This is a touching video of two women voicing the life that moved for them in a short Joyful Loving structure. Circles are always unique and are highly experiential-they are [...]
Joyful Loving is the preparation for the possibility of union, the Inner Marriage - the endless dance of masculine and feminine is All - one, Life endlessly makes love without condition or [...]
The gorgeous belly laughter and gentler humour that happens in circles is such a delight. Laughter is great medicine for both body and spirit. It’s the lightness and gratitude for [...]
Burn through the myths about love, intimacy and connection and watch your life flower! You have been mis-sold! We are not educated well at all about love or freedom in our mainstream culture. [...]
How do Men and Women end the battle that can happen in relating and Celebrate the Wedding? In the appearing story of being human, a healing of wounded masculine and wounded [...]
Here is a video from one of the always-new Joyful Loving Weekends - "The ‘Journey’ of Becoming Joy & Love" - find out how each aspect of the five aspects [...]
Maytime….delicious abundance and vitality abound and Karen asked me in a blog comment to write about falling in love and relationship…... The word ‘relationship’ implies the negotiation between two or more separate [...]
Intimacy is dangerous Learning to set boundaries How boundary setting can create conflict Unconscious fear of loss Learning to communicate boundaries Looking after what is precious
What can thwart intimacy? Denial and repression…the desire to repress life and control life, the desire to transcend life, the desire to die The importance of moving and expressing for [...]
I wrote an unedited version of this recently to the egroup of an ongoing group and realised it might resonate for some of you...All names have been changed. Some fundamental [...]
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