World and nature Polarity and dualism are what the world and mind- as opposed to the natural reality of being - comprises. World is created by and mirrors mind (as [...]
This is a short, beautiful video of a man voicing how very touched he is by the circle and structures. Notice how you feel as you listen to him talk about how [...]
I have been prompted to write this because of recent events in the Secret Garden community. I have so much respect for those who value their awakening 'process', commit to [...]
How do you refine your capacity to clarify and communicate your boundaries? Without healthy and clearly expressed boundaries that we know we will maintain, life can be an overwhelm of resentment, [...]
This is a touching video of two women voicing the life that moved for them in a short Joyful Loving structure. Circles are always unique and are highly experiential-they are [...]
Joyful Loving is the preparation for the possibility of union, the Inner Marriage - the endless dance of masculine and feminine is All - one, Life endlessly makes love without condition or [...]
The gorgeous belly laughter and gentler humour that happens in circles is such a delight. Laughter is great medicine for both body and spirit. It’s the lightness and gratitude for [...]
How do Men and Women end the battle that can happen in relating and Celebrate the Wedding? In the appearing story of being human, a healing of wounded masculine and wounded [...]
Boundaries are 'made up' - yet vital for a happy story...what do I mean? This is such a vast subject. and I will touch on just a few aspects here. [...]
Love is what you are. Let Go, Live Light! From duality & disturbance to All-one-ness. World-class facilitation to suit your particular needs throughout.
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