Let’s meet beyond any thoughts of what is right or wrong, feeling what is felt, knowing the awe-ful aloneness in it, we choose to connect, to discover what is here, […]
Posts Tagged: being
Wishing you all a heart and soul filled Christmas season and a very happy new year
Dear participants and those who may participate in Secret Garden in future I write in deep gratitude for the love and friendship shared between us and offered to those I […]
A response to ….Am I self-indulgent to want to go to a Secret Garden gathering again?
There are times in life when it is right, natural, appropriate and wonderful for you to focus almost primarily on spiritual ‘growth’, looking more deeply into life that western culture […]
Dare you trust the creativity and infinite possibility of the simple?
How would it be to ask yourself ‘what can I do to make my day or week or year simpler?’ How can I rearrange my current life experience so that […]
What has Self – Love got to do with it?
This apparent world which is both real and unreal, both something and nothing, is simply love, aloha, unfolding. So to ‘love oneself’ and to always celebrate the precious life you […]
Who are you?
‘You’ –and your challenges – are vast, boundless, empty fullness, unconditional love unfolding. What is, is perfection. Including suffering and challenge and delight. When oneness is seen, the ordinary is […]
What would be the point of you having a daily meditation practice?
Why is this relationship hurting when I thought it would heal me?
To make love with a man or a woman is…..strong stuff. A very very strong bond is made whether it is known consciously or not. And that bond will create […]
A response to a question …Do I create my isolation?
a woman speaks of her isolation returning after a massive opening to glorious connection with life during the two weeks in and after a Secret Garden circle, and asking how she ‘does […]
The Alchemical Wedding
A dear male friend from an ongoing group wrote this in the egroup recently about how he used to think about marriage….”could I do better, would this other personality be […]
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