How to make the love that you are – physically

You are Love. Life is love, unfolding in myriad forms. You deeply know how to ‘make’ love. Love, sex, sacredness naturally go very well together, whatever your old stories from earlier relationships or your current one.

Deep ongoing intimacy and beautiful, powerful sex on a ongoing basis requires commitment, clear communication, education, energetic sensitivity and loving kindness from a couple, and  yet there are also a few key, simple, easy to practice things you can begin practicing now.

You can always find another level of joy and presence and pleasure even if your relationship is already fulfilling and both of you already value and make the space for uninterrupted time to truly meet and discover each other anew.

Here are some simple principles you can bring to your loving time together.  Joyful Loving is simple natural and sweet and learning it can feel like coming home. There are no difficult techniques. Simple doesn’t always mean easy, so if you discover questions, that’s fine,  don’t give up or say it doesn’t work.

There are so many easy ways to create extraordinary pleasure. You can create the best sex that you’ve ever had, consistently, again and again.

I’ve worked in this area of  relationship, sexuality and consciousness for nearly 20 years now and I am often asked for some quick hints -you are not alone if you feel you would like a more consistently deeply intimate relationship and a mind blowing sex life. So – how do you do it?

Slow down, there is nowhere to get to. Your body has infinite wisdom and will show you how to make real love if you relax and listen to what it needs to do, how you need to breathe, what you are feeling.

Tell your partner clearly what feels good

– and what feels really good!

– Enjoy eye contact often during lovemaking. Be open to being seen, physically naked, and also emotionally.

– See if you can let go of the urge for sexual release. See your meeting as an opportunity to create love together, in the cells of your body. No agendas, no trying.

– You are built to make love beautifully, transformationally, and in total fulfillment. enjoy!

If after reading this blog you want to find out more, the best resource is the workshop Joyful Loving Upcoming Events which is complete in itself and a great place to begin a deeper exploration in the forthcoming ongoing group, so you can enjoy great sex, and even better, truly transformational, healing, rich, intimate relationships.

Please feel free to respond with your comments, we would love to hear from you!


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