In this response to some great questions, Joy clarifies the differences between awakenings, witness consciousness and freedom is essential as there are many confusing teachings about these three very different [...]
When the illusion of separation disintegrates for good, all there is is the sweet empty fullness of life. Enough-ness. The separate individual will deny things, or repress things, or pretend, in [...]
Freedom is agenda - free. Freedom may still be drawn to work with apparent people in a healing and transformational environment. Here's what Joy had to say about that! Life [...]
Wholeness is unconditional love ..... it is the play of everything. Including the insistent and demanding nature of separate self. Realisation of the unconditional love of Being is not a [...]
Circles are always unique and are highly experiential - they are about YOU, your freedom to live the fullness of being, ecologically and sustainably, in your chosen life. Realisation of the unconditional [...]
This is a short video made a couple of years ago, where Joy talks about the connections between wilderness and the circle. And the invitations from mud and treacherous well trodden [...]
World and nature Polarity and dualism are what the world and mind- as opposed to the natural reality of being - comprises. World is created by and mirrors mind (as [...]
This is a short, beautiful video of a man voicing how very touched he is by the circle and structures. Notice how you feel as you listen to him talk about how [...]
This is a touching video of two women voicing the life that moved for them in a short Joyful Loving structure. Circles are always unique and are highly experiential-they are [...]
Joyful Loving is the preparation for the possibility of union, the Inner Marriage - the endless dance of masculine and feminine is All - one, Life endlessly makes love without condition or [...]
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