What if resistance is your lover this moment!

Recently some of my one to one clients & those who have written to me recently directly, or indirectly via the online forum, have been unhappily stuck in resistance. I [...]

Mind & Emotion or Alchemical Gold?

Those who have not undergone full transmutation through relating (to spouse, partner or life guide) harden against their own humanity and that of the other through self-protection, opinions, blame, separation, [...]

Clarifying Awakenings, The Witness & Freedom

In this response to some great questions, Joy clarifies the differences between awakenings, witness consciousness and freedom is essential as there are many confusing teachings about these three very different [...]

The Religion of the Individual

When the illusion of separation disintegrates for good, all there is is the sweet empty fullness of life. Enough-ness. The separate individual will deny things, or repress things, or pretend, in [...]

Agenda-Free Aliveness

Freedom is agenda - free. Freedom may still be drawn to work with apparent people in a healing and transformational environment. Here's what Joy had to say about that! Life [...]

She is in All – and in both Man and Woman

Why we sit in same gender circles in Secret Garden When we invite men and women to sit in circles of their own gender, a separate event or within an [...]

The Insistent Me

Wholeness is unconditional love ..... it is the play of everything. Including the insistent and demanding nature of separate self. Realisation of the unconditional love of Being is not a [...]

Awakening and Emotional Challenges

Ordinary extraordinary THIS is it. That can be a frustrating thing to hear for someone who is seeking Freedom or healing, because the ego is looking for something bigger, ‘special’. [...]

Being Honest

This is a guest blog from Tim my beloved life partner, who plays an essential part in Secret Garden both in the background between groups and supporting me and co-facilitating [...]


We all have many things it is so easy to be grateful for - food on the table, shelter, a society more safe and stable than many. A beautiful practice [...]