You are simply, wondrously, vast, boundless, empty fullness, unconditional love unfolding. What is, is perfection. Including suffering & challenge & delight. When oneness is seen, the ordinary is a miracle. The most […]
Posts Tagged: alchemical
right or wrong, let’s meet
Let’s meet beyond any thoughts of what is right or wrong, feeling what is felt, knowing the awe-ful aloneness in it, we choose to connect, to discover what is here, […]
A response to a question …Do I create my isolation?
a woman speaks of her isolation returning after a massive opening to glorious connection with life during the two weeks in and after a Secret Garden circle, and asking how she ‘does […]
The Alchemical Wedding
A dear male friend from an ongoing group wrote this in the egroup recently about how he used to think about marriage….”could I do better, would this other personality be […]
Who comes to Secret Garden?
Many people who come to circles are ‘at the end of the road’ of a long journey of personal growth or exploration of advaita or shamanism. They speak of how they have […]
What grows in a Secret Garden spring? A short tale of 2 ongoing groups
It has been a very rich spring in this Secret Garden! The groups have been as rich and alive and glorious as the humming of life all around in our […]
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