Our shared humanity….beyond roles Being fully human and its price Making conscious miracles Don’t dumb down Feel deeply - but the paradox is the feelings aren’t the deepest reality Head [...]
I wrote an unedited version of this recently to the egroup of an ongoing group and realised it might resonate for some of you...All names have been changed. Some fundamental [...]
Thank You Secret Garden For years I have been working on and off with different teachers and therapists and healers, attending a variety of different workshops, but it is only […]
When you book a place on a LomiLomi retreat you may not consciously be intending to heal deep ancestral or childhood patterning in order to bring light into your cells [...]
A man who was considering whether to participate in the upcoming Joyful Loving ongoing group said to me recently, ‘Shouldn’t exploring love be a private matter-and what is the point [...]
Dear participants and those who may participate in Secret Garden in future I write in deep gratitude for the love and friendship shared between us and offered to those I […]
a woman speaks of her isolation returning after a massive opening to glorious connection with life during the two weeks in and after a Secret Garden circle, and asking how she ‘does […]
Many people who come to circles are ‘at the end of the road’ of a long journey of personal growth or exploration of advaita or shamanism. They speak of how they have […]
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