What is a Secret Garden circle?

Secret Garden circle work and shamanic work are a profound call to stillness, silence, deep work and self-inquiry for those who are looking for deeper fulfilment in their lives and an awakening of or deeper realisation of the truth of who they are. This is spiritual work  that is authentic, sane, potent, grounded, and full of passion for Love and Truth. Gatherings and circles happen in a spirit of not knowing what will be, in openness and willingness to be with the aliveness, the extraordinary. ordinary miracle of life unfolding between us.

Here, we can love and nourish, parent, celebrate ourselves on our human journey and find connection and intimacy along the way. We can learn how safe it is to open, and to love to be full-bodied, to breathe, and to feel and to make mistakes. Spirituality is otherwise a tool for the ego to avoid dealing with these wounds, a way to separate from  ordinary life and even judge others. Secret Garden is a way to materialize the spiritual, to integrate body and soul. To acknowledge the past and be more and more fully present, here, now, alive in this body, this man, this woman that we are. Life is no longer tragic or a chore, frightening or lonely.

The rewards are joy, true community, authenticity, sanity, spiritual discernment, integrity, love and fulfilment, whatever we choose to spend our time doing on the planet (footballer or executive, mother or drama student, healer or artist, father or carpenter)

Secret Garden gatherings inspire and en-courage you to live this essence in your ordinary life and offer a refuge to which you can bring your deepest questions, your yearning for connection and, if it is there, your pain, where they are received by unconditional life, here now.

The choice to live consciously and with love is a tough one at times and will be challenged in the world every day. Circumstances arrive beyond control and we can only face these and do our best. It takes fire, discipline and courage to accept the full responsibility and maturity of this task. It requires patience, willingness, humility, vigilance, focused self-inquiry, study, self-honesty, and unusual integrity.

Secret Garden offers a direct invitation to let go into the love and aliveness that you are, into the truth of life, the essence , the aloha, the joy, the endless love, in manifest creation. This way of being grows compassion, and at the same time, freedom to be in all the facets of our humanity. Old patterns are seen clearly and dissolve gracefully. Spiritual kinship becomes a delight we wish more of for ourselves. We become love in all its ways of expressing, and let go of trying to get love and joy from outside.

You are all that is, the source and appearance of all that rises and falls in awareness, empty fullness, nothing else is ever happening. Life’s dream is the expression of wholeness, of aloha unfolding, there is nothing to search for.

There is an energetic field that supports freedom, beingness whenever we come together. These circles are without end because there is always more, each time a different colour of one’s being unfolding. New insights, new awarenesses, new shifts, new breakthroughs. New life!

Let the circles for men and women, for men gathering together, for women gathering together, give you space to explore how to live a spiritually awake life that is also an embodied happy, authentic, earthly, natural one. Enjoy!

All love,

Joy Hicklin-Bailey

Next circle is at Events

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