Do you act, speak, feel as though you are 100% responsible for your life? If so, then you respond authentically and with wholeness, totality in the moment rather than with robotic conditioning. Before [...]
'You' are the pure being that allows all experience to be, without condition. Vulnerability is a beautiful quality of being. Being is endless, infinite. Vulnerability allows a sharing and celebration of the depths of that ocean [...]
'You', awake or unconscious, are Love & Freedom. You are not the thoughts or feelings. You are not the conditioned messages. You are Life itself. How do forgiveness and ho'oponopono [...]
Relationships take many forms. Some people thrive with one mate for life, some enjoy having several lovers, some prefer to live alone and yet still relate to colleagues or friends, [...]
Joy talking with a circle and to a woman, after a challenge from a woman to one of the men. ‘Your rage against man and not getting what you thought […]
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