This work changes people's lives. It is so powerful - Just book it if you are drawn to it as it can open you up to so many possibilities in your life for joy, love & intimacy with yourself & others ~ C.T., Bristol
Joyful Loving Weekend What You Say – are you ready to embody & love all that you are? and love all ‘the other’ is?
The warm friendly, honest attitude of the participants
Being there with an old friend, meeting group members without going back to previous notions of 'who they are,' experiencing that I and others are always new, life keeps bringing its gifts. A feeling of belonging and welcome...Greater sense of safety in allowing darker stuff to be seen...Trust in the facilitator's integrity, whole-hearted participation of others....Freeing up conditioned beliefs about oneself, enjoying connection with others, moving life out of stuckness...It won't be obvious how this helps and it will feel threatening but it is safely facilitated by loving people with great integrity & you can trust that life will bring you into a better place if you let go into it and participate whole heartedly. ~ N.T., London
About the Online weekend Joyful Loving Retreat - I particularly valued the one to one meetings which involved lots of eye contact and the way that opened a window into the other’s soul essence & openness, or lack of move in the women's circle with the beautiful flowing dance, that was magnificent! Thank you, dear Joy, for all the love, energy and enthusiasm that you bring to everything you do, it gives me a lot….it is taking me where I need to go, deeper into the Unknown......... ~ Flow Fenton, Cardiff
Joy’s man-woman meditation.... was my highlight of the weekend. Never before in my life did I ever think or feel how a woman may feel being entered by a (man). Entering a space which is so vulnerable & protected & magically hidden in the female body. .... I can now feel you so much more. I now feel much more your (woman). ...your body appears to me like a beautiful room, delicately decorated, smelling beautifully to offer my (manhood) a space to LOVE, in which he feels welcome and can grow & evolve.
Suddenly I understand why you - all women - need time to decorate this room, to embed this space with your own essence & oils & then to be able to create the space for us both, the ambience for LOVE,...I understand now so much better that it takes time to create this space of LOVE in YOUR body over & over again, to then be able to open the door & to receive me fully……” ~ Roberto Gassner, Portugal
“So many learnings during our last retreat and so much slowing down... For me, it was absolutely amazing, noticing the healing that happened in my body after the massage structure that I had. Wow! Embodied healing, that was...” ~ Susana J, England
a huge thank you again for a beautiful weekend with so much learning. .. I feel blessed and empowered ~ Sabina Rademacher, Embercombe, Devon
I felt such a difference since the women's group and since the couples retreat... it's incredible. I'm excited & scared, because this work takes me completely out of my comfort zone. I embrace the fear & i find my courage to continue. The effects of the last weekend has made me want more and to go deeper. I feel I've experienced a complete different reality that i like very much. ~ Susana J, England
I love the Joyful Loving meetings. It is such a safe place to state your wants and needs, and to say no, without any judgement. You can be be adventurous in many ways. It's unconditional ~ Anthony
Your profound work and how it allows and brings conscious light to areas of my relating I have struggled with for so many years, has and IS changing my life for the better!❤️❤️ ~ Melanie Howard-Dobson, Painswick
You & the beautiful circle and weekend we shared are often in my thoughts. It was a real treat. I would hope to join the ongoing circle. If there had been any way of me being there this weekend I would be there! I would love to be able to join the circles again & dive in. I am very much taken with the amazing work you do Joy ~ Floss M., Glastonbury
thank you so much for your knowledge & understanding over the weekend - not to mention your clear sight, intention & love. I had such a fabulous time being part of it all and found the interaction with others profound. It was a privilege to be part of thing....the unity, the loving space held, the intention, the flow.....(it brought) re-inforcement of the fact we are all one in love....seeing people more clearly, less judgement, more love....The power of the space held in love & the undoing occurring from it (was powerful) would help others recognise the illusion & experience truth ~ Paul Bradley, Cirencester
It was an amazing few days, in many many ways. I have arrived home & am smiling in my heart as well as on my face. The trust, openness & belonging felt amazing. I feel I have managed to more let go of X, & I'm ready to move to new phases in my life ~ Richard, Essex
