In Secret Garden Essence Coaching Training, the approach is deeply sustainable for your life, because it puts your values and goals at the centre. I don't talk about my story [...]
Essence Coaching Training Webinar 1 The certified training comprises a series of webinars in 2021 (all recorded in case you cannot attend live) plus Group Supervision Webinars and a Live Retreat [...]
Silent Saboteur or Sweet Surrender? The sweetness and wonder of new love turns to drama and the debris of a break up. A tightness and ache in your heart. Grief not only [...]
What happens when I say 'There is no such entity as You'? There is only (one-ly) Life. One appearance. 'You' are not in control. 'You' do not exist. 'You' are [...]
Every day, new accounts of loss, suffering, heroism and anguish from our collective story of Covid-19, touch me so deeply. Sharings from those who are intrinsically part of my life, [...]
In this response to a woman's despair, Joy points to what is indescribable. The wonder of being. Life is a magical mystery which 'me' dulls in its futile attempts to [...]
In the recent video, which prompted this written riff on it, I'm responding about a question a woman asked me as we chatted before the circle formally opened. She asked about [...]
The video above is one glimpse of circle, a recording of a tender conversation between Joy and a man who was experiencing grief about his lack of desire and passion for [...]
Freedom, wholeness, cannot be 'got' or 'owned'. Nothing can ever be done to 'achieve' it. The Most Intimate message can apparently dissolve the trying. 'Me' dissolves because it isn't real. [...]
Let Go, Live Light! Profound deep dive into awakening and the freedom of Being. A small, exclusive group which allows you to work very closely with Joy to receive training [...]
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