Times of apparent loss and broken-ness, which perhaps everyone reading this has lived, and maybe more than once, invite - in parallel - the seeing that Love never dies. Love [...]
The video above is one glimpse of circle, a tender conversation about feeling 'stuck'. I am asked frequently verbally and via email, 'What happens in circles? The aliveness of structures, [...]
In this response to a woman's despair, Joy points to what is indescribable. The wonder of being. Life is a magical mystery which 'me' dulls in its futile attempts to [...]
In the recent video, which prompted this written riff on it, I'm responding about a question a woman asked me as we chatted before the circle formally opened. She asked about [...]
The video above is one glimpse of circle, a recording of a tender conversation between Joy and a man who was experiencing grief about his lack of desire and passion for [...]
Freedom, wholeness, cannot be 'got' or 'owned'. Nothing can ever be done to 'achieve' it. The Most Intimate message can apparently dissolve the trying. 'Me' dissolves because it isn't real. [...]
Freedom, wholeness, cannot be 'got' or 'owned'. Nothing can ever be done to 'achieve' it. The Most Intimate message can apparently dissolve the trying. 'Me' dissolves because it isn't real. [...]
What if any unhappiness comes from unknowingly working against life's true purpose and indeed its 'intention'? Part of waking up (the painful part) is more awareness of, clarity about, where and how [...]
In this response to a question, Joy points to the indescribable. The wonder of being. She talks about the 'me' which isn't separate from that wonder and yet appears to [...]
Freedom, life, is agenda - free. The personality, in contrast, has myriad agendas. In a healing and transformational environment, the personality's fear of freedom, of knowing nothing, is ideally respected [...]
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