great to flourish more fully. flow between receptive and active. I can love with awareness, I can ask for help, I can be with myself and embrace and comfort my victim parts. loved the quality of the individuals commitment to be present ~ Victoria Whelan (Joyaa), Devon
increase of naturalness in my relating to others… pointed to some limitations in my relationship awareness and how I could honour my own ``no`` sometimes …. the open sessions are powerful and are also opportunities to see where others are struggling…. the clarity and indeed courage to not get lost in the other (not) protecting myself when it's more about wholeness and integration. Rushing around, too much anxst will distort perspectives of a/ myself and b/ the other. Only by deepening my relationship w self at all levels, can I deepen my relationship with others at so many different levels. ~ Kalandar, Stroud
an interesting time this weekend... initially I found it exceptionally challenging...I released a lot of tension, it came after what has been the most challenging and energy draining time of my life. The weekend has bought more honesty and closeness to (me & my partner). We want to progress in our relating and emotional intimacy and have discussed perhaps having some one to one sessions with you to keep this progress going. Thanks for creating such a unique and positive experience. ~ Pauline, Bristol
I'm just awestruck. I keep getting tears in my eyes as I remember it. its impossible to get the words right so just thanks, thanks and thanks again. ~ Neal Thornton, Chiswick
I can’t thank you enough for the experience I had, I worked in a dream today thinking of all I did & the experiences I had with those lovely people….The intelligence I found in X & Y was incredibly empowering…how they protected their beauty & purity really speaks volumes…I bow to that. Once again Joy, thank you for all you said & did, felt like coming home ~ Bob W., Devon
Thanks so much for hosting such a beautiful weekend. It revived my spirits to be with everyone again and it was special for me to feel everyone welcome (my friend) into the group so warmly. What a great gift you give to the world. ...warm, friendly, honest, feeling of belonging and welcome ... I (learned that) others are always new, life keeps bringing its gifts
Freeing up conditioned beliefs about oneself, enjoying connection with others, moving life out of stuckness. I want people to can feel threatening but it is safely facilitated by loving people with great integrity and you can trust that life will bring you into a better place if you let go into it and participate whole heartedly. ~ N T., Chiswick
the best thing about this was intimate connection. the structures are a welcome way of making a difficult area easy to explore ~ Matthew Bragg, Wales
John Cox, Totnes
Tim Willoughby, Devon

(the weekend) was one of the most powerful experiences of my life. I feel a lot is changing in my life right now in a truly brilliant way. The most powerful bits for me were being in the circle, speaking with other people there & hearing other people talk openly, working with b. & seeing our patterns of communication and since being able to notice and change this. I trust completely that we will pursue more work with Joyful Loving & Joy & Tim in the future & for the rest of our lives. ~ K.T. Bristol
I liked the mix of ages, genders & experience. It was easy to talk to anybody & to trust everybody-very accepting. Joy is a brilliant facilitator/leader. I now have the feeling that there is a whole new life in front of me & I don’t need to accept being written-off by society as a middle-aged single woman. I loved giving massage–this was quite unexpected. Powerful ..Being accepted for my true self & being with others who were being their true selves. We all need never feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to & that the group is held very strongly by Joy so that trust develops & takes root ~ N.S., Wilts
I found out more how to deal with perceived rejection. I learnt more about relating to men. I have recommended the course to someone I know & would do so for anyone who is generally wanting to develop themselves through the various ways of relating to other people of whatever age, gender, sexual orientation, levels of relating..... most valuable ~ John Plowman, Wales
Practising love, initimacy, honesty presence, a true training for life... When I wanted to run, the choice to ``show up`` was encouraged and supported, and then I got to live!.... facing all man, honestly openly vulnerably beautifully… Core work, inspiring, real fruits & treasure to be had for the brave & honest who really want to live. ~ Victoria Whelan (Joyaa), Dartmoor
The info you share & explorations you facilitate so skilfully is GOLD DUST to a man who desires to be authentic, grounded and present with life, women and men. This is cutting-edge ~ Steve, I of Man
(I would like) to show my appreciation & say thank you to you & Tim for an enlightening weekend. The whole theme around surrender has been quite profound for me ~ Mike R., Nottingham
