Every life ‘choice’ we make in the story is a death as well as a life -choosing has a deathliness too because it narrows options. Physical death and losing people as a result of it is so massive because it is so out of control. I remember literally screaming in the night after my father died, he died very suddenly and that was just the response. It was just an animal response, the shock and the lack of choice and the horror of him not being there any more. What do you experience?
To remember death is to embrace this most tender aspects of being human: we become attached to places, animals, people, circumstances that we love and enjoy – and even to what is unpleasant – an unhappy childhood or the end of a great love can feel it is part of the fabric of us. It isn’t. Often, people are bound emotionally to past experiences, with no consciousness that they are holding them and being held by them. Thus they recreate experiences of smallness and pain. We can learn more easily than you might think, to let go of past sorrows!
The greatest goodbye is our own death. It is the final, massive letting go. When we sit and listen wholly to death, we learn how to let go and to truly say goodbye, We learn how to lose everything that can be identified with, so that we can be happy living this present life.
The deepest invitation of life, loss, betrayal and death
We have no choice about what life is, what reality presents. Yet life’s and death’s deepest lesson is to allow reality to be as it is. Natural freedom is simply and naturally revealed as we consciously let dissolve what has anyway already dissolved. Secret Garden supports you in learning to open to EVERYTHING. The dance of every-thing and no-thing becomes a beautiful one as the ugliness of resistance, argument and blame recedes. And everything appears and equally disappears within that natural and beautiful openness. The dance of every-thing and no-thing becomes a beautiful one as the ugliness of resistance, argument and blame recedes. Then Life itself, what is, is the treasure. And when there are no ‘no go’ areas, the journey into full embodiment of natural oneness becomes so much easier and simpler and less confronting.
The end of conditioned self is death, and this is the thing the mind will resist because it is what it most fears – it is the end of the mind’s tyranny. You may rage against death or loss, or betrayal, and yet it cannot be avoided. In the Return to Source exploration, you are invited into whatever particular transition and disintegration and letting go may be arising in your life at the time, so that the living freedom of being might be revealed – that freedom that simply is, anyway, underneath any distraction or fight. This is death in life, and the true life in the end of things as you thought you knew them.
The upcoming Being ongoing group http://being.secretgarden.co.uk invites you to make friends with parts of yourself you have confined hidden corners of your psyche. And to make friends with all in your opposite that you may have resisted, stayed distant from, avoided or blamed them for. While sometimes challenging, certainly transformative whatever your desired outcomes, this training will be laughter & life-filled, & insight provoking & will encourage you to show up for life, yourself & others in your life more & more!
Joy is putting finishing touches to this wholly new training she has gestated for several years & would love to hear from you
Discover the specific benefits you can receive in this extraordinary ongoing circle http://being.secretgarden.co.uk/#Benefit
Go to https://secretgarden.co.uk/backup/product/being/ to QUICK book one of the limited places
Find out What Other Participants Say about an ongoing group at https://secretgarden.co.uk/backup/what-you-say-being-ongoing-group/ and http://being.secretgarden.co.uk/#WhatUSay
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