Who are you?

‘You’ –and your challenges – are vast, boundless, empty fullness, unconditional love unfolding. What is, is perfection. Including suffering and challenge and delight. When oneness is seen, the ordinary is a miracle. The most mundane thing we can ever do is truly extraordinary.

Love is what ‘you’ are. ‘You’ are light. ‘You’ are simply life. ‘You’ are intelligence. ‘You’ are energy. This radiant and absolute joy in being is immediate and quietly underpins and embraces all pain and separate self. On top of this natural reality is ‘you’ in existence, the world, all your circumstances, challenges, mistakes, self-doubts and achievements. The world cannot give us freedom. Your roles are not what you are, your self-judgement is not what you are. This is an unavoidably human journey and all the choices are ours. Life accepts them  unconditionally whether you do or not!

For those who wish it, here at Secret Garden is the art of living happily, whatever one’s apparent personal circumstances.  This work is natural and profoundly humane. As a by product, the rewards are greater freedom, ease, effectiveness, joy and happiness in relationship, work, life. However the message is that there is nowhere to go, nothing to get, nothing to become. And to love what is, love yourself like your own best lover. Love what you feel right now. Let what is, be. Rest in the silence beyond stories and time and discover that you are endless joy without reason.

Give up the fight with yourself, with your responses, with your nature. Working on yourself doesn’t work!

Every experience, every feeling, every circumstance, is an invitation  to let go, and be the love, the aliveness now. This realisation is always new. Dogma and belief are nothing to do with this. You are not required to give anything up, though things may fall away.

In the story, for over 20 years I have been sharing with others the joy of being, beyond the separate sense of self, and beyond the mind’s ideas of identification with world and cause and effect, in residential retreats, day gatherings, evening meetings, and, most richly, in ongoing groups. Join us and discover the truth of being or deepen that Self-realisation.

Let the Secret Garden Circles give you space to explore how to live a spiritually awake life that is also an embodied happy, authentic, earthly, natural one.

I would be delighted to meet and work with you if you are new to these explorations, and to see you again soon if you are an old friend. It’s my privilege and profound pleasure to walk with those who love and value beingness. Enjoy!

In endless gratitude to all my teachers and guides and to all those friends who bring their own particular beauty to our circles and with all love to you.



Karen S

Dearest Joy

Fresh from both Wild Wolf Woman and Ordinary Mystic (..and more) I would like to thank you here, in this public arena, for the love and truth you have shared in our three overlapping circles these last days.

I had glimpses of all that you are describing in this blog, although of course my personality put up some resistance in order to hang onto its sense of separation, uniqueness and all that baloney.

But after a day at work, I am still filled with a feeling of love and relaxation.

I hope some of you reading this, who have never been to a Secret Garden event before, will feel inspired and take a step towards love and freedom


Karen xx

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