I was looking through a filing cabinet yesterday and just came across the notes for an address I gave a little while ago. This was at the beautiful wedding of [...]
Guest blog In Part 1 we looked at the challenges we as men consciously and unconsciously face in giving up control and finding the flow of giving and receiving in life [...]
This post, below, is a guest blog from Tim my beloved life partner, who plays an essential part in Secret Garden both in the background between groups and supporting me, [...]
Those who have not undergone full transmutation through relating (to spouse, partner or life guide) harden against their own humanity and that of the other through self-protection, opinions, blame, separation, [...]
Why we sit in same gender circles in Secret Garden When we invite men and women to sit in circles of their own gender, a separate event or within an [...]
She is in Man and Woman Why we sit in same gender circles occasionally in Secret Garden Gender is not who you are-yet it appears to make a very big [...]
How do you refine your capacity to clarify and communicate your boundaries? Without healthy and clearly expressed boundaries that we know we will maintain, life can be an overwhelm of resentment, [...]
Joyful Loving is the preparation for the possibility of union, the Inner Marriage - the endless dance of masculine and feminine is All - one, Life endlessly makes love without condition or [...]
How do Men and Women end the battle that can happen in relating and Celebrate the Wedding? In the appearing story of being human, a healing of wounded masculine and wounded [...]
Here is a video from one of the always-new Joyful Loving Weekends - "The ‘Journey’ of Becoming Joy & Love" - find out how each aspect of the five aspects [...]
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