A massive thank you is due. Love and respect to all who created such a rich, laughter-filled, deep New Year gathering. Radiant aliveness, truth, fierceness, healing, presence, tender care, accountability, [...]
Why watch Strictly when I love silence & stillness at the end of a day? It may surprise you - Strictly has much in common with Secret Garden's awakening work [...]
What if any unhappiness comes from unknowingly working against life's true purpose and indeed its 'intention'? Part of waking up (the painful part) is more awareness of, clarity about, where and how [...]
Freedom, life, is agenda - free. The personality, in contrast, has myriad agendas. In a healing and transformational environment, the personality's fear of freedom, of knowing nothing, is ideally respected [...]
I was deeply moved by someone who shared -in a closed ongoing group forum in the Secret Garden community - 'I am less scared by the mystery of not knowing, [...]
How can you fully embrace feelings such as fear, thoughts that bother you and judgements that separate you, instead, and then easily let them go? Why is this important? And when are you likely to resist that? And what can you do about that?
What are the stages of awakening? What sabotages waking up?
How can you fully embrace feelings such as fear, thoughts that bother you and judgements that separate you, instead, and then easily let them go? Why is this important? And when are you likely to resist that? And what can you do about that?
What are the stages of awakening? What sabotages waking up?
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