Emergency and Emergence

In Secret Garden Essence Coaching Training, the approach is deeply sustainable for your life, because it puts your values and goals at the centre.

I don’t talk about my story much and if you attend Most Intimate events or the Awakening Circles you will easily come to see why that is! So..this feels very odd – it is simply a story that never was – but it may be relevant for some of you. Please bear with me as I share this in a context of this all simply being a real and unreal appearance.

A short story

From the age of 7, the overriding value of Joy has been the unconditional love, wholeness, that is. Awakening events came and went for a long time until all that fell away. Now, there simply is what is. While ‘me’ was coming and going, I undertook many intensive trainings, because I knew I would always work with people.

For my whole adult life, everything I have chosen to do in terms of ‘the world’ was in service to creating opportunities for men and women to live simply, naturally and clear the ground of limits, blindspots and unnecessary suffering. These opportunities for men and women like you – from transformational wilderness adventures in Mongolia, India and Hawaii, to deeply intimate private practice sessions, to retreats and ongoing trainings in the UK –  enable the discovery of the wonder of being who ‘you’ uniquely are. And – crucially – how to live aligned with that in every area of life from work to relating to s- x to daily practice.

What matters for Joy

There is deep valuing of being in wildest nature, and with the animal and plant kingdoms. I value connection, authenticity, transparency, aliveness, honesty and vulnerability. These values underpin all Secret Garden offerings, as does the transmission of wholeness.

I have had concerns at times about the threat to all of these values. A friend sent me an old copy of a school magazine she had found when sorting out her attic. In that, as teenage editor of my school magazine, I wrote an impassioned piece about the threat to nature that unsustainable commerce and pollutions were creating. I remember some years ago the first time I used an electronic passport and the feeling that something important was being lost for humanity.

Now, things are really becoming of serious concern in this dream (and it is an appearance, arising in unconditional wholeness). I do know from some of those I work with and from my dear next door neighbour that the covid 19 disease can cause very serious and, sometimes, long-lasting, health problems for many. That is clear. However, this crisis is being used now to further limit already circumscribed freedoms. People matter less now to governments – the 20th century contract was that people were given a say through democracy in exchange for their co-operation in conscription, factory work, etc. Systems are coming into place to very soon massively accelerate the use of artificial intelligence. We have a climate crisis. We face world food, water and land shortages.

We have a culture of never before seen levels of superficiality, even in so-called transformational work. We face questions about how to limit social media, smart phones etc in order to have the down time every physical body needs to thrive, so that it is possible to access natural intelligence and really know what true choices are. It is urgent that you do this so that you know what you are choosing, and how to live it, and how to protect what matters, daily.

In our lifetimes, the values of individual freedom, depth, transparency, authenticity, aliveness, honesty and vulnerability have never before been as fragile as they are now. Yet they are crucial antidotes, key qualities, as you live through these distressing social trends. It has never been more important to find community and support which brings you the intimacy and intelligence needed to thrive, know what is deeply true for you and important to you, and perhaps find the courage to speak out where you feel deeply that it is necessary. It has never been more important to transform, at the individual level, the greediness, fears and cruelties of the separate self.

What do you deeply value? 

How would it be to bring your values to the very centre of your daily life, in every area that you contribute in?

The innocence and empty fullness of wholeness is. Future outcomes cannot change this. Yet this dream time, this cultural collective, your local communities, your families, your clients, need you more than ever to be comfortable with real human feelings, and the deeper currents of life, and move through unexpected changes with as much grace and intentionality as is possible. 

When you know how to do that, and access more and more what is beyond the personal, then you can discover how to support others to do that.

Leading your own life and leading others

If you wish to lead others, through client and group work or in your family life or in your chosen profession, this Essence Coaching Training gives you the expertise, skills and confidence to do so.

People often ask me if this training is relevant if they are not working with others professionally. Yes, absolutely. The diving deep needed as an Essence Coaching trainee is the best way to master Essence principles for yourself, and the approaches can be powerfully used informally with friends and family, if you graduate. Let the ripples move outwards!

Discover how to lead yourself and other men and women out of paralysis, grief, fear and rage, and big past stories, so they can embody the power of peace and with it increased ease, joy and creative action

Accelerate your own transformation

Essence brings you and your clients
– simple, natural ways to let go of your conditioned limits to being all you can be
– a profound approach for increased freedom, ease, happiness and creativity
– a clearing of the ground so that a sensitivity to glimpses of What Is develops
– Essence doesn’t add to the personality or mind ideology. It dissolves and dismantles
Rigorous awakening explorations, with the support of intentional community. The sublime revelations of ease and natural happiness and freedom are likely to become sustained and deeply embodied.