Intimacy is a main focus of the work; it is never about performance but about presence, integrity, truth & honouring (self, especially). Having said that I have learned a lot of practical information & skills ~ Carole Clements, Bathford
Your trainings are amazing, deep & fulfilling experiences within your protected loving embrace. ~ Robert Taylor, Dubai
Your Joyful Loving Weekend Details

Your Joyful Loving Weekend Details
Penny Garland, Wales
James Hunt, Cheltenham – how Secret Garden impacts his professional & personal relationships
Many benefits... listening to others. Exploring my boundaries & the complexities in relationships, taking responsibility for how I feel. Finding my voice, learning to vocalize what I feel in a constructive way, growing joy! ~ Emma Devoy, Wilts
This is an opportunity to see yourself face on, take responsibility for how you relate to others & yourself & see how you sabotage your own dreams & integrity by staying small. As within the circle, so outside the circle. Suddenly none of the excuses we use in 'normal' life carry any weight' & it becomes clear how we manifest these situations to perpetuate our perception of reality & can then continue blaming others for x, y & z. An invitation is presented to go inside ourselves... Bringing consciousness to that which is unconscious allows life to blossom. ~ Jemma B., Scotland
…moments of happy deep connection with others…. It could transform the human race. If we all saw we are not really separate, are really loving beings with a bit of pain attached which can be transformed then it would all be different! ~ Neal T., Chiswick
It’s like finding the holy grail within ~ Annette Geddes, Somerset
Joy creates a strong supportive environment to explore & accept the full spectrum of being human ~ Carole Clements, Bath
Thanks to you and Tim as I really enjoyed inspiring way you worked in such a relaxed and friendly way and also how friendly all the people on the course were ~ Mike R, Notts
It is very humbling to see how much you give. I am amazed how much we processed in just a few days. The weekend was very transformational for me & for my relationship. I have opened to a new level of intimacy & my life energy has begun to flow, future is unknown again & full of possibility. I cant thank you enough for your part in that ~ Cindy Wansbury, USA
I feel juicy & in my woman power ~ Rashnu, Edinburgh
I would like to say I have been deeply moved by these days. Since the module ended I have spent a lot of time listening to my heart & as soon as I feel hurt I say to myself 'let go of the fight, surrender, stop fighting, love the pain'. I've had 15 years of working with my Kundalini & I now realise I've been very male about it & forgotten the female. Thank you too to Tim whose contribution I greatly appreciated, I feel as a man he brought a lot to the group & I'm grateful to him ~ David, Stroud
You are both such an inspiration.The workshop was empowering & challenging both at the same time for me. I am committed to more mindfulness, more light, more connection, more love, more knowledge, more being in the being ~ Penny Garland, Wales
Massively beneficial if (you’re) willing… it! ~ R.B. Bristol
I feel empowered in a wholly physical way. The energy & sense of well-being I have been able to find since becoming involved with yourself, Joy & many of the individuals through Secret Garden has been a delight. I am enjoying my involvement greatly & am grateful that I have this opportunity ~ Pete Jackson, Bristol
I learned how I hold myself back from being who I truly am, I realised how others are just as vulnerable as me, I had the opportunity to express myself without being judged...priceless ~ Kim Rossi, Notts
I really feel equipped to start a new relationship in an open and honest way ~ Susan Coyne, Lancs
Deborah Maddison, Somerset
Joy talks about the Cauldron phase in intimate relating
Thank you so much for an incredible life changing experience on the retreat. It has really opened me up to so many more possibilities, I feel that I am much more thinking outside of the box & far more open to the life I want to be living, in all its fullness & beauty . I was interested in doing work around sexuality, intimacy & relationships as I felt that there was a lot of holding onto stories, expectations, conditioning & limiting beliefs that were stopping me from achieving the quality of relating & connecting that I knew if possible. I felt strongly that i was not opening up to both joys & sadness & this felt unfulfilled. I also felt that I wanted to open up to more levels of intimacy & connection both with myself, friends & family & possibly a partner. (this) was exactly what I was looking for ….I came away increased confidence & knowledge about my yeses & no's. I had glimpses of beautiful intimacy & pleasure & the tenderness people shared. It made me think more that I definitely want to have more true intimacy in my life & not to settle for less than this!
