Posts Tagged: consciousness

Being Ongoing Training

All there is, is Being. Life itself is wondrous miracle. Only humans have learned to pretend it is anything else. ‘You’ are light, boundless freedom. Live it.

Essence Coaching Training – Online Webinar 1

Let Go, Live Light! Profound deep dive into awakening and the freedom of Being. A small, exclusive group which allows you to work very closely with Joy to dismantle the [...]

Return to Source

Embrace the healing power and creative potency of death and darkness

Light and emptiness

I have been prompted to write this because of recent events in the Secret Garden community. I have so much respect for those who value their awakening 'process', commit to [...]

Being Ongoing Training

All there is, is Being. Life itself is wondrous miracle. Only humans have learned to pretend it is anything else. ‘You’ are light, boundless freedom. Live it.