Glimpses of Essence Coaching Training feedback

It was a huge step into the unknown for me. I learned such a lot and I felt challenged but in a good way. I was pleased that I felt okay even when I made mistakes which is really big for me. My greatest gain is a deeper connection, love, humility, honouring and amazement at the work of Secret Garden. I feel humble, privileged and with all my heart and soul can take my learnings out into the world.
I feel an emerging which is still unfolding and there are no other words needed right now
~ Kim Rossi, Notts

‘I achieved the outcomes that I set. I’m particularly proud of having found so easily my coaching style and my niche. ’m willing to explore stop believing the judgements about myself and others. I feel contracted and tense when I do that, and I’m withholding love from others and myself. I see now that judgements are a defence mechanism I’ve used, more softening in myself After going back home and to work, I feel I have a different quality of living… again it’s difficult to explain with words. There is awareness, sensitivity, appreciation for the simplest moments of my normal day…•At home with my husband and daughter, there is a sense of harmony, peace and fun which is extremely sweet and tender for me’Susana Jimenez Montalvo, Leics.

Getting over’ the fear of being witnessed in action and just doing it – Witnessing fellow trainees step it up, and how it is possible – Shared experiences & Supervision with other trainees – Increased confidence as an Essence coach – Experiencing team cohesion – I now feel ready to move forwards in my offer ~ Katie B., Stroud

‘My energy has been unblocked and I’m showing up more in my psychotherapist work. For more than two years I’ve been thinking and working in creating a psychological support group for women in fertility treatments, and now, I’m ready. I’m promoting it and I hope I will have a group soon. I’m also involved in writing some papers and showing some of my work at a psychotherapy congress in April. Showing up with internal safety is the massive gain !! It’s also important that I’m experiencing my private work with clients in a respectful way towards me & towards them. After our latest coach retreat together I really take care of my energy. My commitment with myself is the gain. I’m so grateful for all of this! All my appreciation to you, to your work, to our work together, & to my husband !! My relationship with J. is also getting better and better. I feel my body open to love, open to him, and open to myself. That is a huge gain!! We are together in exploring our intimacy. There are also moments where I don’t want to be close in intimacy with j., and I can tell him without blaming myself or blaming him. Another huge gain!‘ ~ Alicia Ortiz, Spain

Benefits of the Essence Coaching Training and Live Retreat, for all participants, regardless of your reason for participating, are at

Don’t just take my word for it! https://secretgarden.co.uk/backup/essence-coaching-training-what-you-say/

Book Your Place at https://secretgarden.co.uk/backup/product/essence-coaching-training/ (places very limited now. This will be a small group so you work intensively with Joy and as a team)

Meet the current licensed, practising Essence Coaches https://secretgarden.co.uk/backup/essence-coaches/

All those who participate in this world-class coaching training must worked with the webinar courses below before the training begins in January. You have plenty of time to do that essential preparation before the Training begins (total times 4*1.5 hours and 6*1.5 hours).

The webinar approaches & practices lead you into profound transformation from fear and pain into the profound gift of being. Love & natural happiness becomes tangible discovery, innate and never dependent on who or what is outside of you.

Say yes to the deepest invitation of unpredicted change here Essence; Unleash Your Joy and Freedom in Being supports and resources you fully to do this. You can instantly download at https://secretgarden.co.uk/backup/product/essence-online-course/

Regeneration is natural. Human beingness is always a becoming. You can find freedom and ease – Download this world-class course here https://secretgarden.co.uk/product/essence-self-forgiveness-forgiveness-hooponopono-online-course/

Details at https://secretgarden.co.uk/backup/let-go-live-light-live-the-power-of-forgiveness-and-hooponopono/

Re-boot your life now! Then, experience the deep fulfilment of showing other men and women how to do that too.  Awake, the greatest time of ‘your’ life, is here, right now. You -and anyone you serve – are undefined by what apparently happens or doesn’t happen ‘outside.’ The planet needs those who live this truth. Join us!

Love to you wonderfuls xxx ❤❤

Joy Hicklin-Bailey

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