It made me see more truth in my life about my own limiting beliefs & enabled me to let go of some of these. It also enabled me to realise more fully that I can take responsibility for my own life completely so I feel less governed by what others think & more confident to tread my own path (& have) more authentic relationships, especially where I have perceived there to be difficulty but I am realising more & more that my perception of judgment & guilt isn't actually true so i feel far freer.
The women's circle was beautiful with the sharing & the holding of the space by Joy.
This work changes people's lives. It is so powerful - Just book it if you are drawn to it as it can open you up to so many possibilities in your life for increased amounts of joy, love & intimacy with yourself & others ~ C.T., Bristol
Words can’t express the experiences I’ve had through you & the awakening that’s happened….my experience of life is so totally different from 18 months ago I feel reborn, a different person. I’m more grateful than I can express ….. After the blissful experience of the final structure, “I” was a swirling cloud of energy in a peaceful harmonious sea of perfection. (Yes I can’t find words to describe it!) Now I’m feeling very peaceful about everything ~ Neal Thornton, Chiswick
a big thank you to you and Tim for making me and X feel so welcome at the weekend. I felt a lot of care in the way we were received. I … now feel quite glorious in my being ~ Emma Devoy, Chippenham
I enjoyed the openness, the welcome, the being held ~ Martyn Ruben, Berks
the weekend …(was) challenging for me but I had no idea that it would touch me so deeply…I did feel very well held both by you & Tim & the group with gentleness love, compassion & also firmness. It did make it feel safer. ~ May
love the safe intimacy & the honesty…. . I am also beginning to feel safer and that feels huge…. maybe I will gain courage in intimacy which I want but feel so scared of…. I was more in touch with my stronger yes and also my no…. It is worth the risk & the step into the unknown and it has a rare beauty’ ~ May
I have learned to let my Woman come to life again. She has been suppressed for many years, old wounds neglected, new wounds added, & during the course the life blood has once again started to flow in her veins. I now have a greater understanding of what she wants & how to give it to her. I cannot recommend this work highly enough. It is perhaps amongst the most important work for positive change on the planet. Go! ~ Zoe Martlew, London
Thank you so very much for 3 very special days. I feel happy, loved, seen, appreciated, embraced by life & full of gratitude. All plumped up for 2015! ~ Rachel Irvine-Fortescue, Minchinhampton
Words cannot express how much appreciation I feel right now.... I feel deeply that I (will) prioritise this work in my life right now and continue exploring within secret garden ~ Katie Brown, Gloucester
I also loved the expression through dance of various emotions and aspects of being a man…. I thought Tim was really excellent in trying to keep us all focused & confident. ~ Mike Robinson, Nottingham
I always want to bring my friends to your work because I want others to experience the wealth that I have received ~ May, Bristol
An enormous thank you for all you gave me personally and for those that I have grown to love this weekend…I’d go through the experience of the weekend a hundred times again for that happening at the end ~ NT, Chiswick
Thank you so very much for creating such a loving space. The poem was inspired by the space that you create.
Being Man and Being Woman
The soft mist stretches across the trees
And softly all around the sound of water
Shedding from trees as the sun warms them
Their tears of the past & the present & the future
Their tears of being & their tears of always
And the flow of leaves in front of me
A rich offering of gold & burnished copper
Spread on its carpet of green
The morning birds chatter, calling, singing
Free with their joy of the morning
Some high, some low
The song of freedom & innocence and is-ness.
The song of always now, now.
And there is the gate
The gate to who you are & to who I am.
We do not know what is beyond that gate,
It’s mysterious & inviting.
Some never see their gate.
And for those who do, some choose
Just to gaze & look & know
There are possibilities out there.
Yet some choose to walk through
And discover
The way beyond.
It’s hard to explain what lies beyond.
It will be a different journey for you & for me,
A unique & individual one which faces
Fears & loves & inner stirrings
And I sit in the early morning
Quiet & still amongst the trees’ tears.
And I look at my gate & the road beyond
Half seen, half glimpsed, half known.
How much will I have the courage to tread?
I am so small amongst the universe
Yet fearfully, gingerly, carefully I tread
A step at a time. ~ May