How do Men and Women end the battle that can happen in relating and Celebrate the Wedding?

Thank You Secret Garden For years I have been working on and off with different teachers and therapists and healers, attending a variety of different workshops, but it is only […]
Recently I was working with a couple for the first time who, by virtue of their background in therapeutic work and facilitating tantra groups, could have been expected to deeply ‘know the […]
Secret Garden circle work and shamanic work are a profound call to stillness, silence, deep work and self-inquiry for those who are looking for deeper fulfilment in their lives and an awakening […]
You are simply, wondrously, vast, boundless, empty fullness, unconditional love unfolding. What is, is perfection. Including suffering & challenge & delight. When oneness is seen, the ordinary is a miracle. The most […]
Aloha is inner silence, empty of belief, story, judgement. Sunshine sings it, rain falls through it, winds breathe it, trees are moved by it, the earth rolls with it, children […]
Let’s meet beyond any thoughts of what is right or wrong, feeling what is felt, knowing the awe-ful aloneness in it, we choose to connect, to discover what is here, […]
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