Posts Tagged: awakening

Module 6 Being Ongoing Training

All there is, is Being. Life itself is wondrous miracle. Only humans have learned to pretend it is anything else. ‘You’ are light, boundless freedom. Live it.

Essence Coaching Training – Online Webinar

Let Go, Live Light! Profound deep dive into awakening and the freedom of Being. A small, exclusive group which allows you to work very closely with Joy to receive training [...]

When the Snow Melts

A massive thank you is due. Love and respect to all who created such a rich, laughter-filled, deep New Year gathering. Radiant aliveness, truth, fierceness, healing, presence, tender care, accountability, [...]

Being Ongoing Training Module 5

All there is, is Being. Life itself is wondrous miracle. Only humans have learned to pretend it is anything else. ‘You’ are light, boundless freedom. Live it.

A Women’s Evening Circle

Become wholly healed, radiant woman. A time to find nurture, support, a safe place to ‘sort the seeds’, inspire each other to live empowered & fulfilled as women, & celebrate – recognised & appreciated by other women, in your beauty & power.