Posts Tagged: self-healing

The Ultimate Initiation

Joyful Loving is the preparation for the possibility of union, the Inner Marriage - the endless dance of masculine and feminine is All - one, Life endlessly makes love without condition or [...]

Summer Day Retreat

How can you fully embrace feelings such as fear, thoughts that bother you and judgements that separate you, instead, and then easily let them go? Why is this important? And when are you likely to resist that? And what can you do about that?
What are the stages of awakening? What sabotages waking up?

Essence – The Live Deep Dive Awakening Retreat

This Essence Awakening Retreat is radical, it goes direct to the root, Essence-ial nature- that which is beyond story, thought and feeling. This Awakening Retreat is for you if you wish to dis-solve the presenting ‘problems’ & unwanted emotional responses of your life-which you will easily do in this training. It is for you if you wish to live in full aliveness, creative, open & at ease. It is for you if you are also drawn to what cannot be spoken of, & stabilising that realisation in embodiment. You deeply welcome life’s wholeness, & the wonder and radiance becomes apparent.