploring your inner life or are drawn through a current life challenge or a curiosity to work deeper, then working with a licensed Secret Garden Essence Coach means that you can be assured that your coach has been trained over long period to a high standard of professionalism. A licensed Essence Coach has been and continues to be actively engaged in their own awakening transformation.
They are committed to continuing with ongoing Secret Garden explorations and also undertake regular supervision sessions with Joy Hicklin-Bailey, the founder of Essence work. The licensed Essence coaches are year by year developing their sensitivity, understanding and capacity to love. Through the licensing agreement they update each year, they are committed to and accountable to ongoing community life through Secret Garden group work. As a result, you can be sure that you are in safe hands and that your Coach is aware and awake to creating a receptive, open and safe space in which you will be guided appropriately.
Private sessions with an Essence Coach give you regular, direct experience of the profound Secret Garden approach in accessible ways. Some aspects of the Essence work are offered in other group and training contexts, facilitated by Joy Hicklin-Bailey.
How will Essence Coaching Sessions help you?
These are the Benefits you will receive
- You will notice real, measurable benefits and see manifest positive change in every area of your life that you are choosing to work with during your sessions.
- Your Essence coach is a professional, highly trained to support your growth in areas such as health, abundance, relating, social skills, and more
- You will learn how to stop suppressing emotions or expressing them destructively and let go of them instead. Letting go of negative emotions, thoughts about the past and worries about the future, old patterns and limits allows you to be happy, right now.
- You will learn through experiential exercises a profoundly simple approach to releasing fear, limiting beliefs, judgement, anger, sadness, anxiety and so much more.
- You improve your relationships, create increased financial security, and dissolve the fears that prevent you from achieving your goals.
- Essence will help you to let go of blocks to self-motivation and effectiveness
- deal with stress, anxiety and challenging situations
- make sound, grounded decisions
- increase the fun and joy in your life
- perform well under pressure
- enhance energy, and resolve health problems. Go along easily and happily with the flow of life.
If you have worked with Joy already in sessions or groups, please contact Joy directly for sessions. Please specify which coach you are drawn to work with or state ‘any coach’. Essence Coaches are open to working with anyone new to Secret Garden.All coaches continue working with Joy and receive Supervision about their work with Joy for their professional development (your own material remains confidential to you and your Coach)If you wish to train as an Essence Coach, now is the time as the next cohort is gathering! Please contact Joy via phone or email.
If You Want To… 
- Experience the support of a highly trained, professional coach so you can –
- Get out of your own way
- Enjoy a rich, intimate relationship life
- Ease transition to new phases of life
- Learn a wonderful decision making process
- Achieve goals which are truly appropriate for you and your growth
- Realise your love, presence, openness and peace, the power of just ‘being,’ celebrating this man or woman that you are………………
…Essence Coaching Sessions are for you- make contact here
Full details of Essence forgiveness course is at https://secretgarden.co.uk/let-go-live-light-live-the-power-of-forgiveness-and-hooponopono/
Purchase the webinars and benefit instantly at https://secretgarden.co.uk/product/essence-self-forgiveness-forgiveness-hooponopono-online-course/
Purchase the webinars and benefit instantly at https://secretgarden.co.uk/product/essence-online-course/
Full Details are at https://secretgarden.co.uk/essence-online-course/