When you book a place on a LomiLomi retreat you may not consciously be intending to heal deep ancestral or childhood patterning in order to bring light into your cells and embody beingness in ordinary life. You may be more focused on relaxation from work pressures, stress-relief, physical vitality or maintenance or relieving bodily discomfort.
You will undoubtedly experience excellent companionship with kindred spirits, great tenderness, authentic heart based conversation, extraordinary opening and healing effects from the ancient chanting work, deep relaxation of body and mind, lots of laughter, a sense of being able to let go and be held by your facilitator and a loving community, throughout the retreat.
Nevertheless, when you make the choice to receive Lomi Lomi – Hawaiian massage, you are likely (on a soul level) to be ready for very significant, yet ease-ful and grace-ful, life transformation.
Secret Garden Lomi Lomi focuses on the awakening and conscious embodiment of Essence, nothing and everything, the divine, God intelligence, in the physical body. The intention is to bring light into the cells of the body, the bones, organs, into your recent or long gone life experiences and ancestral history. Not all Lomi Lomi does this.
In Secret Garden lomi, you are supported to release the past and come fully into the present, into all the natural gifts of living a soulful life.
On a physical and emotional level, you are nurtured in a totally safe way, and can let go physically and mentally, as the practitioner continually allows love and aloha to flow through you. You as a participant experience total support in your process and all experiences.
On an energetic level, there is an energetic transmission that comes through the experienced practitioner from the ancestral lineage of ancient Lomi Lomi.
The healing process that occurs can extend beyond your known lifetime. Your DNA carries patterning from our ancestors, much of it in the bones. So in a lomi lomi retreat you are not just celebrating your own life; you are embracing a connection to many other lives, potentially your own ‘past lives’, whether they are metaphors or collective memories doesnt matter, and those of your ancestors’, releasing what is no longer needed. These ancient connections, when you are in harmonious alignment with them, allow a flow of aloha and positive energy into your own life and its circumstances.
The fundamental physical movements of Sacred Lomi are endless circles and infinity symbols (figures of eight), which encourage integration between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. This can safely release deep-seated, repressed memories and emotions. Then, space is made in the body and in consciousness for new positive natural feelings and beneficial subconscious thoughts.
The Huna chants carry the highest vibration. The chants chant you. the chants invoke integration of body, heart and soul. The chants invoke enlightenment of all that you are. they literally change the vibratory rate of the cells of your body, they transform your neurology so that the body is ready to awaken and live life awake, so that Love and Truth are the natural way you engage with life.
The Lomi Lomi massage and your consciously chosen intentions as a receiver, the Pule (prayer) of your givers and the energetic work Joy Hicklin-Bailey does prior to and during and after the retreat will release anything that is no longer in alignment with your stated outcomes and perhaps more importantly your highest soul truth. The energy field of the retreat, the flowing, nourishing movements of Lomi Lomi cleanse cellular memories, support their safe release and the preservation of important life learnings and transform the vibrations of the body with light, and unconditional love and aloha.
No conscious or verbal processing is necessary in Lomi Lomi and that can be a wonderful benefit. There is a short sharing circle each day and you can choose how or whether to participate in that. (In this way it is an essential complement to one to one & couple sessions & circles where the connection between the whole being and the throat/voice is grown with consciousness). Often when you are receiving you will not be consciously aware of what you are releasing. Or it may sometimes appear as if ‘nothing’ really happened during the session, but your stated outcome for your initiatory journey will be energised and all in its way released. Sometimes very strong memories may appear while you are held by two givers. You can relax and allow the life in you to express, knowing nothing need be done about it at all. You can surrender and enjoy the beautiful flowing movements that replicate the wind and ocean of tropical Hawaii. Profound transformation may occur after a session, quietly, privately, in ordinary life.
Receiving the work as part of the learning allows the practitioner to experience for themselves the releasing and the integration of love and light. This practice of receptivity translates into how the work is applied. As a Lomi Lomi giver or practitioner you learn how to surrender into a receptive space, be fully present for the one on the table, how to see the beauty and innocence of another, how to listen with body, heart and soul for messages, knowings, and support from the earth, guides, lineage, spirit and the body they are working on. All is one.
What is extraordinary is that you receive while giving to another. The endless invoking of the infinity sign (figure eight) and the ocean in the movement and intention of the giver means that you drop into oneness with all creation and giving simply nourishes you. The lomi practitioner learns how essential self-care is, that the giver is taken care of first.
We often sit in circle after lomi so that a short gentle sharing about your experience –maybe silence or a word or phrase if you wish – can be witnessed by the whole group. The circle grounds and anchors all your experiences and symbolises that essentially all is one, that as unique human beings with unique life journeys we are intimately connected and wholly deserving of unconditional witnessing and aloha.
No experience is necessary, this retreat is suitable for all and gives all exactly what is needed. For those interested in learning Lomi Lomi, the process invites you to receive and experience this for themselves. Energy practitioners, nurses, those interested in their own evolution, as well as experienced massage therapists benefit deeply from learning and receiving Lomi Lomi.
In this retreat, you learn to bless all existence. Extending aloha to all in creation without judgement. Lomi teaches an endless embrace of all that is within and without, above and below.
Book your place at the rare opportunity of the Lomi Lomi retreat , or call 07866 470238
Discover the riches this can bring you here https://secretgarden.co.uk/lomi-lomi-retreat/
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